Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 23: : Departing from the Golden City and Spirit Evolution

After defeating Ma Zhishi and obtaining the orange badge from him, Ryuzaki Shinji immediately chose to leave. As for Sister Shirona, he didn't even look at it, as if it was an air background.

"Hmph, stingy, isn't it just to scare you? Do you need to treat us like this?" Seeing Ryuzaki Shinji without looking at them both, Shyvana made a gesture towards Ryuzaki Shinji's back. said a grimace.

"Enough, Shyvana, I promised my grandma to take you on a trip, not to make you make enemies for the temple. If you are willful again, I will send you back." Shyvana's unrepentant behavior completely angered Shirona. , and suddenly said to her with a cold face.

This time, the pampered Shyvana was like a mouse meeting a cat, she immediately pursed her lips, and looked at her sister pitifully with red eyes.

It's a pity that her feigning pity this time did not work for Shirona who was in a bad mood at the time. After the latter continued to stare at him, she walked towards Ma Zhishi, who was a little lost at this time.

"The previous behavior was really rude, and he had to make some compensation. If the temple wants to revive, it is far from enough to rely on me alone. We must reform the internal mechanism of the temple and absorb the outside world. Only talent." Shirona turned her head to look at the back of Ryuzaki Shinji who was about to disappear, and muttered.

Shirona came to Dry Leaf Gym this time to challenge the gym. As for the current state of the gym agent, she would not care, because no matter whether the other party was good or bad, she was destined to lose to her.

On the other hand, after Ryuzaki Shinji completed the challenge to the Dry Leaf Gym, he also quickly left the Dry Leaf Gym and began to prepare for the next city with a gym badge: the Golden City.

Golden City is the largest and most prosperous city in the Kanto region. It is a well-known international metropolis in the entire Elf world. Among them, the headquarters of the world-famous Elf props research and development company Siruf Group is located in Manjin City. .

At present, according to the information obtained by Ryuzaki Shinji from the Rocket Team Base in Light Red City, the Rocket Team's base camp is also in Manjin City, and he is also located under the ground of the Siruf Group Technology Building.

In fact, the second week after Ryuzaki Shinji kidnapped Mr. Sato, Caesar was punished by the Rockets headquarters.

Not only did he lose his position as the head of the Light Red City base, but he was also transferred out of Light Red City, and the new head of the Light Red City Rockets base was a second-generation official with no strength.

Faced with the opportunity of a serious decline in the strength of the Light Red City Rockets base, how could Ryuzaki Shinji let it go? On the second day after this official second generation accepted the Light Red City Rockets Base from the Caesar audience, Ryuzaki Shinji took the old man Sato and sneaked into the Rockets base directly.

In this infiltration operation, Ryuzaki Shinji's goal is naturally those elves that successfully integrate the dream genes, but when they arrived at the research institute where these elves used for research were stored, they found all the elves used for genetic research. have all been transferred.

Later, a Rocket scientist who was captured by Shinji Ryuzaki learned that on the day Caesar was transferred, the group of elves fused with dream gene modification were secretly transferred away.

As for the destination of the transfer, Mr. Sato used the 3D Dragon Z to invade the computer of the Rocket Team Base in Light Red City to investigate the transportation paths of all car faces in recent days, and only got an accurate location, which is the Rocket Team headquarters in Golden City. .

At the same time, Mr. Sato also found that all research materials related to Dream in the Rocket Team Base in Light Red City were destroyed.

For the failure of this infiltration operation, Ryuzaki Shinji, who did not achieve his goal, was naturally extremely unwilling. He never expected that the people at the Rockets headquarters would take Old Man Sato so seriously. Come back or kill the seal, and immediately destroy or transfer everything related to the dream.

Of course, Ryuzaki Shinji is determined to achieve the goal of a super-powered elf that successfully integrates fantasy genes. Instead, his interest in the so-called God Creation Project has become more and more intense, even if he knows that he is about to break in next. The location will be the headquarters of the Rockets and have no fear.

In addition to obtaining the gym badge, Ryuzaki Shinji's golden market this time, bravely entered the Rockets headquarters, the poisonous dragon pool, to take away the super-power-type elf that successfully merged the dream genes.

However, before going to the Golden City, Ryuzaki Shinji had to replenish the elf's physical strength, and at the same time, he also had to purchase some materials in the Dead Leaf City.

It would take at least a week to get from Deadleaf City to Gold City by walking alone. This was the result of not choosing to bypass some wild elf habitats on the way.

It is worth mentioning that after Ryuzaki Shinji asked Miss Joy to complete the treatment of the two elves at the elves center, the two elves gained good experience from Ma Zhishi's naughty Leidan and Raichu respectively. , the milky white light of evolution began to emerge from his body again.

And this time, Ryuzaki Shinji did not order the two elves to stop evolving.

"Judging from your actual combat just now, your accumulation is enough, and it's time to evolve to the next stage." Ryuzaki Shinji said with telepathy to the two elves who were looking at him inquiringly.

Laluras and Miao Miao, who received a positive answer from Ryuzaki Shinji, nodded, and then completely released the light of evolution on their bodies. For a time, the entire public rest hall was enveloped by the light of evolution in milky white.

The other trainers in the public rest hall saw that someone's elf was evolving, and they all turned their attention to this side, and then quietly waited for the elf's evolution to end.

About a minute later, both Laluras and Miaomiao successfully evolved to their next stage ~www.readwn.com~ to become Chirullian and Super Miaomiao (male form) respectively.

Aside from the fact that they are a little bigger than their counterparts in general, in terms of appearance, the two elves that have successfully evolved superpowers are almost the same as their counterparts.

However, in the eyes of the two superpower elves, the blue light that was originally showing when using superpowers began to turn blue-purple, and the superpower energy fluctuations emanating from their bodies were also of this color.

At the same time, after the successful evolution of the two elves, their auras have also been greatly improved due to the accumulation before evolution. The strengths of the two elves have reached the peak level of elites, and they are only one step away from breaking through the quasi-celestial king. away.

"Congratulations, but now let's restrain our breath, we are going to continue on the road, it is best not to be too conspicuous." After the two elves successfully evolved, Ryuzaki Shinji immediately instructed them, Then, under the watchful eyes of many other trainers, they leisurely walked towards the gate of the center of the elf.

Since both Super Miaomiao and Kirulian are a little big at this time, they can't continue to sit on Ryuzaki Shinji's shoulders like before, but because they are used to following Ryuzaki Shinji outside, they both Expressed unwillingness to return to the Poké Ball.

Finally, with the permission of Ryuzaki Shinji, both Super Miaomiao and Kirulian are now using mind-shifting objects to suspend in mid-air, and then follow Ryuzaki Shinji all the way.

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