Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 102: : God's Chosen Warriors

When Lucario of Hirona fought with Shinji Ryuzaki's elf, some extremely powerful testers also successfully defeated the giant elf and quietly appeared on the shore of the lake, close to the side. Watching a showdown between the top powerhouses.

The masters make a move, and the outcome is always in an instant. When Lucario was blocked by Ryuzaki Shinji's elf, and then was pushed into the lake, the eyes of the strong men on the edge of the lake suddenly flashed. , the eyes looking at Ryuzaki Shinji became more and more solemn.

Among them, Sakagi appeared in the northern part of the lake at this time. He is now standing on the back of the fossilized pterosaur, and the giant needle wasp who has recovered from the injury is parked beside him.

After seeing Ryuzaki Shinji use double-bomb gas and stinky mud to solve Lucario's assassination method, Sakagi's calm face suddenly moved, and then it became very ugly.

The opponent's method of deciphering the melee assassination was obviously created for the assassination of his giant stinger, but Lucario just became a guinea pig first.

When I thought that the giant stinger might be caught by the strange defensive means of the stinky mud, and then received the flame attack of double-bomb gas, and finally received the water wave that contained powerful spiritual power in the move just now from the Godard duck. attack.

Sakagi's face not only had a thin layer of sweat, but the consequences were unimaginable.

"Not long ago, I just experienced the assassination of the giant stinger bee, and I have found the corresponding solution so quickly. This guy is really dangerous. It is not wise to be an enemy of him." Sakagi thought with an ugly face.

Like Sakagi, there are many people with very ugly faces at this time, such as several alliance members in the southern part of the lake.

"Is that person really Ryuzaki Shinji? Why has he become so strong now that he already has the strength of a high-level trainer of Heavenly Kings, and even defeated Miss Hirona's Lucario? This, this is too incredible Let's do it." A Junsha who was standing on the back of the fast dragon said in disbelief.

And Joey, who was wearing an alliance uniform beside her, was silent, but she looked at Ryuzaki Shinji with extreme solemnity and a hint of deep disgust. In addition, the other party That kind of attitude that doesn't even care about the majesty of God made her feel very uneasy.

The other party doesn't even care about gods, so what does the alliance mean to this thug who knows that he is lawless at first sight?

In Qiao Yiqing's heart at this time, he has positioned Ryuzaki Shinji as one of the most dangerous enemies of the alliance in this century. Once this person is allowed to leave the central island, there will be another **** storm on the mainland.

In addition, in an inconspicuous corner in the northern part of the lake, A Ju, who was dressed in night clothes, hid in the shadow of a stone, with a pair of sharp eyes staring at the much-anticipated figure on top of the double-bomb gas at this time. There was extreme unwillingness in his eyes.

"Damn, I have worked so hard to become a Heavenly King Trainer, but why is the gap getting bigger and bigger, this guy, this guy..." Aju clenched his fists and thought with a low expression. road.

From the appearance of Ryuzaki Shinji until he destroyed the entire eastern battlefield and defeated the monster-like Lucario who made him feel strong, Aju has seen it.

Ryuzaki Shinji's powerful strength so far made him feel deeply powerless, and the hope of revenge seemed to be getting slimmer.


Ryuzaki Shinji, who is on the battlefield, has no time to take into account the different thoughts and eyes of other people on the edge of the battlefield, and he is focusing on the blonde beauty in front of him.

Since the battle until now, the expression on his face and his eyes have not changed, and he still looks like he is determined to eat him. This makes Shinji Ryuzaki, who just "defeat" Lucario, feel an inexplicable pressure.

"Even though you have already lost one of your strongest combat powers, why do you still have a confident expression on your face? It's really annoying. Since you don't choose to take the initiative, then I'm welcome, let me see you. How strong is the fierce bite of the land shark?" Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes flashed, and he gave an order to Goda duck beside him.

At the same moment, Gotha Duck also flashed light in his eyes, and a teleportation appeared above the lake in front of Shirona, and then he repeated his old tricks with the ice trident in his hand and slashed a spiritual blade at Shirona.

Attacking the enemy must be saved. This is common sense in combat. Ryuzaki Shinji will never give any chance to directly hurt the enemy's head. He can use Xirona to test the general strength of the land shark. Not much.

But Ryuzaki Shinji was surprised that Shirona and the fierce bite Lu Shark beside him were indifferent to the mental blade that was already in front of him, and there was no evasion or shot.

Just when Ryuzaki Shinji thought that Hirona was going to die, a "bang~" sounded, and a huge wave appeared in front of Hirona.

The next moment, a blue slender figure suddenly appeared in front of Shirona like lightning, and then with his bare hands, he stopped the spiritual blade made by Goda duck.

The blue figure that once again stopped the spiritual blade of the Gotha Duck was Lucario, who had just fallen to the bottom of the lake. At this time, his whole body was clearly scarred by injuries, and he looked extremely embarrassed, but his eyes glowed with golden rays of light. Yet he still showed strong confidence.

At the same time, an invincible aura gradually radiated from him.

"As expected of a warrior chosen by God, Lucario, let this mortal who thinks he has some strength and tries to be disrespectful to God be wiped out. Come on, show your true strength." Feeling Lucario The momentum displayed at this time, Shirona's cold face suddenly showed a charming smile and praised.

The next moment, Shirona covered a pendant with a peculiar gemstone hanging on her chest with her hand, and in an instant, several golden light bands spurted out from the pendant she was holding in her hand.

At the same time, an ancient ornament Lucario was wearing on his forehead, a gem with a spiral stripe in its core also spurted out several golden bands of light.

Immediately afterwards, the lasing band of light from Hirona's pendant and the lasing band of light from the ancient ornament on Lucario's forehead were connected to each other~www.readwn.com~, Lucario's body Immediately it was covered by a golden energy, and then the body began to undergo evolution-like changes, and the shape began to change.

In less than two seconds, the golden light surrounding Lucario disappeared, and a golden spiral mark appeared in front of Lucario, which gradually disappeared after a few seconds.

At this time, Lucario's form is very different from before. If the previous Lucario was just a little fresh meat, then the current Lucario has fully matured, not only the body has become More slender and taller, and his appearance has soared several grades.

Of course, in addition to the soaring appearance, the power of Lucario's body is also powerful and scary. Before, it was only the power of a high-level king, but now it is infinitely close to the championship level.

"This, what kind of power is this? The strength can increase so much in an instant. No wonder you are so confident. It turns out that this is your confidence." After feeling the terrifying and unparalleled power of Lucario at this time, Long The face under the mask of Saki Shinji couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Although it is not clear what means Hirona used to make Lucario what he is today, Ryuzaki Shinji knew that the situation of this battle had undergone tremendous changes.

At this time, Gota Ya also quickly gave up the entanglement with Liebiting Lu Shark, and moved back to Ryuzaki Shinji's side in an instant, staring at the "defeated general" in front of him as if facing the enemy.

The next second, Gotha duck's eyes and pupils shrank, and then a fist shining white light appeared in front of him.

To be continued.....

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