Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 14: : The Underground Kingdom of the Small Diamond 1 Clan

Ryuzaki Shinji used the Poke Ball to take back the sleeping Yukira, then stood up and turned his head to look at the passage where the Little Fist Stone clan evacuated before.

Now that feeding Yukira with diamonds works, his next plan will need to be revised.

The battle for the final victory is now open.

At this time, the cross-shaped bat sucked up the remaining blood in the blood bottle in one breath, and then flew in a circle in mid-air, using the wind to completely wipe out the **** smell on his body.

After doing this, the forked bat immediately flew back behind Ryuzaki Shinji, acting as his guide and flying wing.

The savage Genggui laughed a few times on the spot, turned into a shadow against the ground, and then merged into Ryuzaki Shinji's shadow. The next second, Ryuzaki Shinji's shadow distorted and expanded violently.

In the end, the shadow formed a circle, and a scarlet eye opened in the circular shadow. Then, the entire circular shadow began to rise from the ground and turned into a big mouth to swallow Ryuzaki Shinji, and then Ryuzaki Shinji The figure is completely integrated with the darkness in the space.

The sound wave positioning of the fork bat and the shadow camouflage of the savage Genggui are the magic weapons for Ryuzaki Shinji to capture the fruits of victory of the four clans.

In particular, the shadow camouflage technique of the hostile Gengar is the most important part. After a long period of experimentation, the powerhouses of the four clans who gathered here just now can undoubtedly see through the shadow camouflage technique of the hostile Gengar. Therefore, this The method is very feasible.

From the meeting of the four clans just now, it is not difficult for Ryuzaki Shinji to find that the position of the Little Fist Stone clan in the four clan alliance is quite embarrassing, and their current strength is the weakest of the four clans.

And those who do not know the current affairs want to seize greater interests, so they have been vaguely excluded by the other three clans, especially the Kodola clan who have always dominated the meeting. It is a Tianwang-level rumbling rock.

If Ryuzaki Shinji's predictions are correct, in the next battle, the small fist stone clan will definitely be entrapped by the other three clans to the point of losing their money. Therefore, the small fist stone clan will definitely be the weakest among the four clan coalition forces. Huan, he can take this opportunity to take advantage of the emptiness and wait patiently in the area where the small fist stone clan is located when the battle is nearing the end.

Ryuzaki Shinji used the forked bat as his eyes, and walked step by step to the passage where the Little Fist Stone clan evacuated.

Along the way, the wild elves in the passage, except for the small fist stone, the rock and ground elves of other races disappeared at all.

In the passage, almost every few steps are a small fist stone or rumbling rock rolling back and forth in the surrounding tunnels. These relatively weak rock-type elves are obviously the patrols left by the small fist stone clan in the passage.

These patrols rely on the large number of people, and when they see creatures that are not of their own ethnic group in the tunnel, they will be very arrogant to expel the elves who originally lived in the tunnel.

Along the way, Ryuzaki Shinji has seen them beaten to death a single rock-type elf several times. Obviously, in normal times, these patrols are already arrogant, and their thoughts are extremely xenophobic, and they do not send out other races at all. creatures in the eyes.

In addition to these patrols, there are also other relatively strong small fist stone clan powerhouses one after another going down through the tunnel connected to the ground, and then together according to a specific route in the tunnel extending in all directions like a labyrinth.

Obviously, the small fist and stone clan are in short supply on the front line, and they need to recruit the strong people who stay on the ground to support them.

And Ryuzaki Shinji also used the shadow camouflage of the savage Genggui and the silent low-altitude flying ability of the bat, and there were no dangers along the way.

In front of these small fist stone clan rolling back and forth in the tunnel, swaggered over them in the air, and then under the guidance of the small fist stone clan strongmen who entered the underground support front line from the ground, accurately pointed to the place where the small diamond was located. The underground kingdom goes deep.

While going deep into the ground, Ryuzaki Shinji was also very cautious, leaving a hidden spiritual coordinate in place every time he walked a certain distance.

These spiritual coordinates will be an important means of escape for Ryuzaki Shinji after capturing the fruits of victory. Relying on them, Ryuzaki Shinji can continuously teleport within one minute and then return to the ground safely.

Ten minutes later, Ryuzaki Shinji should have penetrated to a depth of several thousand meters, and the mineral crystals along the way gradually increased.

At the end of the journey, some diamond ore exuding beautiful luster is also inlaid in various corners of the tunnel.

At this time, the sound of fierce fighting began to come from the passage in front.

Even now, under the radiant light of various mineral crystals, the shadows in the tunnel are still everywhere.

One of the shadows seemed to be alive. With the help of other shadows in the tunnel, it jumped strangely in the tunnel, and in the blink of an eye, it had moved hundreds of meters forward.

Suddenly, the space ahead opened up, and the sound of battle was close to my ears.

"It's really an incredible world, it's really an incredible creation." Ryuzaki Shinji, who was lurking in a shadow with the help of the savage Geng ghost, was looking at the environment in front of him in amazement, especially the distant ones. That mysterious stone.

This is a very wide space. At first glance, there is almost no edge. There are rock pillars decorated with a large number of diamonds. Under the radiant light of the mineral crystals at the top of the space, there are a lot of diamonds~www.readwn.com~ The refracted light fills the entire space with a psychedelic light.

In addition to the radiant light from the mineral crystals, the biggest light source in the space is the huge pink square diamond in the center of the space.

Ryuzaki Shinji assured that this should be the largest diamond he has ever seen in his life. The pink square diamond is at least twenty meters in size. It seems to have some incredible power, and the whole body is suspended in mid-air.

And there are a large number of scattered pink diamonds around it, forming several rings that revolve around it, its pink light almost radiates into the entire space, and bursts of pink halos visible to the naked eye are released from it.

This huge, beautiful and rich underground space is actually the underground kingdom of the Little Crusaders.

But now, this once peaceful and prosperous kingdom is facing a crisis of national subjugation, and a large number of corpses of the small diamonds are lying in disorder. Even more.

However, judging from the proportion of casualties among various clans, the Xiaoquanshi clan had the largest number of casualties, followed by the iron armored rhino clan, followed by the Shiwanzi clan, followed by the Kodola clan, and finally the small broken diamond clan.

Obviously, the Xiaoshuanzuo clan are not soft persimmons that can be easily handled. Even in the face of the joint attack of the four clans, they still show the great strength and bravery of their clan, and their individual combat capability is stronger than that of the alliance of the four clans. By.

Every small diamond soldier, they almost died in the battle with one enemy three or even one enemy four at the same time, but even so, they can pull one or two unlucky ghosts as backing.

To be continued.....

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