Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 13: : Cultivation of the Emperor

After the vibration from the distance gradually disappeared, the hostile Geng Ghost also ended the shadow camouflage technique, and the figure of Ryuzaki Shinji once again appeared in the circular space, and then, with the help of the cross-shaped bat, a little bit. Descend from a height.

At this time, the cross-shaped bat, who had been silent for a long time, flew from behind Ryuzaki Shinji to the side of the sullen Gengar, and then, "Squeaky~" said something completely to the sullen Gengar. Incomprehensible words.

"Hee hee hee~~, although the voice is very small, the scorpion bat, the sharp-eared guy, still heard every word, great master, the scorpion bat said that the queen of the little diamonds, Dianxi, was taking advantage of it. When these idiots took away most of the elites, they led some remaining small diamonds to counterattack, and finally defeated the coalition forces left by the four clans, and now these idiots have to go back to help." After hearing the words of the cross-shaped bat , The sullen Geng Gui suddenly habitually laughed a few times, and then said the words of the cross-shaped bat to Ryuzaki Shinji.

Ryuzaki Shinji nodded when he heard the words, turned his head to the bat and said: "It's really helpful, bat, it seems that your detection ability is indeed quite good, I will reward you when you go back. , here's one of the rewards."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ryuzaki Shinji took out a blood bottle from the space bag, and threw it to the cross-hatched bat with a look of anticipation.

"Squeaky~~" The cross-shaped bat was pleasantly surprised to use the front wings to stably result in the blood bottle, leaning on the rear wings to carefully hold the blood bottle to land on the ground, and then skillfully opened the bottle cap with its sharp teeth and tightened it tightly. Then, he put his head into the blood bottle and feasted.

The information provided by the forked bat is undoubtedly very critical, and now Ryuzaki Shinji's next thoughts are very clear.

Now that he has mastered the other party's actions, he naturally doesn't need to worry. The two actors, Clam and Sandpiper, will be in place soon. He, the fisherman, only needs to watch the play quietly behind his back.

But before that, Ryuzaki Shinji still needs to confirm one very important thing.

"Come out, Yukira." Ryuzaki Shinji took out a luxury ball (trophy) from his body, and then scattered Yukira inside, a flash of white light disappeared, and Yukira's petite figure suddenly appeared on the ground. superior.

"Yuki Yuki Yuki~~" As soon as Yukila came out, he first looked at the surrounding mineral atmosphere curiously. After there was nothing delicious, he immediately put on his short legs and trot all the way. He walked up to Ryuzaki Shinji, hugged his thigh and acted coquettishly, then pointed at the shriveled belly with his little finger, and looked at Ryuzaki Shinji with expectant eyes.

When Ryuzaki Shinji saw Yukira's action and expression, he immediately knew that he was hungry again, and he was happy at the same time with a trace of sadness.

The joy is that Kira grew up very healthy, and some of this little guy's appetite seems to be growing.

At this time, there were still more than two hours before noon, and the big eater who had eaten a hearty breakfast at 7 o'clock was actually hungry again.

"Honey~, come here, try this." Ryuzaki Shinji crouched down, touched Yukira's little head dotingly, took out a goose egg-sized diamond from his body, and then looked with a hint of anticipation. Place the diamond in front of Yukira.

The next action depends on whether or not, it depends entirely on Kira's attitude towards diamonds. If he is not interested, Ryuzaki Shinji has to continue the original plan, collect enough high-quality red rocks and leave, otherwise, he will go Try to grab food from the powerful hands of the four clans and maximize the fruits of their victory.

Even though the light source in the circular space is only the radiant light emitted by the mineral crystals, the second-hand goose egg-sized diamond in Ryuzaki Makoto is still dazzling. Kira looked at the current beautiful stone and curiously probed his head. In the past, he sniffed with his nose, and his eyes suddenly showed bright eyes, and his face also showed an intoxicated expression.

Immediately afterwards, in a flash of lightning, the second-hand diamonds in Ryuzaki Maya were taken away by Kira, and then he swallowed them in one mouthful.

"Kakaka~~" A sound of crunching chicken bones appeared, and Kira's teeth, which had been tempered by the rock-based origin, effortlessly put the very hard diamonds in his mouth like eating fried chicken nuggets. After chewing, it is completely crushed, and then swallowed into the belly.

"Yuki~~~" After swallowing the crushed diamond in one mouthful, Yukila immediately hugged her face with her small hands, and then showed an expression of extreme enjoyment, as if recalling the taste of diamonds in her mouth before. After regaining his senses, he immediately looked at Ryuzaki Shinji with desperately eager eyes.

But at this time, Ryuzaki Shinji took out a high-quality red rock from his hand and handed it to Yukira.

"Clap~~" appeared, and Kira looked at the food that she usually likes to eat in front of her. Without thinking, she slapped the Hongyan handed over by Shinji Ryuzaki with her hands in disgust, and looked at it with a puffed mouth. With Ryuzaki Shinji, his eyes began to water, and he began to want to lose his temper.

"You're really a little glutton who likes the new and hates the old. I'll give it to you. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Seeing Yukira's expression, Ryuzaki Shinji still didn't know the little guy's thoughts. Touching his little head and smiling, he took out three smaller diamonds from his body.

The treasures in the shipwreck cemetery plus the treasures obtained in the ruins, Ryuzaki May have countless gems in second-hand, among which the diamonds are the largest, and now they are used to feed Yukira, he is not very distressed.

"Yuki Yuki Yuki~~" After eating the three diamonds in one go, Yukira sat on the ground contentedly, covering her bulging belly with her small hands.

Obviously, the mineral energy contained in diamonds is many times more than the red rocks that Yukila usually eats. Just four diamonds make Yukila, who usually eats at least two or three tons of red rocks, full. .

Of course, the value of the four diamonds is not comparable to the mere two tons of red rocks that can be seen everywhere. Kira's meal consumed at least two hundred thousand alliance coins of Ryuzaki.

"This, this, this luxury is no longer there. I actually thought of using diamonds for this little thing. This little thing is already very talented. In the future, I will be able to eat high-quality minerals like diamonds every day. My **** Hey, what level can he achieve when he feeds a big Benjira with diamonds?" Seeing that Ryuzaki Shinji actually used diamonds to feed Yukira, the hostile Genggui immediately understood Ryuzaki Shinji's plan.

He couldn't help but be amazed by Ryuzaki Shinji's behavior as a local tyrant, and at the same time he was shocked by Kira's future achievements. He knew that Ryuzaki Shinji was cultivating a beast-level desert tyrant.

"Don't let me down, I have high hopes for you." Ryuzaki Shinji picked up Yukira, who fell asleep after eating, and looked at him in his sleep with doting and expectant eyes.

To be continued.....

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