Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 27: : Rockets Special Operations and Alliance Investigators

"The Alliance, the Rockets and some scattered elf hunters, it seems that it is not easy to **** the dream DNA samples from them, but I think it is still relying on these "experts" to find the whereabouts of the dream, and it is not possible for the time being. Do it." Ryuzaki Shinji thought secretly. &1t;/

In the shadow of a big tree somewhere, Ryuzaki Shinji was lurking here with the help of Gengar's shadow camouflage technique. &1t;/

With the hidden spiritual power that has spread out, he is now fully aware of the movements that he deliberately created and attracted many forces, and remembers their appearances one by one in his heart. &1t;/

A few minutes later, Ryuzaki Shinji began to move quietly, and he was secretly following the two Rockets members who were listening to a group of rangers nearby. &1t;/

As for the ability to search for dreams, Ryuzaki Shinji still thinks that the Rockets are more powerful. In his perception, the Rockets have developed a search instrument that can roughly confirm the location of dreams. &1t;/

Although this search instrument is not particularly accurate, with the Rockets spending a lot of manpower and material resources, they can always find the dream. Of course, this must take some time, but the search time cannot be too long. &1t;/

Team Rocket has also gained experience from chasing Dream many times. Dream seems to be performing some kind of mission, and usually spends a certain period of time in a certain elf habitat. &1t;/

But the stay is not long, the shortest is a day or two, the longest is a week, and then it will leave immediately. &1t;/

At present, Dream has been in the wild elf habitat in the vicinity for two or three days. &1t;/

It's a pity that although someone found its trail, it was found by it before it was completely close to it, and then fled, and then no one found the dream trail&1t;/

Dream belongs to a kind of very kind elf, unless someone shoots to deal with it, it generally will not attack others. &1t;/

Legend has it that if it meets a human with a pure heart, it will disguise as a human to approach this person, and finally give a precious gift before leaving. &1t;/

Although this is just a legend, I heard that many trainers have had such experiences. Therefore, every time there is news of a dream, there will always be a large number of trainers who come here to try their luck and get it from the dream. treasure. &1t;/

Judging from the current situation, the Elf Alliance and other forces have done a good job of blocking the dream news, and there has not been a large number of trainers haunting the nearby wild elves habitats. &1t;/

More than ten minutes later, the two Rockets members walked around the forest with two Dairubies, almost in a big circle, and finally in the eastern part of the forest in front of a towering tree whose roots were wrapped around a huge rock. stop. &1t;/

After arriving at this towering tree, the two Rocket Team members were not at ease. They released a big-mouthed bat and ordered them to use sound waves to probe everything around them. After the conclusion, the two people pressed their hands on a certain position on the bark of the big tree. &1t;/

Immediately afterwards, the position where the two of them were pressing on the bark suddenly sunk in. Then, a door opened from the inside of the big tree. When the two saw the door opened, they immediately entered inside, and then closed the door again. &1t;/

Obviously, a part of the trunk of the towering tree that the two Team Rocket members entered has been transformed into a lift-like transport by Team Rocket, and the bottom of the tree must have been transformed into a tree by Team Rocket. Secret base. &1t;/

After the two Rockets members completely entered the tree, a big-billed sparrow landed on the towering tree with a group of flamingos, and then watched every move around him vigilantly. &1t;/

"I have to say that the Rocket Team's temporary base transformation technology is still very powerful. In such a short period of time, a temporary secret base has been established in the forest, and it seems to be completely integrated with the environment. The flock of flamingos is so flawlessly camouflaged, if I hadn't followed these two guys, I would never have been able to find this place." In the shade of a tree not far from the towering tree, Ryuzaki Shinji, who was hidden in the shadows, was somewhat thought dumbfounded. &1t;/

Whether it was the high-quality anti-reconnaissance ability shown by the two members of the Rocket team just now, or the secret base of the Rocket team revealed in the spiritual detection at this time, Shinji Ryuzaki was amazed. &1t;/

At the same time, he also secretly sighed in his heart that when comparing the Shadow team he currently leads with the Rocket team, it was like a pheasant meeting a phoenix, and there was absolutely no comparison. &1t;/

While Ryuzaki Shinji continued to lurk in Team Rocket's temporary secret base, Team Rocket's temporary secret base was facing a huge roaring attack. &1t;/

Fortunately, Team Rocket did not cut corners when manufacturing this temporary secret base, and the sound insulation consumption was very good, otherwise this secret base would have to be exposed. &1t;/

"What!! You have the guts to say it again, I said, send more people from the Golden City or the Dead Leaf City, otherwise I will quit, you idiot, hurry up and spread the word to Lao Tzu and the old men above, today I must send another competent helper in the evening, listen, it is a competent helper, otherwise the Chuangshen plan will be delayed, and I will not be responsible." In the communication room of the Rockets temporary secret base, a burly man was facing the screen in front of him. One of the Rockets correspondents growled. &1t;/

The dissatisfied roar of the burly big man enveloped the entire communication room and the temporary secret base with a small space, causing a kind of Rocket Team member in the temporary secret base to be silent, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out. &1t;/

The two members of Team Rocket who had just returned were even more frightened, their faces turned pale, for fear that the sound of their return would disturb the big man. &1t;/

The burly man's name is Wood. He is 46 years old today. He is a cadre-level member of the Rockets. However, he belongs to the special operations personnel. Action is his responsibility. &1t;/

As a cadre-level Rocket Team special operator, Wood's strength is naturally incomparable to ordinary cadres. He has the combat power of the low-level Tianwang-level, and has two giants, the Tianwang-level giant mantis and the Tianwang-level ancient giant fly. Elf. &1t;/

However, this time, Wood led a group of Rockets members to the dream search operation that did not go well. In fact, two days ago, Wood relied on the latest dream search instrument developed by the Rockets. Successfully obtained dna samples from it. &1t;/

But it didn't take long for things to become complicated, mainly because the news of the dream was leaked for some unknown reason. &1t;/

So much so that the alliance that received the wind sent a new alliance investigator Yulongdu who was on a mission nearby to stop them~www.readwn.com~ Finally, even some famous elf hunters also began to intervene in this search. Dream action. &1t;/

As an alliance inspector certified by the Elf Alliance, Yulongdu is very powerful, and has a king-level fast dragon and a fire-breathing dragon in his hands. &1t;/

Wood, who specializes in insect-type elf, has no chance of winning against him. In addition, there are many good elf hunters who are paddling nearby and trying to get a bargain, and it becomes extremely difficult for Wood to search for dreams. &1t;/

Now, the Alliance has begun to send more rangers to carefully search for the Rockets' secret base in the wild elf habitat in this area, so that the Rockets' dream of hunting down has become more difficult. &1t;/

I just heard that there is another very tricky character from the nearby generation, so that Wood has completely lost his patience now. He has decided that if he can't get a DNA sample from Dream tonight, he will leave this change immediately. increasingly dangerous places. &1t;/

Of course, Wood is still very attentive to this task. In order to make the operation go smoothly tonight, he used his authority to ask the people above to send more people to assist him, and indicated that he would come to a heavenly king-level helper. to assist him. &1t;/

It's a pity that Wood's request for help has been hindered a little, so that he is very angry with his bad temper. &1t;/

To be continued...&1t;/

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