Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 11: : 4 family meeting

The sound of the vibration got closer and closer, and finally even the entire circular underground space shook slightly.

Ryuzaki Shinji saw this situation, and his face under the pale mask also changed slightly, if it was not unexpected.

After a long time, a large number of wild elves will come to this place from the passage, and then, the place will become a mess of porridge in an instant.

And according to the grumpy tempers and stone heads that are common among those rock-type elves, it would be quite dangerous to explode without saying a word. At that time, this place would have to collapse in a large area.

Thinking of the possibility of such a situation, Ryuzaki Shinji twitched the corner of his mouth and thought: "Fortunately, I left my mental coordinates while walking before, otherwise such a god-like thing really happens, and I really die. The injustice."

The next moment, Ryuzaki Shinji took out three elf **** and put away the poisonous frog, frog grass and electric firefly, and then the purple awn flashed in his eyes, and he used the telepathy to deal with the remaining cross-shaped bats and wait for him. Command to fly to heights.

When the cross-shaped bat arrived at the order, it also flew behind Ryuzaki Shinji for the first time, and then took Ryuzaki Shinji to the highest point of the circular space.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the sullen Geng Gui appeared slowly, his shadow body stretched, and then he completely wrapped Ryuzaki Shinji with the fork bat. The next second, Ryuzaki Shinji and the fork bat The figure completely merged with the darkness.

After the electric firefly was recovered by Ryuzaki Shinji, the entire circular space immediately began to be quickly swallowed by the darkness.

However, at this time, a large number of mineral crystals embedded on the walls of the circular space also exuded a trace of light in the darkness, so that the entire circular space would not be completely plunged into darkness.

Mineral crystals of different colors exude different colors of light, and for a while, the entire circular space is as dazzling as a night sky full of stars.

It's a pity that Ryuzaki Shinji doesn't have much mood and time to see this kind of underground wonderland now. After more than ten seconds, the wild elves who ran here in several tunnels finally arrived.

These wild elves arrived in the circular space at almost the same time. With the help of spiritual detection, Ryuzaki Shinji, who was lurking at the top of the circular space with the help of the cross-shaped bat and the savage Gengar shadow camouflage, he also The scene below is a panoramic view.

What Ryuzaki Shinji had expected before did not happen. These rock-type elves would recklessly bump into each other, and then show the terrible behavior of self-destruction.

After they came to the circular space, they all stopped consciously, and they were still discussing something calmly.

In the four directions of the north, south, east, and west of the circular space, there are elves belonging to the same ethnic group. These four ethnic groups are the four ethnic groups entrenched in the Red Rock Canyon.

At this time, the elite powerhouses of these four ethnic groups, under the leadership of the Tianwang-level Longlongyan, the Tianwang-level Boscodora, the Tianwang-level Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, and the Tianwang-level Pangyan Monster, gathered together in this circle. in shape space.

Judging from the current situation, this circular space seems to be the place where the four major ethnic groups discuss matters. At this time, the king-level powerhouses who represent the ethnic group are quarreling because they cannot reach a unified opinion on a certain matter.

The four Heavenly King-level rock-type elf levels belong to the quasi-kings peak level. They seem to have just endured a fierce battle, and they have more or less scars on their bodies.

Among them, the most important injury was the Heavenly King-level Ronglongyan. The rock armor on his body was shattered in a large area, and one of his forelimbs was missing.

"Rumble~~" (Hmph!! This kind of distribution plan is absolutely unacceptable to my little fist stone clan. In order to control their clan, in this battle, my little fist stone clan acted as the vanguard and suffered casualties. There are countless elites and powerhouses, and the distribution ratio should be at least 30%. Otherwise, the stone king of our clan will definitely be furious. At that time, your three clans will not have any good fruit to eat.)

The scarred Heavenly King-level Long Longyan took a step forward, and then said angrily to the other three Heavenly King-level powerhouses.

Among the four ethnic coalition forces this time, the most casualties belonged to their Xiaoquanshi clan. More than 90% of the participating members fell into this siege. It is difficult to recover in seven or eight years.

"Kedora~~" (Fart, giving you 25% of the small fist stone family is already very face-saving, and in this battle, I, the Dora family, are the key to victory, without my family, your family will wait for the whole Let's destroy the army, but that's it, our family hasn't asked for 30% yet. He De Heneng of your little fist stone family should take up 30% of the distribution, 30%, just dream.)

Hearing the clamor of the Heavenly King-level Longlongyan, the most burly and strongest of the four, the Heavenly King-level Boss Cordola stepped forward and roared loudly at the Heavenly King-level Longlongyan.

Seeing the scarred body of Tianwang-level Longlongyan, Tianwang-level Boss Cordola couldn't help showing a trace of contempt in his eyes. The other party was able to survive, thanks to his help, but now he is still not satisfied with the distribution plan he proposed. It's just shameless.

"Karon Kalon~~~" (My Iron Armored Rhinos are also the vanguard. As for your small fist and stone clan, you can only blame your poor strength for so many casualties. Each clan enjoys 25% of the distribution rights. I think this is the case. The distribution plan is the most suitable, since all three of us have agreed, do you have anything to say about the little fist stone clan?)

At this time, the King-level Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus also took a step forward and spoke, which naturally meant to support the King-level Boss Cordola.

"Yanyanyan~~~" (Calm down, everyone is a comrade-in-arms, I said, although the underground kingdom of those guys has perished, but their queen is still missing, I think it is too much to propose a distribution plan now It's early, we must find out their queen as soon as possible, this is the most important thing, you know, their queen is an inexhaustible good thing.)

Seeing the three quarreling with red face and red ears~www.readwn.com~ The Heavenly King-level Pangyan monster with the most calm and thick nature came out at this time to do peace and old things, and also put forward his own opinions.

It's a pity that the existence of the Heavenly King-level Pangyan Monster who has been silent for almost all the time is too low. The Heavenly King-level Longlongyan and the others simply can't listen to it, and they are still arguing about the spoils.


Half an hour has passed, and the four heavenly king-level elves still haven't discussed a satisfactory result, while Ryuzaki Shinji, who is lurking at the top, is a little impatient, but he also knows that showing up now is asking for himself Trouble, so he still waited patiently.

At the same time, Ryuzaki Shinji couldn't help but feel a little curious about the content of their discussions.

It's a pity that Shinji Ryuzaki couldn't understand the Elvish language, so he had to use telepathy to deal with the hostile translation master Genggui around him and asked: "What are these guys talking about, Genggui, do you understand their conversation?"

To be continued.....

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