Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 18: : Vicious ghosts appear, poisonous dragons emerge

The special ability "Soul Magic Sound" of the suffocating Geng Ghost may be used to deal with the top powerhouses, with little effect.

But there are always two sides to everything. This special ability is used to deal with opponents who are weaker than him. This skill is a terrible nightmare, and the effect is excellent.

In particular, it is a sonic ability with a very wide range of influence. It is an uncompromising killer in group battles. Now in this battle that is coming to an end, its powerful ability to harvest the weak is exhausted. No doubt.

The suffocating Geng Gui almost relied on his own strength to directly bring this four-ethnic coalition army, which was one step away from victory, into a state of collapse.

More than 20 minutes have elapsed since the launch of the savage Geng Gui's soul magic sound. At this time, in the team of the four clan alliance, apart from the four heavenly kings and some of the quasi-kingdoms with relatively tenacious willpower, they still barely kept it. Out of consciousness, the remaining warriors of the four races have fallen into a state of madness, desperately attacking all creatures they see around them.

"Kedora~~" (Who the **** are you? You dare to plot against our four clans, come out, come out for me, you **** coward!!)

In the face of his comrades who had fallen into cannibalism around him and his own inaction, the Heavenly King-level Boss Cordora, who was the commander of the four clan coalition forces, felt ashamed in his heart.

One after another with astonishing power, the destructive light of death was released from his mouth, trying to force the sullen Geng Ghost in the shadows out, but his attack not only broke a large number of rock pillars in the underground space and continued to expand the size of the shadow, It doesn't work at all.

"Karon Karon~~" (Hurry up and retreat, while we are still awake now, otherwise we will all die here, and then no one will know what happened here, absolutely Don't let the enemy succeed.)

The Heavenly King-level Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus on the side tried hard to hold back the killing intent that was rising in his heart, and quickly walked to the Heavenly King-level Boss Cordola, who was already a little crazy, and then took action to stop his crazy behavior. Finally, With a heavy heart, he persuaded the King-level Boss Cordora to give the order to retreat.

"Kedora~~" (Damn it!!, everyone has it, retreat.)

Hearing the persuasion of the Heavenly King-level Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, the red-eyed Heavenly King-level Boss Cordola also tried his best to control the strong killing intent in his heart. He looked around and saw the warriors of the four tribes keep falling down under this strange and sinister laughter. In the end, he humbly obeyed the persuasion of the Tianwang-class Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, and ordered the four tribes to retreat.

"Hehehe~~, I'm thinking about leaving now, is it too late, show up, Abo Monster, use the dragon wave to stop them, Geng Ghost, increase your efforts, absolutely can't let them run away alone ." Ryuzaki Shinji, who was hiding behind a huge stalagmite at the top of the underground space, also came out of the dark after he noticed the actions of the King-level Boss Cordola and the others.

As soon as Ryuzaki Shinji finished speaking, the huge figure of the Abo monster appeared from the shadow of a rock pillar, the blood basin opened wide, and a huge energy poisonous dragon was suddenly released from his mouth.

The huge energy poisonous dragon suddenly appeared and intercepted the four tribesmen who wanted to leave the battlefield immediately after receiving the order. How could these four tribesmen, who were already scarred, withstand the full blow of the heavenly king-level elf? Under the dragon wave of the Abo monster, all were smashed into pieces.

After doing this, Abomon kept spitting out a large amount of acid bombs from his mouth, projecting them into the chaotic battlefield. These acid bombs containing Aboo's poison fell on the battlefield and exploded.

Those four tribesmen who were affected by the acid bomb, in just ten seconds, a large amount of white smoke came out of their bodies, and then died in sorrow, they were directly corroded by the corrosive venom of this machine.

As these four tribesmen were killed by the acid bombs of the Abo, a large amount of white smoke also appeared on the battlefield. Soon, except for the Kodora tribe with steel attributes, some people inhaled a large amount of white smoke. For the remaining three warriors of the smoke, purple spots began to appear all over their bodies, and they became weak and weak, and finally died in agony because they could not remove the poison from their bodies.

On the other hand, the hostile Genggui also obeyed Ryuzaki Shinji's orders to further strengthen the power of the soul magic sound. Those warriors of the four tribes who had already fallen into madness began to cover their heads in pain and wailed, and then kept hugging. The head hit the ground, and finally ended his life by self-mutilation.

"Kedora~~" (It's you, a human being and your slaves, go to hell!)

Seeing Ryuzaki Shinji appearing and the Abo monster destroying the remaining awake warriors, Boscodora was furious and broke free from the iron armored tyrannosaurus. Ryuzaki Shinji, who was facing the top of his head, was released from his mouth.

Unfortunately, his attack was destined to only land on the air. Ryuzaki Shinji evaded with a teleportation. Then, the Abo monster, who had already easily dealt with the king-level rumbling rock, directly deceived him. First, a move The dragon tail swept away the iron armored tyrannosaurus that was in the way, and then wrapped the Heavenly King Boss Cordora with his body, and bit his neck with a fang of poisonous flames.

And when the King-level Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus came back to help, more than a dozen shadow **** burning pale ghost fires flew out from the shadows around him, and for a while, he was severely injured, who was not very strong in special defense. burnt state.

"Hee hee~~, just watch here obediently, and don't want to disturb their victory or defeat." The next moment, a grimace appeared from the shadow under him, and said to him gloomily.

Since the intervention of the poisonous king elf Abo, the number of deaths of the four-ethnic coalition soldiers began to rise sharply. Most of them did not die because of cannibalism, but were released by Abo. The poisonous gas fills the knife to death, like cutting wheat, every second, a large number of warriors of the four tribes fall on the battlefield.

In the group battle, the poisonous king's harvesting ability is undoubtedly extremely strong, just like a bottle of powerful insecticide, release a little poison gas, and the "little bugs" will fall in pieces.

About a minute later, on the battlefield that was completely covered by white smoke, except for the four Heavenly King-level rock-type elves and a few quasi-kings of the Kodora clan, there was no four-race coalition soldier who could. stand up.

Seeing the appearance of a powerful enemy hidden in the dark, the Heavenly King-level Pangyan Monster did not choose to go up to support the Heavenly King-class Bosskodora and the Heavenly King-class Ironclad Rhinoceros. When Boscodora and the King-level Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus were moving in the direction of the Little Diamond Clan.

Perceiving the King-level Pangyan monsters quickly approaching them, Dianxi, who has been maintaining the energy shield with the help of the energy square drill, immediately opened his eyes, and then looked at him with hatred, while the small ones in the energy shield. The broken diamonds also released the power of the moon to bomb the Pangyan monster.

It is a pity that since the last two elders were killed and one was seriously injured and fell into a coma, their clan has lost the ability to fight against Heavenly King-level powerhouses. These power levels cannot reach Heavenly King-level attacks. No pain or itching.

"Yanyanyan~~" (Tianxi, hand over the energy kelly, as long as you are willing to hand it over, I will not make it difficult for you poor clansmen~www.readwn.com~ Don't think that human being is so arrogant now, I The power on the ground has been notified through secret means. As long as it is not long before, the top powerhouses of the four clans stationed on the ground will arrive. At that time, both your clan and that human will die.)

At this time, the king-level Pangyan monster was still very strong, and he even wanted to use the remaining small diamonds as threats to force Dianxi to give up the energy square diamonds.

However, before Dianxi, who was embarrassed, could answer, a man dressed in black with a pale mask appeared above his head.

Ryuzaki Shinji's purple eyes glowed coldly, and the icy killing intent made the Pangyan monster's heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

"What do you want to do to my lovely subordinates, you rubbish!!" Ryuzaki Shinji looked down at the Heavenly King-level Pangyan monster and said to him with telepathy.

As soon as he finished speaking, the two seals of origin in his hands burst into dazzling light, and the power of the Heavenly King-level trainer burst out from him, and the Heavenly King-level Pangyan Monster immediately retreated a few steps subconsciously.

To be continued.....

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