Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 15: : a battle of death

Small diamond, gem elf, attributes are rock and goblin, no gender, racial value 5oo, of which physical defense racial value and special defense racial value are 15o, although the blood volume racial value is only 5o, but it still makes them one. The name is relatively good tank **** elf.

Dianxi, a gem elf, with attributes of rock and goblin, belongs to the mutant of the small diamond, also has no gender difference, but looks like a woman, the race value is 6oo, except for the physical attack and special attack than the small diamond The difference is 5o higher, and the rest are the same. Legend has it that it is a elf with the ability to make diamonds.

In the face of the huge number of the four tribes coalition forces, after the small diamond family was caught off guard by the surprise attack of the four tribes coalition forces at the beginning, under the leadership of Queen Dianxi, they recaptured the pink square diamond in the center of the kingdom.

And regrouped, facing the siege of the four ethnic coalition forces, these little diamonds who fought for their homeland showed their formidable combat effectiveness.

At this time, the small diamond clan was completely surrounded by the coalition forces of the four tribes, and the surrounding place was within 100 meters of the huge pink square diamond in the center of the kingdom.

At this moment, Dianxi, the queen of the little diamonds, was hovering in front of the pink square diamond. She clasped her hands and fingers together to make a prayer gesture, then closed her eyes and said some peculiar languages. Pink diamonds also release a dazzling pink light at this time.

When Dianxi was praying, the pink square diamond behind it seemed to come alive, and some mysterious patterns appeared on it, and finally formed a pattern representing the source of the goblin, bursts of pink The energy fluctuations spread out in a circular manner, and at the same time, it also emitted an amazing pink light.

All the small broken diamonds touched by the pink energy fluctuations and pink light of the pink square diamond, the diamond crystals on their bodies were also immediately dyed with a layer of pink, and also began to emit a faint pink light.

In addition, these transformed little diamonds are like eating a fortifier, and their combat power is instantly doubled.

A round of pink full moons the size of a basin emerged from behind these small diamonds, and then released in unison at their neat pace.

For a time, these pink full moons fell like meteors against the four tribes in front of the coalition forces. Not only that, but these pink full moons, under the blessing of the pink energy fluctuations of the pink square diamonds, greatly increased their power. The last moment was the size of a washbasin. , the next moment is the size of a stone mill.

Under the bombardment of a large number of small diamonds that greatly increased the power of the moon attack, the four tribes coalition forces who wanted to rush up for hand-to-hand combat suddenly screamed in pain.

Some have not been able to rush to the defense line formed by the small broken diamonds in front, and they have already fallen on the way to charge.

Only some rock-type elves who rushed ahead and possessed sturdy characteristics resisted the first wave of damage, successfully broke through the fire bombing of the small drill, and came to the defense line of the small drill.

Immediately afterwards, these rock elves knew that their fate was not long, and before they died, they also used powerful moves, trying to pull the enemy and die together.

The powerhouses of the Xiaoquanshi clan and the Shiwanzi clan were simply a big self-destruction, while the clansmen of the Ironclad Rhinoceros and the Kodora clan chose to sacrifice their lives to collide.

During the charge of the four tribes coalition forces, the small fist stone tribe and the iron armored rhino tribe with very low special defense suffered heavy casualties.

Fortunately, with their sacrifices, the Kodora family behind them had the opportunity to rush to the front line of the small diamonds and start to further destroy and nibble the defenses of the small diamonds.

Due to the fact that the Kodora family has the steel attribute, even if their special defense is not very good, they are restrained by the attribute of resisting the attack of the fairy type by 2 times, and they are brilliant in this battle. The main output point of the Diamond Crusher family, with one move, the extremely sharp alloy claws tore a large number of small Crushed Diamonds into pieces.

The Shiwanzi clan, which has the fewest number of people, is responsible for the long-range firepower suppression of the four clans in the rear, except for a small number of teams that are charging.

One after another powerful rock cannons were released from their mouths, offsetting a part of the moon attack released by the small drill family, barely offsetting part of the firepower output of the small drill family.

"Drilling~~" (You intruders can't continue to take a step forward, even if I die, I will drag you to **** together!!)

"Diamond Drill~~" (Brothers, for our beautiful home, repel these invaders, kill!!)

"Drilling~~" (Brothers, for Her Majesty's kindness, it's time to die, come with me, kill!!)


Even though they knew they were going to die, countless little diamonds were still fearless, fighting with the Allied Forces of the Four Clans with a firm will, and still inspiring their companions at the moment they were about to die.

Compared with the resolute will of the Xiaosuozuan clan to take death as their home, their morale is rising steadily, and the morale is like a rainbow.

They were originally intruders, and they were unknown. If the battle was one-sided, it would be better to say, but now the station is at a deadlock, and they are still vaguely below.

Especially when they felt the will of the other party to see death as their home, and when a large number of soldiers from the four tribes saw their familiar comrades fall down beside them one by one, although they were angry, they were also confused and fearful of death.

They didn't know the significance of this invasion battle. They had lived well on the ground, and they didn't understand why they were fighting a brutal war.

The morale immediately weakened to the extreme. If it weren't for the brutal supervision of the strong men of the same clan behind them, they would have been defeated and fled long ago.

In terms of numbers, the small diamond group is at an absolute disadvantage, but under the blessing of the mysterious power of the pink square diamond activated by Queen Dianxi, their combat power has more than doubled~www.readwn.com~ The morale was boosted, and the combat power increased sharply again. Almost every one of them could be defeated by one against ten, especially when the morale of the enemy was eliminated and I rose, for a while, it was evenly matched with the coalition forces of the four tribes, and there was still a vague counter-pressure in the past. trend.

"It's really an anxious war. If it goes on like this, it's not impossible for the Little Shards to defeat the four-clan coalition. However, it's a pity that even if the morale is so strong, the direction of the war will always be dominated by strong forces. The weak can only be ruthlessly crushed." Looking at the fierce battle in front of him in secret, Ryuzaki Shinji couldn't help but be moved by the will of the Little Diamond Clan to protect their homeland.

The small diamond family relied on the strength of Dianxi and the pink square diamond to barely stabilize the fighting situation, but this is only a low-level battle.

The Quasi-Tianwang powerhouses and the four great powerhouses of the four clans coalition are pressing step by step.

Now there are only three elders with long beards of the king-level small diamonds, and more than a dozen elites of small diamonds at the peak level of the quasi-kings. They are all scarred and scarred without exception. If it is not supported by a strong will , has already fallen.

"Keep going, as long as it takes a little longer, Her Lady Queen will be able to unlock the seal of the energy square. At that time, when we switch from defense to offense, charge me and kill!!" A little boy with a broken body The Elder Crusher stood up again and shouted to the few elite Crusaders who were guarding him.

Immediately afterwards, they charged at the enemy once, and used their scarred bodies to stop the equally scarred powerhouses of the four races.

To be continued....

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