Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 99: : Fierce power resounds all over the world

Time went back to ten minutes ago. When the double-bomb gas took Ryuzaki Shinji and Goda duck slowly to the jungle near the east of the lake, the place was already caught in the flames of war. They were at war.

The entire battlefield is divided into four parts: east, west and northwest. In each part, people are fighting fiercely, or dueling, besieging, or sneaking. Anyway, only the ancient tokens in the opponent's hands can be taken away. These testers are extremely useless. .

The battlefield where Ryuzaki Shinji arrived belongs to the eastern battlefield. As soon as he came to the edge of the battlefield, he quickly attracted the attention of all the testers in the eastern battlefield and other battlefields. The fighters stopped fighting in unison, looked at each other, nodded, and joined forces to attack the new Ryuzaki Shinji.

The power of the double-bomb gas intermediate king's peak level is too terrifying. Like an extremely dazzling light in the dark, it almost attracts the attention of everyone in the entire station. Like a hegemon who reigns over the world, every move affects every move. people's hearts,

But now, most of the "weak" testers have almost killed their red eyes. They are not willing to end their strong road, and they are not willing to be slaughtered by others, and they are not willing to live. Therefore, a common enemy psychology appeared.

"If you don't want to die, you must kill the top powerhouse first, and then decide the winner." This is the voice of all the "weak" at this time.

Ryuzaki Shinji expressed his helplessness about this kind of behavior that he took as the target of the siege of the big boss. In fact, his goal was not at all the little scoundrels in front of him, such as the tokens of the ancients, and he was not in a hurry at all. He was just one block away from leaving, and he could grab it from someone else at any time.

Therefore, he has no interest in the little guys in front of him who want to unite and rely on the advantage of numbers to win the weak. As long as he doesn't provoke him, he is too lazy to pay attention to them.

Of course, he thought so, but others didn't. After all, it would be better to remove the sword that has been hanging over his head as soon as possible.

"Huh! When did a group of idiots who are overkill, think that the number of people has an effect on the poison king? Since you are looking for death, then go to die, kill this group of ants, double-bomb gas, use the highly poisonous field and the big Let's clear the area with the sludge bombs." Seeing these people surrounded by a large number of elves, Ryuzaki Shinji's face suddenly turned cold, and the strong killing intent that had been suppressed when he stopped with Sakagi before burst out. . Immediately order the double-bomb gas to kill.

"Hehehehe~~~" Feeling the killing intent in Ryuzaki Shinji's heart, the six eyes of the double-bounce gas also suddenly glowed with a hint of red light, and the three heads all showed their big mouths, revealing three hideous smiles.

"Hiss~~~" At the next moment, a large amount of black smoke was immediately released from the large number of air holes in the double-bomb gas. At the same time, the double-bomb gas passed through the large number of air holes existing in 360 degrees of the whole body, and flexibly used the flammable gas to ignite. The propulsion of the flames moved flexibly at high speed in mid-air.

Soon, the double-bomb gas quickly walked around the entire battlefield while avoiding a large number of enemy attacks with the black smoke, and the black smoke released by him also covered the entire eastern battlefield.

At this time, the black smoke released by the double-bomb gas was a new type of poison gas refined by mixing the latest nerve venom of the Aberdeen and the latest chemical toxin of the smelly mud.

At present, apart from Ryuzaki Shinji, who has an antidote, no one else has an antidote that can remove this poisonous gas toxin.

In less than a second, the testers and elves who inhaled the deadly poisonous gas suddenly became incapacitated and had severe hallucinations, and began to kill each other.

Immediately afterwards, the creatures that inhaled the poison gas quickly appeared on their skin with black poisonous spots, a large amount of black blood began to flow out of their eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and a large amount of hair fell off. The chemical toxins also take effect quickly.

In addition, these black disgusts are like the top herbicides, and a large number of flowers and plants in the battlefield wither and wither quickly. At this time, the entire eastern battlefield is enveloped in a strong breath of death.

In addition to converting the entire eastern battlefield into a poison gas field, the double-bomb gas also began to drop a large number of sludge bombs in mid-air while the creatures in the poison gas field were in a state of chaos due to neurotoxins.

"Bang bang bang~~~" A burst of deafening explosions and strong air waves appeared, and those trainers and elves who had no time to avoid were immediately hit by double-bombing gas, which were comparable to ordinary low-level heavenly king-level elves with all their strength One-hit bombs shattered into pieces.

There was hardly too much resistance. The entire eastern battlefield shrouded in poison gas was accompanied by terrifying explosions, and huge explosion craters quickly appeared on the site, and the appearance of each explosion crater meant that. With the lives of one or several testers and elves completely disappeared.

In less than a few minutes, this eastern battlefield shrouded in poison gas was turned into a white field by the poisonous gas and sludge bombs of the double-bomb gas, and there were huge explosion craters and various scorched black fragments everywhere.

At this time, except for the double-bombing gas and Ryuzaki Shinji's Godard duck standing on top of his head, there was no one living thing that could stand up in the entire eastern battlefield.

In this battle, Ryuzaki Shinji single-handedly killed all the more than 100 testers and their little elves, including 7 Heavenly King (low-level) powerhouses, and the rest were accurate The trainer at the peak level of the king.

As the strongest poison-type elf in Ryuzaki's second-hand, the group killing ability of double-bomb gas is several grades stronger than that of Abo and Stinky Mud, and the toxicity is also incomparable between these two elf. Under the new type of poison gas that can be refined by itself, if there is no special anti-virus method, there is only a dead end. The toxin is transmitted through the gas. As long as the poison gas in the double-bomb gas is not used up, the total kill range can be expanded almost infinitely.

These testers want to besiege Ryuzaki Shinji, a poison-type king through human sea tactics~www.readwn.com~ wishful thinking is a mistake, not only ruining their own lives, but also for Ryuzaki Shinji Prestige added a thick blood color again.

At this moment, the jungle near the lake is almost full of testers from the entire trial secret realm. During the destruction process of the eastern battlefield, the testers of the other three battlefields are also watching. I don’t know when, the trials in the other three battlefields Both the fighter and the elf stopped fighting and looked at the man in black mask standing on top of the huge double-bomb gas in the eastern battlefield with frightened eyes.

Immediately afterwards, these testers and elves saw the black smoke that made the testers and elves in the eastern battlefield into chaos and quickly withered and withered the grass and trees to their side.

Their faces suddenly turned pale with fright, and then they all ran back without looking back, wishing their parents had more legs, and no longer cared about robbing others of the ancient people's tokens.

Since then, the Shura Field (conspiracy) specially created by Shirona using the barriers formed by the giant elf and the desires of the testers was completely broken by Ryuzaki Shinji by herself.

Through this battle, Ryuzaki Shinji's reputation has been completely established in the entire Trial Mystery Realm. Standing at the top of the Trial Mystery Realm, Ryuzaki Shinji has already taken a place in it one step ahead of the other powerhouses.

"Hmph, a bunch of idiots, this is what happens when you dare to provoke me." Ryuzaki Shinji said in a low voice, looking at the devastated land below with cold eyes.

"Hehehehe~~" In the next second, Shuangdan Gas squinted his eyes, opened his three big mouths, and let out a unique sneer.

To be continued...


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