Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 10: : Underground tunnel

After spending a little time, Ryuzaki Shinji was also with the help of Poison Skull Frog and Froggrass. The small fist stone and Longlongyan who were just killed in the battle were also collected into Ryuzaki Shinji's space equipment by a tribe.

As for the red rocks scattered on the nearby sandy ground, Ryuzaki Shinji didn't even look at them directly, so he took the two elves to the red rock canyon ahead, because he knew that the red rocks located here Rocks, no matter how high their quality is, it is impossible to reach a high-quality level, and they are also a waste of space and volume.

In the red rock canyon, if you want to obtain high-quality red rock, you can only enter the depths of the dangerous red rock canyon in addition to killing the rock-type elves that have swallowed the red rock for many years.

The red rocks in the red rock canyon can be divided into three levels: low, medium and high according to the mineral content contained in them, and the distribution of these three quality levels of red rocks in the red rock canyon is also very clear.

Generally speaking, the closer to the red rock in the central area of ​​the Red Rock Canyon, the higher its quality, and, for such a giant resource point like the Red Rock Canyon, the probability of its origin being born is also very high.

Of course, these precious resources have been divided up by the four major rock groups entrenched in the Hongyan Canyon early in the morning. If you want to seize them, you can only pull your teeth out.

The road in the canyon is rugged and intricate of various rocky paths, the largest of which is the riverbed left by the drying up of the river that once flowed through the canyon.

Of course, this road that can reach the depths of the canyon the fastest is also the most dangerous. Not to mention the large number of wild rock-type elves living on it, if the sound is accidentally too loud, a sudden large-scale rolling stone will Appear.

Even the rock-type elf with outstanding defense is reluctant to try to withstand the power of a rock that has fallen from a height of several thousand meters.

In addition to these roads that can reach the depths of the canyon, there are many underground tunnels dug by various large rock-type elves.

Among them, there are many underground tunnels artificially created by elves such as big rock snakes and gophers who like to dig everywhere.

Ryuzaki Shinji did not choose to enter the canyon from the road on the ground at this time, but found an underground tunnel made by a rock-type elf outside the canyon, and then sneaked into the canyon little by little.

There are a large number of the four major rock-type ethnic groups entrenched in the Red Rock Canyon, and they are also unanimous. They are very repulsive of other elves who are not of their own race from outside. Once they meet, they will try to expel them. Of course, the outsiders are directly Kills are common.

For example, the situation that Ryuzaki Shinji met just now, without saying a word, as soon as he saw it, he would do it. If Ryuzaki Shinji hadn't made a move, they would have been intimidated, and there would have been more disguised rock-type elves. besiege him.

Although Ryuzaki Shinji now has the strength of the king of heaven, he still does not have the level of arrogance that he thinks he is invincible in the world.

Facing an ethnic group with a high-ranking king leader and thousands of members, he still chose to avoid it.

Last time, Ryuzaki Shinji entered the Red Rock Canyon from the site occupied by the Ironclad Rhinoceros. As a result, he didn't know the situation. Although he explored carefully, he was still full of dangers and difficulties along the way. Driven out.

He still hasn't forgotten the bad experience of being chased by a large group of iron-clad rhinos and iron-clad tyrannosaurs. If he hadn't been a superpower, he would teleport instantly, and the game would have been over.

This time, Ryuzaki Shinji naturally learned the lesson of the last time, avoided its edge, and did not choose to enter the canyon from the front in an open and honest way. The purpose of his visit to Hongyan Canyon this time is very simple. It is necessary to fight with a large group of powerful rock-type elves, and the resistance encountered by the underground tunnel is much smaller than that on the ground.

Although the entrance is small, when Ryuzaki Shinji gradually penetrated into the tunnel, the space inside suddenly widened. Unlike the dry environment on the ground, this underground tunnel is at least hundreds of meters deep underground, so even in the In the desert environment, it also looks a bit cold and humid here.

Even with the torch in his hand to illuminate, the darkness around him was still thick, and it was difficult to see the scene ahead with the naked eye and to find a hidden elf.

Facing such an environment, Ryuzaki Shinji thought for a while, in order to save his own mental power to prevent emergencies at any time, he also released the most suitable elves to fight in this environment, and said: "Come out. , electric firefly, cross bat, show me the way."

As soon as the electric firefly came out, the fluorescent lamp at the tail immediately radiated light, dispelling a lot of darkness around it, and then flew to the top of Ryuzaki Shinji's head, following in the footsteps of Ryuzaki Shinji step by step, providing illumination for him and his companions. .

The cross-shaped bat spread its wings and performed a beautiful backflip, quickly flying to the front of the team, and then obeying Ryuzaki Shinji's order, bursts of indiscernible ultrasonic waves were continuously released from his mouth. The sonic positioning capability makes detailed detection of everything around.

At this time, Ryuzaki Shinji also used the communication method of telepathy to receive all the information obtained by the cross-shaped bat using ultrasound.

After some reasonable conditioning, this bat, which nearly died from starvation for a Tuesday, also returned to its peak state.

And Ryuzaki Shinji also gave him a chance to absorb the poisonous orb for the sake of his great contribution to his acquisition of the ancient token, and his strength was also slightly enhanced.

Afterwards, after the forked bat accepted the "baptism" of the poisonous king-level elf Abo, the forked bat, who used to be the leader of the tribe, has completely surrendered to Ryuzaki Shinji.

He is also absolutely obedient to Ryuzaki Shinji's orders, and can be regarded as one of Ryuzaki Shinji's precious quasi-king combat powers.

The strong light that suddenly appeared in the tunnel also woke up all kinds of rock elves living in the tunnel, but after feeling the quasi-king breath emanating from the bat and poisonous frog, most of them only showed hostility but dared not dare. Step forward and be presumptuous.

After a few small fights~www.readwn.com~ Ryuzaki Shinji also successfully penetrated into the middle of the tunnel with the help of the bat sonic positioning ability, and from the quality of the red rocks in the tunnel, they are also We entered the middle of the canyon smoothly.

Suddenly, the space in front became empty, and a huge circular space suddenly appeared in front of Ryuzaki Shinji. At the same time, a dozen tunnels leading to different directions in the circular space also appeared in front of him.

"It's a bit strange. Is this really an underground tunnel made by wild rock-type elves? It's too planned. Why do I feel that these underground tunnels are connected like a beehive." Looking at the front In the circular space extending in all directions, Ryuzaki Shinji squinted his purple eyes and muttered.

Just when Ryuzaki Shinji wanted to let the forked bat continue to use ultrasound to explore the path, a burst of light vibrations began to attract Ryuzaki Shinji's attention.

Soon, the small vibration gradually turned into a loud vibration.

"Boom~~" A violent vibration began to come from several tunnels in the hive space.

To be continued.....

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