Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 28: : Follow the vine to find the dream

Time passed quietly, the sun gradually went down, and the night began to fall. Because the night sky tonight was very cloudy and very thick, the moonlight could not reach the earth below, so the entire habitat of wild elves nearby fell into one piece. In a relatively quiet night. &1t;/

Ryuzaki Shinji just stayed where he was, waiting silently for Team Rocket's action. He had a very strong premonition that Team Rocket would act soon. &1t;/

In this game of hunting with patience, whoever has enough patience can become a hunter. &1t;/

Obviously, in Ryuzaki Shinji's cognition, the current Rockets, who are chasing dreams nearby, have been forced to a very bad position by the Alliance and the elf hunters, otherwise they would not have been lurking for this period of time. There was no movement inside. &1t;/

Team Rocket, who did not take the initiative to attack, could not even find the shadow of the dream, and there were more and more rangers patrolling in the habitat. &1t;/

In addition to the lurker Ryuzaki Shinji, in the entire nearby wild elves habitat, a large number of rangers who pass through shifts are still dutifully patrolling the habitat. &1t;/

The death order from above has kept these rangers in a state of nervousness for the past few days, especially after a lot of people died in the match against the Rockets last night, any trouble made them a little allergic. &1t;/

In a brightly lit wood cabin deep in the forest. &1t;/

"Sir, you haven't closed your eyes all day and night, or you want to go to sleep for a while, it's already 11 o'clock in the night, those Rockets should not appear, if there is a situation, I will immediately I'll let you know." The captain of the forest ranger riding a wind dog said to a red young man who was standing by the window and looking into the distance, his originally cold face showed a little flattery. &1t;/

"Mr. Honda, you are my senior, and you have nearly 20 years of experience as a forest ranger. You should be very aware that those groups of rats have been forced to jump over the wall by us. Now is not the time to rest, and battles can be at any time. It may explode, I will never allow these guys who hurt the elves to escape, you should know what to do, right?" Yu Longdu turned his head slightly and glanced at the captain of the forest ranger from the corner of his eyes. &1t;/

Although it was only from the corner of his eye, after the captain of the ranger looked at him, he immediately lowered his head and did not dare to look directly at him, and hurriedly nodded to the newly appointed Alliance Inspector in front of him. &1t;/

Yulongdu, the top genius of the Yulong clan, is currently 18 years old, and has a quasi-divine beast that is comparable to a high-level heavenly elf, a fast dragon. He just became an alliance investigator a year ago, and is the youngest alliance investigator in the history of the alliance today. official. &1t;/

Yulongdu has a strong temperament and hates evil, especially those who do harm to elves. &1t;/

Over the years, Yulongdu has done a lot in fighting the Rocket Team, the most evil force in Kanto. It is said that it has wiped out most of the Rocket Team in Rainbow City and Nibi City one after another. &1t;/

In the battle against Team Rocket, the powerful trainer specializing in dragons was so vicious that anyone who resisted was torn to shreds by his dragons. &1t;/

Now he has the title of the Dragon Messenger of Justice. In private, some people call him the Blood Dragon Messenger. At a young age, he already has the lives of countless villains in his hands. &1t;/

The captain of the ranger did not dare to disobey the alliance investigator who was full of murderous intent in front of him at this time. After the other party saw Team Rocket's behavior of ordering the gas bomb to self-detonate and retreat again last night, the anger in his heart has not disappeared. &1t;/

The ranger captain hurriedly stepped back to let the rangers who had just rested for a while continue to search for Team Rocket. &1t;/

When the two were talking, a large aircraft appeared in the sky above the golden city and the dead leaf city in the wild elves habitat. &1t;/

These two aircraft are obviously high-tech, and they actually fly in the air as if they are invisible by the night, and the flying sound is almost inaudible. &1t;/

After the two large aircrafts completely entered the habitat of wild elves, some people in black also parachuted from the large aircraft and landed. As soon as these people landed, they immediately released the elves, and the elves began to fight against each other. This nearby wild elf habitat is destroyed. &1t;/

For a time, serious forest fires occurred in many areas of this wild elves habitat, and many wild elves began to flee wildly to avoid the fire. &1t;/

As soon as the forest fire broke out, many rangers patrolling the wild elf habitat were naturally aware of it for the first time. After sending messages to their companions in a special way, they immediately rushed to the nearest fire scene to carry out fire fighting operations. &1t;/

"Sir Du, it's not good. There are forest fires in many places in the wild elves' habitat. It must be those **** Rockets. What should we do now? Are we going to put out the fire or continue to pay close attention to the Rockets' movements. "The captain of the forest ranger who received the news came to Yulongdu for the first time to report. &1t;/

"Immediately notify the fire brigade in Gold City and Deadleaf City to put out the fire, and let the under-strength forest rangers assist you. Just bring some elite forest rangers with me. No matter what tricks these mice do, they can't let them go. Their purpose has been successfully completed, and let your people be ready for battle." Yu Longdu thought for a while, then turned his head and ordered to the captain of the forest ranger. &1t;/

As soon as he finished speaking, Yulongdu immediately opened the already shaking elf ball in his hand, and a white light flew from the elf ball into the air, and a fast dragon with terrifying power immediately appeared in the night sky, followed by , the figure of the fast dragon in the sky bloomed, and the next second appeared in front of the master Yu Longdu. &1t;/

Afterwards, Yulongdu turned into an afterimage and disappeared in mid-air under the shocked gaze of the captain of the ranger. At this time, the captain of the ranger also immediately blew the emergency forest protection whistle in his hand. &1t;/

After the loud whistle was passed around, the same whistle sounded one after another from the forest, and then in less than a minute, many rangers riding various elf 6-land or flying mounts came together. Gather around the cabin in the woods. &1t;/

Obviously, each of these forest rangers who came from the wild elves habitat was an elite, and the elves on the mounts under them exuded the aura of at least the peak of the elite. &1t;/

At the same time, when Yulongdu and many rangers started to move, there was also movement in the temporary secret base of the Rockets on Ryuzaki Shinji's side. &1t;/

A group of Team Rocket members with a ferocious aura all over their bodies came out of the towering tree~www.readwn.com~ and then began to assemble and line up around the towering tree like well-trained soldiers. &1t;/

Finally, under the leadership of a burly big man in Wei, this group of Rockets like agents released their elf mounts one after another and began to enter the area in the center of the habitat. &1t;/

"Finally, the action has begun. The reality has caused the forest fire to divert most of the alliance's troops. I am taking a risk. It seems that the person in charge of this search is a very fierce person." After seeing the Rockets leave , Ryuzaki Shinji also appeared from the shadows nearby. &1t;/

In the next second, Ryusaki Shinji's eyes flashed with purple light, and when the person appeared again, he had already appeared in mid-air. Then, relying on his ability to detect and move objects with his mental power, he followed Team Rocket unhurriedly in mid-air. et al. &1t;/

About ten minutes later, Ryuzaki Shinji finally came to the edge of a small lake in the forest in the central area of ​​the wild elf habitat, led by a group of Rockets. &1t;/

At this time, on the small lake in the forest, a petite pink creature looked at Team Rocket who surrounded the small lake in the forest with a look of disgust. &1t;/

In the next second, a powerful pink power fluctuation burst out from Dream, and instantly all the elf moves of the members of Team Rocket were thrown out. &1t;/

To be continued..........&1t;/

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