Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 17: : Equivalent exchange, crazy

Time went back to a minute ago. At this time, Ryuzaki Shinji was already hiding in the last base camp of the Four Tribes Alliance, and there were some four tribes coalition soldiers screaming on the ground everywhere around.

None of them were intact, and they all left indelible traces of battle because of the brutal battle, and some were dying because they had not received treatment.

Before long, even if the enemy didn't kill them, they would die painfully from their wounds.

"Hee hee hee~~, good, really good, what a beautiful soul, a little more, a little more, ahahaha~~~" Seeing the constant new life ahead and dying, help the dragon Saki Shinji, who was lurking in the dark, was laughing excitedly in his heart. In his evil eyebrows and vertical pupils, the entire underground space was full of injustices who were constantly roaring in anger.

These souls who are unwilling to die and die with strong resentment are some sweet food in the eyes of the savage Geng Ghost. If it is not for the master of Ryuzaki Shinji, he can't wait to go up and swallow all these unjust souls. into the stomach.

"Is it over? It took much less time than expected. It seems that the mysterious power can only increase these small broken diamonds in a short period of time. There is nothing you can do, Dianxi." Ryuzaki Shinji looked coldly at the four tribes coalition forces ahead that were nibbling away at the little broken diamond defense line, sighed in his heart, and then focused his attention on his target at this time, as long as Dianxi didn't appear life-threatening, would he not? will start.

At this time, the general situation of the battle is very clear. Even in the last battle, the Little Broken Diamond clan has already exerted hundreds of percent of their combat effectiveness, but the battle is so cruel.

After all, their clan lost in the number of people, even if it was four for one or five for one, the total number and high-end combat power of the four clan alliance still far exceeded the small diamond clan.

Perhaps, the moment the battle begins, the outcome has already been decided.

Of course, before the battle is over until the last moment, unknown variables still exist. For example, Dianxi, who can unlock the seal of the energy diamond in a short time, is an unknown variable, such as Ryuzaki Shinji, who is hidden in the dark. an unknown variable.

"Everyone is dead, can't hold it anymore, what should I do, I still need a little time, what should I do? Who can save us..." The clansmen's unruly shouts kept echoing in my ears. , The cry of despair, the cry of pain, the prayer of Dianxi, one after another of crystal clear tears dripped from its closed eyes, and it was also crying in the heart, praying for a miracle. occur.

But the miracle is too far away, but a person lurking in the dark waiting for the opportunity to hear the prayer in his heart is incredible.

"I heard, yes, do you want your clan to survive, is this your request? I can help you, but what price can you pay in exchange?" The next moment, a cold voice Appeared in Tian Xi's heart.


I don't know when, the shadows in the battlefield seem to have increased. The light of the pink square diamond, which is the main light source of the underground space, has become dim, and the area of ​​​​the shadow has also expanded accordingly. Laughter began to appear in the battlefield.

Suddenly, a red-eyed Long Longyan suddenly went mad, attacking his companions indiscriminately, and in the end, in addition to his big explosion skills, he blew up several nearby four-ethnic coalition forces to serious injuries.

At the beginning, the members of the four clan alliance did not pay much attention to this kind of thing, and even the four Heavenly King-level powerhouses did not pay much attention.

After all, some warriors would suddenly go mad when their emotions were out of control because they were not used to the cruelty on the battlefield. In addition, the victory was just around the corner, and almost the members of the four tribes did not pay too much attention.

However, after such an example appeared, in less than a few seconds, the same thing happened again in the fierce battlefield. More and more warriors of the four tribes suddenly went mad on the battlefield, facing each other regardless of enemy or foe. The surrounding creatures attack.

First, there were some relatively weak warriors of the four tribes. In the end, even a few quasi-king-level Bosscordora who rushed to the forefront began to go crazy.

For a time, the advance of the four-ethnic coalition army stopped, and a huge riot began to appear. A large number of mad four-ethnic warriors began to disperse the formation of the four-ethnic coalition, and the entire four-ethnic coalition army suddenly began to be in complete chaos.

"Stop, stop, your enemies are those short things in front of you. Damn, who is it? Come out to me!!" Heavenly King-level Boss Cordola faced the gradually expanding shadows that made him uneasy make a loud growl

As the supreme commander of the coalition of the four clans, the Heavenly King-level Boss Cordola immediately noticed something was wrong, and he took action to stop a clansman who suddenly went mad, but unfortunately, no matter what he did, he could not restore the sanity of the clansman who went mad, so he had to Stun it.

"Hee hee hee~, ah ha ha ha~~~" Facing the angry roar of Boss Cordola, the hidden cunning laughter in the battlefield gradually became clear, and under this cold cunning laughter, more and more Many warriors of the four tribes became mad and began to kill themselves.

"What happened, **** it, it's just a little bit, it's just a little bit, it's mine, the Ishimaruko clan obeyed and continued to attack Dianxi, and they were not allowed to stop!!" Seeing the battlefield ahead The chaos that appeared, the king-level Pangyan monster gradually sank in his heart, but seeing that his target energy square diamond was almost within his reach, he finally gritted his teeth and ordered the clansmen around him to attack.

"Bang bang bang~~" As soon as the voice fell, a stone ball next to him suddenly fired a rock cannon at him, and some stone **** attacked the unsuspecting clansmen around him. The artillery unit of the four clan alliance forces There have also been cases of cannibalism.

Incidents of madness are still increasing, but the powerhouses of the four clan alliance can only watch helplessly, and when they turn around and look at the rear, a shuddering mood appears in their hearts. .

The clansmen in their hands finally stopped crying that bored them, and they all fell into a connected shadow.

Scarlet vertical pupils opened from the shadows~www.readwn.com~ looked at them with cold, playful and greedy eyes.

Unknown things can always make people fearful. At this time, an emotion called fear began to spread from the four ethnic coalition forces.

Some warriors of the four tribes who were afraid and not mad, they no longer ignored the orders of the powerful four tribes who were constantly supervising the battle, and began to flee back frantically. They did not want to be the next victim of madness.

Seeing this situation of the four-ethnic coalition forces, the Xiaoshuan family, who had been retreating and shrinking their defense lines, also seized the opportunity and launched a frantic attack on the four-ethnic coalition forces that were in a state of chaos.

However, the same situation also happened to the small broken diamonds. Some small broken diamonds with very aggressive emotions suddenly turned red and attacked the people around them.

Fortunately, when this kind of thing started to happen to the small diamond family, Dianxi, who had been praying, opened his eyes with tears, and a pink energy shield quickly opened from the pink diamond on his chest.

In the end, an energy shield with a diameter of more than 20 meters enveloped all the little diamonds, and then, Dianxi began to sing a very seductive sound from his mouth.

The pink energy shield greatly weakened the cunning laughter from the shadows, and a song like the sound of nature completely neutralized the cunning laughter, and those mad little diamonds recovered their senses and sobered up.

"Oh~~, it's quite a set, and it is still able to resist the savage Geng ghost's soul magic sound by singing." Looking at the behavior of Dianxi's awakened clan, Ryuzaki Shinji thoughtfully thought.

At this time, he was hovering at the top of the battlefield with the cross-shaped bat, and he looked coldly at the crazy battlefield because of the savage Geng ghost soul magic sound.

To be continued.....

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