Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 22: : Challenge Gym (Part 2)

It's a pity that Raichu, who has a rather bad personality, paid no attention to Miao Miao's greetings and greetings. Just like his master who is now in a state of rage, he stared at Miao Miao coldly.

"Meow?" Seeing Leiqiu ignoring him, Miao Miao has a naive personality, and Miao Miao doesn't know why, but because of the other party's bad attitude, Miao Miao felt a little angry in her heart, and her drooping ears began to rise slightly.

"The battle begins!!" After seeing that the elves on both sides were already standing on the field, the referee who felt Ma Zhishi's icy gaze immediately dropped the flag in his hand and the battle officially started.

As soon as the referee's flag fell, and without Ma Zhishi's instructions, Lei Qiu, who was ready to go, immediately shot a bucket of thick golden thunder from his body. go.

Not only is the golden thunderbolt extremely fast, but its power is also obviously very strong, and it actually cut a deep crack on the ground along the way.

As soon as he came up, Leiqiu, who obtained the special attack boost through the lightning rod characteristic, wanted to kill Miao Miao and used a super powerful thunder trick. If Miao Miao was hit by his thunder trick, it would definitely be life-threatening.

"Miao Miao, pay attention, use your mental force to control the surrounding gravel to block it." Although Raichu's attack was extremely fast, Ryusaki Shinji's reaction was above him. When Raichu made a thunderbolt, Ryuzaki Shinji has already used telepathy to respond to Miao Miao's message.

After more than two months of training, Miao Miao has initially been able to control the innate and increasingly terrifying powerful mental force in her body. The feeling came again.

"Meow!!" Miao Miao shouted loudly, and the two drooping ears stood up completely, and in an instant, a powerful spiritual force that was no less than the level of a quasi-celestial king burst out of him.

Immediately afterwards, Miao Miao pointed at the 8 stone-sized concrete blocks scattered around, and these 8 concrete blocks were immediately wrapped by a layer of blue superpowers, and then quickly lined up in a row to block the mine. On the path that Chu Dalei's ultimate move must pass.

"Bang bang bang~~" Raichu, who received the special attack boost, released a very powerful thunderbolt attack. Even with these eight huge concrete blocks as shields, he still couldn't completely block his attack.

Raichu's thundering trick directly shattered eight concrete blocks, and continued to charge straight towards Miaomiao's location.

"Very good, rebound Raichu's thunder trick." Fortunately, after being blocked by 8 huge concrete blocks, the power of Raichu's thunder trick has been weakened by half. Shinji also ordered Miao Miao, whose strength had skyrocketed temporarily, to use her superpowers to bounce back the thunder trick.

"Meow!" Miao Miao pointed her finger forward at Leiqiu, and the golden thunder that was imprisoned by Miao Miao's powerful superpower immediately turned back and rushed towards Leiqiu.

"This guy is really not comparable to those wastes before. Both Laluras and Miao Miao have been trained very well, especially this Miao Miao, which suddenly burst out with such a powerful mental force, but it is not yet. Being flexible and free, and the trainer's command made a major mistake this time, otherwise, with Raichu's strength, it would not be easy to win this battle." Seeing that Miaomiao actually rebounded Raichu's thunder trick, Ma Zhishi couldn't help but look on his face. Showing surprise.

Raichu has the characteristics of a lightning rod, and ordinary electrical moves have no effect on him at all, but will continue to temporarily increase his powerful special attack ability.

Ryusaki Shinji will let Miao Miao rebound Raichu's thundering move to attack Raichu. In Ma Zhishi's view, this is an uncompromising move, so he didn't give any orders to Raichu at all, he just stood there. Stay still.

"Right now, Miao Miao, use the characteristic swap on Raichu." After seeing the fish taking the bait, Ryusaki Shinji was also the first time to let Miao Miao use the magical feature swap on Raichu who was still standing still. Super powers change moves.

"Raichu! Hurry, hurry up and avoid the thundering move." After hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's words, Ma Zhishi's face changed greatly, and he immediately shouted at Raichu who was calm in the face of the rebounding thundering move.

"Lei?" Hearing the hurried voice of the master, Raichu's ears suddenly perked up, his face became serious again, and regardless of the reason, he immediately carried out Ma Zhishi's order.

However, Raichu's move was obviously a bit late, and Miao Miao, who was opposite him, had already completed the preparation of the characteristic swapping move.

As the two looked at each other, an indistinct blue filament of light immediately connected with the two sides, and Miao Miao's characteristic swapping move against Raichu was successfully activated.

In the next second, Raichu relied on his excellent agility to avoid the thundering trick that bounced back. At the same time, a yellow lightning symbol suddenly appeared between Miao Miao's eyebrows.

At the same time, on the periphery of the battlefield, there were two new audience members, one big and one small. They were the sisters of Hirona. Judging from the serious expression on Hirona's face at this time, she was obviously going to fight. The process is completely over.

"The battle is over like this. What a keen insight. The links are interlocked, and a shot is a fatal blow." Shirona murmured while looking at Ryuzaki Shinji who was engrossed in the battle.

"Miaomiao is so powerful, I really want it." Shivana, who was beside Shirona, looked at Miaomiao with a look of hope on the battlefield, looking at Miaoxing.

After this battle, the trainers on both sides did not continue to give any orders to the elf, and for a while, they fell into a strange silence on the battlefield.

"Mr. Ma Zhishi, is it necessary to continue this battle? You are already gone." After seven or eight seconds passed, Ryuzaki Shinji folded his arms and faced Ma, whose face was sinking like water, with a calm face. Zhishi said.

Now the lightning rod characteristic of Leiqiu is obtained by Miaomiao through the exchange of characteristics, which means that in the next battle, any of Leiqiu's electric moves will have no effect on Miaomiao, and it will also improve Miaomiao's original Already very powerful agent ability.

And the electricity-type elf who has lost the ability to use electricity-type moves as a housekeeping skill is like a toothless tiger, and is completely vulnerable in front of opponents of the same weight.

"Hey, don't be complacent, kid, my Raichu is not only an electric-type move, give it to me, Raichu, show your speed and use a steel tail on Miaomiao." Hearing Ryuzaki Shinji so arrogant With those words, Ma Zhishi's complexion was highlighted with blue veins, obviously his heart exploded, and he immediately continued to issue an attack command to Raichu with a ferocious expression on his face.

"Thunder!" Feeling the anger in the master's heart, Leiqiu immediately turned hideous, stepped back robustly, and rushed towards Miaomiao's inferior. At the same time, the lightning-shaped tail was quickly covered with a metallic luster~www .readwn.com~Unfortunately, for Miao Miao, Leiqiu, who is temporarily unable to use electricity-type moves, can't pose any threat to him at all. Before Leiqiu could get within one meter of Miao Miao's body, he was attacked by Miao Miao. Meow grabbed with mental strength, and was imprisoned in place, unable to move.

In the end, Raichu hit Miaomiao with 100,000 volts and thunder tricks at close range.

But for Miao Miao, who has the characteristics of lightning rod at this time, it has no effect at all. Instead, Miao Miao's special attack ability is increased, and the super power that imprisons him is also stronger.

Facing Miao Miao at this time, this powerful mental power is comparable to the level of a quasi-king, and Raichu's electric-type move, which is the biggest rely on victory, cannot take effect on Miao Miao.

In the end, Ma Zhishi could only watch helplessly as Leiqiu was imprisoned by Miao Miao's mental force, being squeezed and attacked frantically by his superpower a little bit, and then completely lost his ability to fight.

"At the end of the battle, Raichu lost his ability to fight, and the winner is Miao Miao. Since the two elves of Mr. Ma Zhishi, the gym agent, have lost their ability to fight, the winner of this gym challenge is Werther from Carlos. "Seeing Raichu being tortured by Miaomiao's superpower to the point of losing his ability to fight, the referee on the edge of the battlefield also swallowed and raised the flag in his hand to announce the result of the battle.

To be continued.....

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