Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 2: :have lunch

Ryuzaki Shinji was walking on the streets of Light Red City. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he always walked with his eyes closed.

All relying on his own mental power covering a radius of 100 meters to replace his eyes, and he was always following a sturdy black Lujia, he looked completely blind.

In fact, with a vicious dog like Heluga, who knew that he was not easy to mess with at first glance, he was leading the way. Almost no one dared to approach Ryuzaki Shinji, and they all made way for this "blind man".

In this way, Ryuzaki Shinji seemed to have become a bully with a vicious dog swaggering through the city, so that he even attracted the attention of some Union police patrolling the streets.

But to their shock, their once very brave buddies, the Catty, are now cowardly.

No matter how they tried, they couldn't get them to come within 25 meters of Ryuzaki Zhen, all of them hung their arrogant tails, and looked at the black Ruga who didn't even look at them with a look of horror.

Ryuzaki Shinji also expressed helplessness for such a thing to happen. He is not the kind of person who likes to sway around the market and cause unnecessary trouble, so he had to be wronged by Helujia for the time being and put him away with a Poke Ball.

Sure enough, as soon as Heluga was put away, the atmosphere immediately eased, and those eyes that had been on Ryuzaki Shinji suddenly lost more than half of them.

The owners of those eyes all left very wisely. After all, Ryuzaki Shinji was a very difficult trainer at first sight. Since he used his behavior to show that he had no malicious intentions, there was no need for them to offend him.

Ryuzaki Shinji continued to walk along the street with his eyes closed, and soon came to the commercial center of the city. At this time, the pedestrians around were all dressed in very fashionable suits and leather shoes, obviously some elites from the high-class society.

Suddenly, the smell of food wafted from a very luxuriously decorated restaurant ahead.

After Ryuzaki Shinji smelled the fragrance, his stomach suddenly made a "gugugu~~" sound, and the saliva from his mouth flowed out involuntarily. It was noon now, and it was time to eat.

"Anyway, don't be in a hurry, let's fill up the stomach first, I hope there is a different kind of food in it." Ryuzaki Shinji vomited a lot of saliva secreted from his mouth, thinking to himself, and then took a step, bringing Looking forward to walking to the luxury hotel across the road.


Since returning to the human world, in addition to continuing to maintain the hobby of training elves, Ryuzaki Shinji has an additional hobby of tasting food.

For the food cooked with various cherished elf ingredients, once he sees it, he will not miss it no matter what, and he also tries his best to get the recipe.

Because Ryuzaki Shinji found that since eating these delicacies carefully cooked with elf ingredients and various rare materials, his body's blood has also been significantly improved, and his fighter's strength, who had been stagnant, has also improved. Finally there was a hint of loosening.

Since Ryuzaki Shinji awakened his superpowers, he has rarely fought with the strength of his fighter.

The reason is also very simple. The strength of the junior fighter is far from being able to support him in the head-on battle with the increasingly stronger elves, but the power of the super power is getting stronger and stronger by chance.

Rather than spending a lot of effort to defeat the enemy with physical strength, it is better to use the superpowers of your fingers to play the enemy between your palms. When you compare the two forces, you will immediately judge.

Ryuzaki Shinji is not stupid. Since he can be a high-level mage, why bother going back to be a bitter warrior? Starting from reality, making the best choice is the truth.

Of course, it doesn't mean that being a soldier has no future. Compared with a mage, a soldier also has the advantages of rough skin, thick flesh and tenacious vitality.

In general, compared to crispy superpowers, fighters have a much higher chance of surviving in the face of assassins' attacks and kills, and have a high chance to kill the opponent, which is almost like an assassin restraining a mage. And the truth of the warrior restraining the assassin.

Ryuzaki Shinji used to be very poor, and he was not very clear about the fact that if fighters want to continue to improve, they must further increase their daily nutritional energy. On weekdays, they just eat enough compressed biscuits to survive, and compressed biscuits are common people. The nutritional value of food that you don't eat is naturally not high.

Therefore, even if Ryuzaki Shinji works hard, his own fighter strength can only stand still or even go backwards when his body cannot take in enough nutritional energy.

To put it horribly, fortunately Ryuzaki Shinji didn't exercise hard after awakening his superpower. Otherwise, without sufficient nutritional supply, it is possible to abolish his physical training. To a certain extent, Nazi still It is Ryuzaki Shinji's savior.

Ever since he was accidentally invited by the leaders of other dark forces to eat a top-notch dish cooked with elf ingredients and various rare ingredients, his fighter strength has grown.

Ryuzaki Shinji also came to his senses, and scolded himself that he had been on the horns before, missing a lot of time to improve his fighter's strength.

Since then, Ryuzaki Shinji has also understood that hard training alone is not enough for fighters to continuously increase their strength.

In terms of food, it also takes a lot of effort and a lot of money, and at the same time, sleep well, otherwise it will be useless to toss, and it is not unreasonable that martial arts often say that the poor are rich in martial arts.

Think about the same thing, the reason why human fighters in ancient times were so prosperous was probably the result of eating a lot of elf food.

At the same time, the medicinal materials (cooking accessories) that are more cherished in the ancient times should also be seen everywhere, and the number is very large, so it has created the prosperous fighter civilization of mankind.

Later, humans invented the Poké Ball and possessed the ability to drive the Pokémon to fight with the Pokémon. In addition, the number of rare medicinal herbs dropped sharply, and all kinds of Pokémon dishes suitable for exercising the human body were also lost from the camera, which eventually led to the decline of the fighter.

After Ryuzaki Shinji wanted to understand, he began to focus part of his attention on these elf gourmet dishes, and spent a lot of money on them.

Naturally, there are also harvests. The qi and blood in Ryuzaki Shinji's body has been greatly improved, the physical condition is getting better and better, and the strength of his fighter has also improved slightly.

Ryuzaki Shinji is naturally very willing to see this happen. After all, after he was almost killed by the Sakagi giant needle bee, he no longer thinks that superpowers can do whatever they want. The arrogant idea.

Since Sakagi's Giant Needle Bee can do this, there must be other top powerhouses in the world who can do this, and can even kill the unsuspecting him.

Therefore, Ryuzaki Shinji is more concerned about improving his fighter's strength. Although he can't change the enemy, he can still change himself.

The improvement of the fighter's strength can undoubtedly improve his survivability~www.readwn.com~ At the same time, his own strength will become stronger, and the price is only to consume some money that can be grabbed from others at any time, why not do it Woolen cloth.


Ryuzaki Shinji opened the door of the restaurant, and the sound of "Dingling Ling~" sounded from his ears, and at this time, a young and beautiful waitress in a maid costume quickly came to him.

However, after the beautiful waitress glanced at the clothes on Ryuzaki Shinji's body, the smile on her face gradually disappeared, and her eyes became a little cold.

At the same time, the dignitaries in the restaurant who were eating elegantly were also looked down upon by Ryuzaki Shinji, and their arrogant faces showed disgust.

"Hello sir, do you have an appointment?" the next second, the beautiful waitress said to Ryuzaki Shinji in a pleasant and somewhat cold voice, and at the same time, the small hand behind her also gently held her waist A pokeball that looks like an ornament.

Ryuzaki Shinji didn't answer the pretty waitress's somewhat indifferent question, but released the very impatient Black Luga who had been in the Poke Ball again, and then seemed to use the pretty waitress as air In the same way, rubbing Lugar's head comfortably.

As soon as Heluga appeared, the expressions of the people in the restaurant who were watching the play suddenly changed. The old manager in a suit and leather shoes immediately walked out from the counter, maintaining an elegant pace, and quickly walked towards Ryuzaki Shinji.

At this time, the beautiful waitress's eyes showed a look of horror, and the little hand behind her suddenly shook, and the Poke Ball in her hand suddenly fell to the ground.

To be continued.....

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