Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 101: : Fighting

When a person is strong enough, he can indeed be arrogant, but the object of this arrogance must be accurately distinguished, otherwise it is not arrogance, but stupidity.

Is Shirona strong? She has two high-level Heavenly King-level elf in her hands, especially one of them is a quasi-divine beast biting a land shark. .

The cold Shirona in front of him made Ryuzaki Shinji feel very strange, and he was almost a different person from Shirona he had learned before.

What is it that makes a person's character change so much in such a short period of time? Ryuzaki Shinji was not interested in knowing, but he knew that now he had to let the blonde beauty in front of him admit his strength.

Atonement? fart! What if you were a god? In front of me, Ryuzaki Shinji, you are still shit, don't let me surrender.

At this time, Goda Duck and Ryuzaki Shinji are in the same spirit, and there is no need for Ryuzaki Shinji to issue any instructions at all. A sharp mental blade is released without warning, and a shot is a fatal blow to Hirona.

But the two high-level elves around Shirona are obviously not vegetarians. When the spiritual blade is about to come to Shirona, a fist with a steel thorn on the back of her hand is lightning-fast in front of Shirona.

next second.

"Keng~~, zizizizi~~" After the sound of the collision of gold and stone, a series of violent friction and vibration sounds followed.

But even so, the hand that blocked the Gotha Duck's spiritual blade had been standing still in front of Shirona, preventing the spiritual blade from moving forward.

At this time, Goda Duck's spiritual blade was blocked by Lucario next to Hirona with a hand covered with pure steel-type energy, a steel-type physical move, and a bullet fist.

A few seconds later, Godard Duck's spiritual blade quickly dissipated due to the exhaustion of energy, and Lucario also quickly removed the steel energy from his hand, leaving his entire hand intact.

"Is this your answer, Ryuzaki Shinji, to tell the truth, I'm very disappointed in you, since you choose to fight against God, then your fate is only one death, Lucario, kill this sinner and his Servants." After Lucario closed his fist, Shirona said ruthlessly to Ryuzaki Shinji, from beginning to end, she didn't have the slightest emotional fluctuation because she almost died just now.

When Lucario heard the words, a golden light flashed in his eyes, a sound of "Shu~" sounded, and an afterimage slowly disappeared beside Shirona.

He was still beside Shirona a moment ago, and the next moment he appeared in front of Ryuzaki Shinji, his hands were covered with pure steel energy again, and he bombarded Ryuzaki Shinji's head impartially.

Lucario used the normal-type move Divine Speed ​​and the steel-type move Bullet Punch, and the two preemptive moves were activated almost simultaneously, in one go.

If Ryuzaki Shinji hadn't fought against Sakagi before, then he must have been a little panicked by Lucario's amazing preemptive move.

But now, after seeing the unparalleled stabbing ability of Sakagi's big stinger, in Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes, Lucario's instant kill at this time seemed a bit "slow", and purple light flashed in his eyes. .

In an instant, several blue flames swept across Ryuzaki Shinji and Lucario, and the double-bomb gas used the air holes all over his body to create a wall of fire for Ryuzaki Shinji.

At the same time, under Ryuzaki Shinji, two large white mud hands also appeared in an instant, and when they closed together, they turned into a mud wall.

At this time, Lucario had no choice but to shoot like an arrow. Facing the two obstacles that suddenly appeared, his eyes also showed surprise.

But he didn't hesitate because of this. With the power of the waveguide, he sensed that Ryuzaki Shinji didn't move at all. He directly faced the fire wall of double-bomb gas and the mud wall of smelly mud. Ryuzaki Shinji's head was bombarded.

The flame jet of the double-bomb gas hit his arm, and the effect was outstanding. Lucario gritted his teeth and did not hum.

But after the bullet fist crossed the wall of fire and hit the mud wall of stinky mud, he found that his fist contained a huge force, like a mud bull entering the sea, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the arm buckle was stuck in the mud wall, unable to move.

If someone carefully observes from the side, they will find that Lucario's fist first penetrated into the sludge wall made of smelly mud as if it were hitting water, and then the sludge wall lit up with a burst of metal. luster.

This is the flexible use of the stinky mud to melt the poison-type change moves and harden the normal-type change moves that he has mastered.

One is to greatly improve one's own physical defense while unloading the enemy's strength, and the other is to fix the enemy's body part deep into one's body while simultaneously increasing one's own defense.

Lucario's bullet fist was not very effective against the stinky mud with the poison attribute. Now when the stinky mud is melted and hardened one after another, his attack is like a fist made from marshmallows. Soft, no pain at all.

"Confidence is a good thing, but too much confidence is arrogance. Why do you think you can kill me so easily, Shirona, you are too arrogant." Looking at the fist bumps on the mud wall in front of him, Ryuzaki Zhen Killing intent boiled in his eyes.

This time Lucario's onslaught has undoubtedly failed, and he is also facing a huge crisis~www.readwn.com~ On the one hand, one of his arms is now stuck in the stinky mud that has hardened his body. And it has begun to be corroded by the corrosive substances secreted in the smelly mud.

On the other hand, the outside of his arm is also continuously damaged by the flames of double-bullet gas ejected from the air holes of his body.

And the most deadly thing is that when Lucario's attack failed, Gotha Duck had already appeared in front of his head, and in his left hand, a purple-blue water wave exuding terrifying power was rapidly taking shape.

"Luca~~" Lucario saw this, golden light flashed in his eyes, and on the remaining left hand, a golden-blue wave missile quickly formed.

Unfortunately, the water fluctuations of the Gotha duck are obviously much faster than that of its wave missiles. The purple light flashed in the Gotha duck's eyes, and the purple-blue water fluctuations in his hand suddenly flew out of his hand, hitting the road like lightning. Kallio's chest.

The next moment, Lucario's arm was easily pulled out of the stinky mud body, and at this time, the surface of his right fist was corroded and pitted, obviously suffering serious damage.

Immediately afterwards, under the attack of the super-energy water wave, a water wave containing strong spiritual thoughts, Lucario was instantly hit by the huge force above it.

And in the process of Lucario being knocked into the air, the volume of the super-energy water fluctuations in his chest skyrocketed rapidly, wrapping Lucario.

For a time, while Lucario was being knocked into the air, he was also double injured by the strong mental thoughts and the powerful spiral power contained in the water fluctuations.

The voice of "咻~~, 嘭~" appeared, and Lucario was hit into the lake by the super-energy water wave made by Godard Duck. In an instant, a huge water flower bloomed on the surface of the lake.

To be continued......

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