Pokemon Dark Giant

: End of volume testimonials

Although there are still thousands of words I want to continue with the following stories of the trial secret realm, the whole island chapter is really dragging on too long, and the results are not good, so I have to speed up the progress.

After the small climax of defeating the protagonist Jiangna's Super Lucario, the purpose of the whole trial secret realm is basically completed, so after thinking about it for a long time tonight, I will not continue to write the next protagonist and others. these contents

But don't worry, in the next writing, I still pull some things that happened in the secret realm of the trial a little bit, and do a concatenation at a time.

Bow like all the book friends who have always supported me, I hope you can continue to support me.

At the same time, I also hope that the new book friends can support me. Maybe you have various reasons for not being able to book all of them, but it doesn't matter. Please vote for me one, one, one free recommendation ticket and let me know Having a lot of reading my books makes me more motivated to write.

The day after tomorrow, let's meet again in the next volume.

Please take a day off, organize your thoughts, please give the unapproved.

Expression: pleading.

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