Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 6: : The leader of the Fist and Axe Gang

At this time, the people who surrounded Ryuzaki Shinji in the dead end were all burly men over 1.8 meters tall. On their open chests, there was a tattoo of a fist clenching an axe. A large axe with a gleaming edge.

In addition, each of these burly men is accompanied by a fighting elf such as Hot Monkey, Kuai Quan Lang, Fei Ku Lang, and Haoli, and every fighting elf is no less than the elite level. breath.

After confirming that Ryuzaki Shinji was blocked in the alley, a group of burly men and fighting elves took the initiative to stand on both sides.

A big fat man with a height of 2.2 meters or more came slowly to Ryuzaki Shinji with a giant axe and a quick fist with a quasi-king-level aura.

Although Yamaguchi Yu intuitively felt that the guy in front of him who looked very jealous was very difficult to deal with, but judging from the performance of the other party alone after entering the outer city, the other party is only one person.

Now more than half of the outer city area has been completely controlled by their fist and axe gang. To deal with a guy who is obviously from other places, Yamaguchi asked himself to use his strength as a quasi-king-level trainer plus more than a dozen brothers to win the "mother" in front of him. They" had no problem.

"What nonsense, I don't understand, listen, outsider, you are entering the territory of our Fist and Axe Gang. If you want to survive, you should immediately hand over all the valuables on your body, otherwise, I will let you see The taste of being chopped by an axe." Hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's nonsensical words, the big fat man Yamaguchi Yuda's blue veins on his bald head slightly bulged, and he pointed at Ryuzaki Shinji with the big axe on his shoulders, and shouted fiercely.

"What nonsense are you talking to him, Big Brother Yamaguchi, let's just do this **** from out of town, I'm going to be upset by looking at it, I'm going to cut his little white face into a shredded meat face, hehehe~~" Waiting Ryuzaki Shinji replied, and a vicious man with buck teeth on the left of the big fat man stepped forward with an axe, licked the blade on the axe with his tongue, and looked at Ryuzaki Shinji with a sullen look on his face.

"Hehehe~~~" The other members of the Fist and Axe Gang heard the words, and the big axe in their hands were raised at the same time, and their faces were more or less scarred, and they all split at Ryuzaki Shinji. An unusually hideous smile.

If ordinary people and ordinary trainers were blocked in the alley like this, and they were threatened by such a group of burly men with axes, they would be so frightened that they would kneel down and beg for mercy.

"Fist and Axe Gang, it seems that the largest gangster here before, the Black Axe Gang, has been wiped out. I remember their leader is a bit strong. Forget it, it's the same anyway, except for the fat man in the middle, kill everyone else. One tour guide is enough." Ryuzaki Shinji, a Heavenly King-level trainer, naturally didn't take such a gracious threat from such a group of gang members seriously, and said after rubbing Luga's head a little.

As soon as Ryuzaki Shinji finished speaking, a high-speed rotating axe instantly spanned a distance of several meters, and threw it towards Ryuzaki Shinji's head impartially.

At the same time, a fast fist man also appeared on Heruga's side waist like lightning, and posed a punching posture, the fighting energy in his hand exploded, and he made a sonic punch at Heruga's waist.

Yamaguchi Yu is a trainer at the quasi-king level, with a keen awareness of battle and danger prediction. When Ryuzaki Shinji stroked Heluga with his hands, he felt a fatal crisis from Heluga.

So, he immediately attacked first, relying on the tacit understanding he had cultivated over the years, and cooperated with Kuaiquan Lang to make a sneak attack.

Unfortunately, in the anticipation of the gang members, the scene where Ryuzaki Shinji's head was split in half by Yamaguchi Yu's axe did not appear. Instead, there was a scene where the pupils in their eyes shrank suddenly.

Before the flying axe approached within half a meter of Ryuzaki Shinji's head, a strong arm accurately caught the handle of the axe that was spinning at a high speed, and the backhand axe slashed like lightning at the one who was about to make a sneak attack. On the fast fist.

The voice of "咻~, slap~" appeared, and an arm with a red full set fell to the ground from mid-air. The next second, the blood flowing in the arm dyed the dirty ground red.

"Lang~~" Soon, the severe pain after the right arm was instantly cut off by the axe followed. Kuai Quan Lang fell to the ground with a painful expression, and his left hand pressed the wound on the right shoulder that was bleeding continuously. There was a burst of hissing, lung-splitting screams.

In just a few seconds, the sneak attack of Yamaguchi Yu and Kuaiquan Lang was easily resolved by Ryuzaki Shinji, and he also stole chickens without losing rice. Kuaiquan Lang, who lost an arm, can basically be declared scrapped.

For a time, all the gang members and fighting elves were shocked by Ryuzaki Shinji's amazing defensive counterattack, and they were all dumbfounded and at a loss.

"The strength is quite large, but unfortunately it is not enough. The axe is not thrown like this. I will teach you, it should be like this." Ryuzaki Shinji shook the axe in his hand and looked at the blade. A trace of red light flashed in his eyes, and he slashed another axe at Kuai Quan Lang, who was annoying beside him, and split him in half, then threw the axe in his hand forward.

The next moment, the high-speed rotating axe made a strong air-breaking sound, and the sound of "咻~" swept across the air. In less than a second, a loud "bang~" sounded, and the axe with great strength was deep. Deeply inserted into a wall at the opposite corner of the alley.

When the axe was stuck on the wall, the members of the Fist and Axe Gang in the row to the left of Yamaguchi Yu said from the very beginning that the buck-toothed man who killed Ryuzaki Shinji directly, the heads above their necks were flying at this time. in midair.

Then, under the sound of "dong dong dong~~", these heads with horror on their faces fell on the ground one by one, and Ryuzaki Shinji's powerful flying axe directly smashed the half of the face in front of him. Fist and Axe Gang members killed.

At this time, the remaining members of the Fist and Axe Gang who are still alive have a strong sense of fear on their faces in addition to horror.

In just a short moment, nearly half of his companions suddenly fell to the ground. At this time, Ryuzaki Shinji, in the eyes of the remaining Fist and Axe Gang members, was no longer a weak and bullying sheep, but a sheep in sheepskin. demon.

However, some fighting elves who were killed because of their masters temporarily forgot their fears because of their anger~www.readwn.com~ rushed towards the murderer Ryuzaki Shinji recklessly, with fighting spirit on their hands and feet Energy, I want to go up and use various fighting skills to break Ryuzaki Shinji into pieces.

But unfortunately, these fighting-type elves just walked a short distance forward, and a black fire column with a destructive aura came towards them.

Without exception, all the fighting elves that were hit by the black fire column were instantly ignited into torches, and they were burned to a pile of ashes before they could even let out a wailing sound.

Heluga shot directly and burned these angry fighting elves to ashes with a simple jet of flame.

All of a sudden, the rest of the Fist and Axe Gang members collapsed in their hearts. Suddenly, there was a sound of "puff~" followed by a series of "dong, dong, dong~" sounds, and the big fat man Yamaguchi knelt heavily on the ground. Then he kept kowtowing to Ryuzaki Shinji with fearful eyes.

At the moment when Heluga shot, Yamaguchi Yu felt the breath of the king from him, and immediately knew that he had offended someone who could not be offended. At this time, he only hoped to use this humiliating behavior to make Ryuzaki Shinji spared his life.

When other members of the Fist and Axe Gang saw their leading elder brother behaving like this, they also followed suit. They immediately fell to their knees and kept kowtowing to Shinji Ryuzaki.

A few minutes later, a black fire broke out in the entire alley, and it quickly spread to the surrounding buildings, and a large-scale fire suddenly appeared.

In an alley not far from the fire scene, a big fat man was like a pug, shaking his head and shaking his tail to lead the way for the young man with a black rug behind him.

To be continued...

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