Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 5: : Revisiting the Hometown

Ryuzaki Shinji opened the door, and the old manager's old face with an apologetic smile was what caught his eye, but although the other party was covering up very well now, the slight tremor on his body still revealed his fear at this time.

In fact, the old manager is currently a perimeter member of the Rockets, and once he was a captain-level Rockets member.

Later, due to the serious battle injuries, even if he survived with advanced medical technology, he still suffered serious diseases, so he was withdrawn from the front line and retreated to the second line.

And this luxury restaurant in the city center is naturally one of the industries secretly owned by the Rockets. The old manager is arranged to retire here and also provides a lot of activity funds and some useful information for the organization.

However, although the old manager relegated to the second line, some of the top team members of the Rockets see him as a good deed for his hard work and reluctantly regard him as their cronies, so the authority in the hands of the old manager is still good, and he can see the transmission from some organizations for the first time. The latest information can also be heard directly to the sky.

Just now, the old manager received a top-level order from a certain superior, the content of which was probably "Absolutely not offend Ryuzaki Shinji, and at the same time, you must treat the other party well, and absolutely must not cause the other party to be dissatisfied in the slightest, otherwise he will be punished. Ask him."

After receiving this to the highest level of instruction, the old manager, who had already filled up his Human Sophistication skill points, broke out in a cold sweat.

Now he still doesn't know that Ryuzaki Shinji is a big man, and he is a very big one, so big that the organization does not dare to offend easily, and he and others just wanted to plan the other party just now.

"Sir, your lunch and the little ones are ready, please use it slowly, and, in order to express my apology, all your expenses in the restaurant are free, this is your alliance gold card, please Put it away, if you have any special orders, the little one is at the door, you can just call." The old manager nodded and bowed to Ryuzaki Shinji, looking like a loyal dog.

"Well, it's so good, then I'm welcome, don't worry, I'm not very interested in you little bugs, just be obedient, I won't do anything, just put things down and retire, I'll call if anything happens. It's yours." Ryuzaki Shinji heard the words, a gleam of light suddenly appeared in his eyes, the corner of his mouth rose slightly, and after taking the alliance gold card presented by the old manager's hands, he ordered the other party to withdraw with a telepathy.

Hearing that, the old manager nodded repeatedly and said yes. After placing a large amount of food in the dining car in the living room, he immediately stomped out of the room, then erected his waist pole in front of the door, and guarded the room meticulously. Outside.

In order to make Ryuzaki Shinji happy and satisfied, this time, the old manager really made a lot of money. As soon as he came up, he brought Ryuzaki Shinji several famous elf dishes in Kanto.

There are red simmered bear's paw, steamed giant pincer crab*5, braised panshan king, etc. (to write too much is not good) these elf dishes have the effect of supplementing a lot of qi and blood.

And Heruga also got his wish to get the Kentaro feast that Ryuzaki Shinji promised him. He smelled the bursts of spicy taste from the cooked beef, and Heruga was also drooling with his index finger, and immediately rushed. Go up and eat.

Now he is eating oily mouth and sweating profusely, and showing a look of extreme happiness

And He Lujia is now completely opposite to his usual high-cold image, which also makes Yukira, who is still eating diamonds, turn back frequently, with extremely curious eyes in his eyes.

In the end, Yukira couldn't help being curious, and went up to steal a little bit of Heruga's spicy Kentaro dinner, but now she was in the room with the spicy tomato sauce poured on top of the beef. Scramble around and destroy a lot of valuable furniture in the room.

"Bang bang bang~~" I heard the sound of demolition coming from the room. The old manager who was standing guard outside the room also blushed. Bean drops of sweat kept dripping from his face. Thinking of the prices of all kinds of expensive furniture in the room, he felt as if a dagger kept stabbing in the north, and his heart was bleeding non-stop.

At the same time, other noble diners who were eating on the nearby floors also filed complaints against the service staff. For a time, the entire restaurant became a mess because of the demolition of the house by Kira.

After more than ten minutes of tossing, the sound of house demolition in the room finally stopped, and the old manager's old face full of blue veins gradually relaxed.

At this time, his eyes were blank, and he kept muttering in his mouth unconsciously, saying the words "it's none of my business", "it's all his fault", "it's an instruction from above".

Then, more than an hour later, the recovered old manager finally knocked on the door of the room and questioned Shinji Ryuzaki who was inside.

After several unsuccessful inquiries, the old manager also dared to open the door to take a look inside, and immediately found that in addition to the remains of various precious furniture, a large number of broken bones and scattered dinner plates, Ryuzaki Shinji And his little elves are long gone.

When the old manager found that Ryuzaki Shinji had left the room, the well-fed Ryuzaki Shinji was walking on the cluttered streets of the outer city of Light Red City with the hidden breath of Dairubi (the peak of the elite in front of him). .

"The taste is pretty good, but the effect is a little worse, um~, the change is really big, where is it?" After a little aftertaste of the free meal he ate not long ago, Ryuzaki walked leisurely in the alley. Shinji also licked his mouth and said in a low voice.

After tens of minutes of after-dinner walks for digestion, the qi and blood conditions in his body showed signs of slowly improving.

In the process of taking a walk after dinner to help digestion, Ryuzaki Shinji also wandered around the outer city of the light red city for a long time, and his mental power has been continuously spreading around.

At this time, Ryuzaki Shinji was trying to use his memory to find a tavern he had been to before he left, and he still remembered that there was a very interesting character in it.

One of the purposes of Ryuzaki Shinji's visit to Asaru City this time is to try to find this person and make this person available to him.

Unfortunately, after the Light Red City was attacked by the army of elves led by the Night Demon, the entire city was in a state of semi-destroy, and the outer city was severely damaged.

Now after reconstruction, Ryuzaki Shinji's former impression is no longer useful~www.readwn.com~ It seems that the tavern has been demolished as a dangerous building.

Of course, even after the reconstruction, the outer urban area is still the place where the poor live, and it is also the main place where various gangs are entrenched. It didn't take long for the reconstruction to restore the almost exactly the same environment that Ryuzaki Shinji had in mind.

Ryuzaki Shinji was impressed by a smell that wafted throughout the outer city. It was a strange smell that was a mixture of sweat, rotten food, blood and various odors.

To be precise, this kind of smell is unique to the black or gray area. It is very simple and convenient for people who live in this place all the year round to distinguish the same kind, and they can basically know by smelling it a little.

On the ground of the outer city, all kinds of garbage can be seen everywhere, and they are numerous but scattered in the streets.

In addition to these garbage, some drunkards sleeping on the ground, burly men with some kind of tattoos on their bodies, and exposed women with heavy makeup and powder are scattered among them.

From the moment Ryuzaki Shinji came to the outer city, no matter which street or alley he went, he could meet these people, and those eyes that strayed from him followed him constantly.

Finally, after feeling that the food in his stomach was almost digested, Ryuzaki Shinji also continued to go deeper and deeper down a certain alley, and finally came to the end of it, a dead end.

At this time, dozens of burly men with ferocious elves also quickly appeared behind Ryuzaki Shinji along the alley.

"Sure enough, I still found the wrong place. How about you come to be my tour guide? You will get paid." Ryuzaki Shinji turned around and said calmly to the burly men who had blocked the alley. .

To be continued.....

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