Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 98: :explode

When Ryuzaki Shinji returned to the original jungle, he did not use teleportation, but sat on the body of the double-bomb gas, and made the return journey somewhat slowly.

In the battle with Sakagi just now, although the duration was not very long, the intensity was indeed unprecedented. In addition, the number of teleportation used to chase down Miyamoto Saburo, Kanjuro and Ma Zhishi was so great that Ryuzaki Zhen Second and Godard Duck's current mental strength is not as normal as usual.

In order to prepare for the next battle, Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck are now meditating on the backs of the double-bomb gas, taking the time to replenish the consumed mental energy as much as possible.

As it gets closer to the virgin jungle, the energy fluctuations from the virgin jungle also become stronger and stronger, and at the same time, the frequency of energy fluctuations becomes more frequent.

"This level of energy fluctuation is already close to the peak level of the high-level heavenly king. It is still very far away from the energy launch, and this level of energy fluctuation has already occurred. It seems that this time is really something extraordinary. That's it." After the double-bomb gas flew into the virgin jungle, Ryuzaki Shinji suddenly opened his eyes and said with a heavy face.

"Gas gas~~" Feeling Ryuzaki Shinji's eagerness, the large number of air holes in the back half of the double-bomb gas body suddenly ejected a large number of blue flame tails.

By burning a large amount of flammable gas in the body in an instant, the double-bomb gas obtains a flame propulsion similar to a fighter jet. For a time, the flight speed of the double-bomb gas breaks through to the speed of sound.

After the double-bomb gas advanced to the King level, the ability to store gas in the body has also been greatly improved. Today, the huge body of the double-bomb gas is like a honeycomb structure.

A variety of liquid gases are stored in these numerous hives (sealed), which are the result of double-bomb gas compression and extraction of various poisonous gases and gases.

Generally speaking, when Ryuzaki Shinji needs to let him use some kind of poisonous gas, the double-bomb gas will open the hive where the poisonous gas is stored, and then release it through a large number of stomata channels connecting the body and the outside world.

Now, the double-bomb gas is the result of opening the beehives that store a large amount of flammable gas in the body, then tightening the stomata channels behind the flammable gas, and finally using the fire energy in the body to support combustion.

"Good job, double-bombing the gas, but you still have to be careful to control it, or you will detonate yourself, and I can't run as a master, just maintain a faster speed, anyway, things will not be able to run away for a while. Yes." Seeing that the double-bomb gas ignited a large amount of gas in his body for him, Ryuzaki Shinji reminded him a little while admiring him.

At present, there are hundreds of poisonous gases stored in the double-bomb gas, and the amount of flammable gas and liquid gas is also very large. Once he uses a suicide technique such as a big explosion, the power generated by it will not even be able to be used by Ryuzaki Shinji. It is estimated that at least the coverage area is extremely huge, and there should be no problem in blowing up a small city.

"Gaswas~~" The double-bomb gas immediately nodded in response, and then closed most of the air holes behind him, maintaining only a small amount of flame tail to accelerate himself, and in this way, his own flight The speed suddenly dropped sharply again.


When the double-bomb gas slowly took Ryuzaki Shinji to the central lake of the virgin jungle, some testers close to the central lake had already arrived at the shore of the lake early.

After seeing the huge golden beam of light on the island in the center of the lake, these testers were shocked for a long time by the majestic sight in front of them.

And when they came back to their senses, the giant elves with golden light in their eyes walked out of the island in the lake, and then swam along the lake or vice versa, and launched to the testers who were on the shore of the lake. Violent attack.

Each of these giant elves has the combat power of the king, and with the huge body and large number, even if the skills and moves that can be used are limited, it still causes heavy losses to the testers who first approached the lake. Several Heavenly King-level testers escaped from the shore of the lake and entered the jungle by relying on their tyrannical strength to escape the catastrophe.

Later, the follow-up testers also arrived one after another, but they, like the initial testers, because they didn't know the situation and thought they were strong enough, they wanted to break through the blockade of these giant elves alone. The lake where he lived, as a result, he was unable to successfully break through the numerous blockades of the giant elves due to his weak power, and finally died on the way forward.

After paying a lot of testers' lives, the testers who came later also learned to behave well. They did not choose to break into the lake blocked by the giant elves, but began to attack the nearby testers. , I want to **** the ancient token in the hands of others to quickly complete this secret realm trial task.

For a time, there were many battlefields caught in fierce battles in the jungle near the lake. A large number of relatively weak testers were killed, and the few powerhouses who successfully collected five tokens also successfully completed this test. Refine the task, and then disappear into the secret realm as a white light before everyone's eyes.

After the remaining testers saw that someone had successfully collected five tokens and left, the fighting mood was immediately detonated, and the battle intensified. For a time, they forgot their original purpose of coming here and joined the scramble for tokens wholeheartedly. go into battle.

In front of the altar on the island in the center of the lake, at this moment ~www.readwn.com~ Shirona, who is bathed in golden light, is like a goddess, and her whole body reveals a majesty that is sacred and inviolable.

"When they find that they can't break through the obstacles in front of them, people will change their goals and do a very good job. Just hold the lake shore and let these people continue to kill each other." Suddenly, Shirona opened the same glowing The eyes of the golden light muttered to themselves, and the gaze in her eyes was as ruthless as winter.

She raised her head and looked at the huge emerald slate in the golden beam of light with anticipation. Seeing it shrink a little under the mysterious energy of the golden beam of light, her delicate face couldn't help revealing a charming smile.

But this alluring smile soon disappeared.

Suddenly, a loud noise of "Boom~" appeared, and several giant elves were blown into the lake by a huge explosion, and the originally calm lake suddenly became choppy.

At this time, Shirona turned her head slightly, and looked at the opposite lake shore with a solemn expression.

I don't know when, the battle cry in the jungle near the lake has disappeared, and it has become deadly quiet.

On the shore of the lake, a huge double-bomb gas was hovering proudly in mid-air, and on the left and right sides of him lay more than a dozen giant elf corpses with their heads blown off or their heads cut off.

At the same time, in the jungle that was almost razed to the ground behind the huge double-bomb gas, a large number of explosion craters appeared, and almost every explosion crater contained an ancient man token exuding golden light.

They were now lying quietly among some charred stump fragments.

To be continued....


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