Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 1: : go back to the original starting point

A year later, in summer, in the Kanto region, light red city, at noon.

A cruise ship from Fangyuan is slowly docking at the pier of Qinghong City, which has been restored to its former prosperity.

Afterwards, many passengers came to the pier one after another along the longboards connecting the ship deck and the pier floor.

On the deck of the cruise ship, a young man in a khaki hooded cloak was leaning against the guardrail to blow air.

Beside him, a sturdy Heruga was lying beside his legs, quietly dozing off.

Suddenly, a strong sea breeze blew on his face, and the hood covering the young man's head was blown away, and the man's delicate face was immediately exposed to the sun.

At this time, the young man with black broken hair also opened his eyes, revealing a pair of rare and charming purple eyes.

When the young man opened it up, the originally beautiful face was like the finishing touch, and the whole person's appearance suddenly rose by several grades.

In addition, the young man's temperament of a strong man and a superior person was faintly revealed, and the young man suddenly became the focus of the surrounding crowd.

For a time, those who passed by the young man couldn't help but glance at it a few more times, and some young girls turned back frequently, with little stars in their eyes.

If it weren't for the terrifying dog beside the young man who looked a bit vicious and revealed a bad look, he might have been unable to help him come over to chat up.

The passengers on the deck have left one after another, and in the end there is only one young man left, but he doesn't seem to want to leave yet, and still faces the sea breeze and looks at the light red city not far away.

"Guest, I'm sorry, the ship has arrived, please leave the ship as soon as possible, we will set sail soon." At this time, a young sailor also came over and asked him with a somewhat embarrassed face.

"Is it about to set sail, then there is no way, the scenery here is okay, I wanted to see it for a while, but thank you for taking me on a ride, goodbye, young sailor, don't hesitate to do things , strength will not favor the coward." The next second, a plain sentence appeared in the young sailor's mind.

Immediately afterwards, under the extremely surprised gaze of the young sailor, the young man Hauluga in front of him suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared in his field of vision, the other party was already walking on the pier with Heiluga.

"See, **** it." The young sailor sat on the ground and said with a look of fear.


This young man is naturally Ryuzaki Shinji who successfully returned to human society on the central island. In fact, Ryuzaki Shinji returned to the human continent with the remaining members of the Shadow Team half a year ago.

In the following six months, Ryuzaki Shinji also let these subordinates with strong homesickness return to their hometown.

And he followed Christina to Fangyuan. After visiting her grandmother, he began to secretly build a shadow team in Fangyuan's Shuijing City.

Note: The whereabouts of the black tyrannosaurus and the two earliest subordinates are unknown.

Relying on the large amount of gold and silver treasures obtained from the shipwreck graveyard and the central island, Ryuzaki Shinji also obtained a large amount of money from the black market.

After that, he asked Christina to buy a shipbuilding company in Shuijing City in her name, and began to transform the underground area of ​​the shipbuilding company, so as to gradually establish the first shadow team in Fangyuan area. a base camp.

During their stay on the central island for half a year, the members of the Shadow Team who returned from the Trial Secret Realm have greatly improved their strength. With the help of the original things they have obtained, they have all advanced to become Heavenly King-level trainers without exception. .

And Ryuzaki Shinji passed the 6-level trial, and the person who has several original slate fragments and a large number of original objects in his hands, the power of the elf in his hand has grown even more explosively.

Note: The Origin Slate is equivalent to an infinitely used Origin item, but the amount of Origin Power in it is limited. After absorbing it, it must wait for a period of time to recharge, and it can continue to be used after recharging. (A Origin Slate Fragment has at least 5 Origin Objects. The larger the volume, the more Origin Power that can be stored.)

Note: A pixie needs at least 1 original item to advance to a low-level king, a minimum of 10 copies is required for a pixie to advance to an intermediate king, and a minimum of 100 original items is required for a pixie to advance to a high-level king, and so on, the champion needs at least 1000 copies. A copy of the original. (The higher the elf qualification, the more demand)

By absorbing a lot of Origin Power from the Poison Origin Slate Fragments, Gengar, Abo Monster, and Smelly Mud have successfully advanced to the Low-level Poison King, Intermediate Poison King, and Intermediate Peak Poison King.

Poisonous frog, frog grass, poison sting jellyfish, and stinger bee, four poison-type elves were also successfully promoted to the heavenly king level with the help of the poison-type source slate fragments, becoming a low-level heavenly king-level poison-type elves.

Among them, Froggrass has the greatest strength improvement because it possesses both the Poison-type Origin Slate Fragment and the Grass-type Origin Slate Fragment. Now it has the strength of both the low-level Grass-type Heavenly King and the low-level Poison-type Heavenly King, and has also successfully evolved into a wonderful frog. flower.

The Scorpio King was also promoted to the Heavenly King level, and, like the Frog Flower, he was a double-material Heavenly King-level elf.

Although the ground-based source slate fragment consumed two pieces as a reward for asking Sakagi and Nazi to take action, he still kept a small piece in his hand. More than enough.

Ryusaki Shinji also successfully obtained a piece of the original slate fragment of the flight system through fishing in troubled waters.

Therefore, the Scorpion King also successfully advanced to the Heavenly King level by absorbing the power of the source of two different attributes, and his strength has been greatly improved. .

Although Goda Duck doesn't have water and super energy source stone slabs to absorb, Ryuzaki Shinji is also a specific way of bartering, obtaining more than a dozen water source items from other testers.

By absorbing more than a dozen water-type origins, Gotha Duck also successfully condensed its own water-type energy core and became a water-type elf at the level of an intermediate heavenly king.

With the strength of his own mid-level super power-type heavenly king elf, Gotha Duck has also become a powerful elf with intermediate-level water-type heavenly king strength and intermediate-level superpower-type heavenly king strength.

At present, Goda Duck has the strength not lost to the single-attribute high-level elf.

As for Heluga and Dumb beast, Ryuzaki Shinji also gave them the opportunity to absorb several original things of the same attribute.

At present, Heluga has the strength of the low-level fire-type king, and the dumb beast has the strength of the low-level super-power king.

In the end, Kira, the elf who had high hopes by Ryuzaki Shinji, Ryuzaki Shinji also gave him emperor-level treatment.

After the Scorpio King was promoted to the Heavenly King level, Ryuzaki Shinji left the ground-based source slate fragments on him (it was eaten, it could not be digested, and could be spit out).

At the same time, Ryuzaki Shinji also obtained more than ten pieces of rock-based origin from other testers in exchange for things.

However, Kira was still young, and Ryuzaki Shinji was afraid of his unstable foundation, so he didn't dare to let him absorb it all at the first time. It took a long period of time to allow him to eat a portion of the original.

Note: The Golden Mud Giant cannot be taken out of the central island, and is currently guarding the shadow team's base camp in the desert in the central island.

With so many powerful elves in his hands, Ryuzaki Shinji's strength is naturally greatly increased.

In the past six months, Ryuzaki Shinji has completely mastered the underground world of Shuijing City, and all those who resisted him have been secretly eliminated by him, and the shadow team has officially taken root in Shuijing City.

Afterwards, after Yan Kai, Electromagnetic, Daye and other backbones of the shadow team all returned one after another~www.readwn.com~ the shadow team also began to further expand, but this expansion soon encountered strong resistance.

The sudden appearance of the Shadow Team has broken the balance of the original Fangyuan underground world. The two strongest dark organizations in the Fangyuan area, the Fire Rock Team and the Water Fleet, have joined other dark organizations to consciously suppress it.

In addition, the Fangyuan Alliance has also noticed the new force of the Shadow Team. In order to curb his continued growth, they also frequently attacked.

Under the suppression of black and white, the shadow team with a serious lack of background (too few people) had to stop and continue to expand.

Of course, in the presence of the top powerhouse Ryuzaki Shinji, (destroying a town with his own power) black and white did not dare to suppress too hard, tacitly accepting the shadow team's control of the underground world in Shuijing City and some nearby areas .

Today, the Shadow Team controls the underground world of Shuijing City and the surrounding areas, and its strength is also steadily increasing. After stabilizing the situation, Ryuzaki Shinji also set off again and began to continue his cultivation journey.

Of course, in order to ensure that there would be no fire in the backyard after he left, Ryuzaki Shinji also left enough defensive force in the base camp.

At present, Ryuzaki Shinji has left him in the Shadow Team base camp in Shui Jing City except for Yukira, Heluga, Tian Xi and Gengar.


"It's been a long time, Light Red City, the first starting point of my trainer's road." Ryuzaki Shinji was walking on the main road of Light Red City, looking at the bustling crowds and buildings that had become somewhat unfamiliar, he couldn't help sighing in his heart said.

When I came back again, everything had changed.

To be continued.....

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