Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 29: : Siege of the Fantasy and Mysterious Powerhouse

Although it is said that Dream One shot to resolve the attacks of the Rockets' many elves, the Rockets members in the rear also took the opportunity to take out an unknown small instrument from the space bag on their bodies, and then placed them around the small lake in the forest. , It is almost 1o meters to place a set. &1t;/

In less than 1 minute, 30 unknown small instruments were successfully placed by these Rockets members who had obviously undergone special training and drills in advance, and started at the same time. &1t;/

For a time, 30 unknown small instruments burst out in unison, lasing a green light beam towards the center of the top of Xiaohu's head. &1t;/

In an instant, 30 beams of lasing from the small instrument collided with each other. &1t;/

Finally, the 30 energy beams that touched each other quickly turned into a green light curtain, and then completely covered the entire small lake in the forest. &1t;/

And when the small lake in the forest was completely covered by the green light curtain, Ryuzaki Shinji, who used his ability to float in the night sky, could not feel the spatial fluctuations of the small lake in the forest in the green light curtain, and his mental power also changed. Blocked outside the green light curtain. &1t;/

"It's amazing. I didn't expect that the Rockets, in addition to biotechnology, have even started their research on space technology to such an extent that they actually used the power of technology to block the space in the small lake in the forest. I was able to use teleportation to escape." After seeing this situation, Ryuzaki Shinji was once again surprised by Team Rocket's technological power. &1t;/

At the same time, he also raised the level of danger for the Rockets again. &1t;/

Since the Rockets can use this method to make Dream unable to escape with teleportation, the Rockets can still use this method to deal with him. &1t;/

Dreaming of seeing this situation, an anthropomorphic and ugly expression suddenly appeared on her face. Obviously, it was also a threat to her from this green light, and she immediately attacked those small instruments that maintained the green light. &1t;/

Unfortunately, each small instrument is guarded by several Rocket Team elves. &1t;/

They used all kinds of skills to resist Dream's attacks, or they used defensive tricks to protect small instruments, making Dream's wishful thinking miscalculated. &1t;/

"Hahaha~~, you won't be able to run now, the giant tong mantis uses continuous cutting, the ancient giant fly uses insect chirping, the little ones, give it to me, catch it." Wood immediately became proud of this haha Laughing loudly, and then instructing the elf and his subordinates to continue besieging the dream. &1t;/

A large number of powerful moves, such as jet flame, freezing light, 100,000 volts, shadow ball, destruction of death light, etc., under the release of many rocket elves, besieged the dream from all sides. &1t;/

Among them, the attacks of the Heavenly King-class Giant Claw Mantis and the Heavenly King-class Ancient Giant Fly are a great threat to Dream, and their insect-type moves make Dream, who has the ability-type attribute, frown frequently. &1t;/

However, at this time, these moves were all blocked by the pink energy shield wrapped around Dream, and could not cause any substantial damage to Dream for a while. &1t;/

At this time, Dream also showed a trace of anger on his face, and it took advantage of this time to start to get serious about the Rockets and their little elves. &1t;/

The pink light in Dreamy's eyes instantly lit up, and he immediately used a large-scale mental force to the members of Team Rocket and their elf in front of him. &1t;/

For a time, the members of Team Rocket and the elves in front of the dream were immediately wrapped in pink abilities, and then all suspended in mid-air. Then, they were exposed under the invisible pressure of their abilities. Painful color. &1t;/

In the end, the Rockets and the elf fell to the ground, rolling their eyes and foaming at the mouth. &1t;/

The dream strength is still extremely strong. In the eyes of Ryuzaki Shinji at this time, the power it shows at this time has at least the strength of the peak of the high-level king. &1t;/

It's just that Dream's character is too kind, even when it is angry, it still shows mercy, otherwise these Rockets members and elves will be at least all broken under the attack of such terrifying abilities. Meat. &1t;/

However, after Meng Meng used this large-scale mental strength, the energy shield on his body that had been enduring the attacks of many Rocket elf moves also had many cracks, and it was obvious that it could not support it for long. &1t;/

"Come on, divide up the manpower, stop it, you can't let it run away before it gets hurt." Seeing the dream moment he was defeated by a quarter of his men, Wood's face suddenly showed a moving color, but he still gritted his teeth and let it go. At this moment, there was a trace of fear on his face, and his subordinates stepped forward to block the dream. &1t;/

Wood's subordinates are also strictly trained people, and they are also very strong in executing orders. Even if they know that it is just a man's arm and a car, they immediately set out some hands to block the dream. &1t;/

Under the sacrifices of these Rockets members, the energy shield on Dream was finally broken. &1t;/

And Dream was also hit by the Heavenly King-level Giant Claw Mantis and the Heavenly King-level Ancient Giant Fly who were waiting for the opportunity to use their insect-type moves to restrain it, and then fell heavily into the small lake in the forest. &1t;/

At this time, the team members who had experienced many battles also seized the opportunity to immediately let the elf possessing electric-type moves perform electric-type moves on this small lake in the forest. &1t;/

In the next second, a large amount of electric current was poured into the small forest lake into which the dream was poured, and a large amount of electric light burst out from the lake surface of the small forest lake, illuminating the dream that was being hit by the strong current inside. &1t;/

"You're still too kind. What are you going to do next? If you don't act more ruthlessly, I'm afraid you won't be able to escape." Shinji Ryuzaki, who was watching the battle in midair at the small lake in the forest, shook his head and thought. &1t;/

On the other hand, when Wood led Zhongzhong's men to search for Dream, Yulongdu and the elite rangers behind him were being attacked by a group of men in black. &1t;/

Although there are not many people in this group of men in black, all of them have the strength of quasi-kings, and most of them have one or two quasi-king-level elves in their hands. Almost every one of them can hold down several elite rangers. . &1t;/

As the temporary leader of this group of elite forest rangers, Yu Longdu, he was being stopped by a Hu Di who had powerful fluctuations all over his body. &1t;/

"Quick Dragon, use the dragon wave." Yu Longdu rode on the black fire-breathing dragon, and then commanded to the Kuailong in front. &1t;/

At this time, the fast dragon has fully fired, and the originally petite dragon wings on its back have now become abnormally huge. Every time it is fanned, a strong wind can blow, causing a large area of ​​​​the nearby woods to collapse. &1t;/

Hearing the order of the master Yu Longdu, a huge dragon-shaped wave suddenly appeared in Kuailong's mouth, and it flew towards the Hudi in front of him like lightning. &1t;/

However, Hu Di's strength is very powerful. Compared with the fast dragon, which is faintly exuding the pressure of the advanced heavenly king, it is only slightly inferior. It also possesses the power of the advanced heavenly king. &1t;/

Facing the huge wave of dragons flying in, Hu Di's face remained absolutely calm as always, and a blue ability mark between his eyebrows suddenly lit up. &1t;/

In an instant, the huge dragon wave released by the fast dragon was imprisoned by a layer of blue ability, and it could no longer move forward. &1t;/

In the next second, the two spoons in Hu Di's hand pointed at Yulongdu at the same time, and the wave of the dragon, which was imprisoned by his ability, immediately shifted his attack target and quickly attacked at Yulongdu. &1t;/

"Hey, worm-carving trick, Kuailong, don't worry about me, get close to him in a trance, and tear him to pieces with dragon claws." Seeing Hudi controlling Kuailong's dragon waves and using it to attack him, Yu Longdu's face changed. Changed, still directing the fast dragon to attack Hu Di. &1t;/

At the same time, the black fire-breathing dragon under Yu Longdu made a big-character explosion against the oncoming Dragon Wave, instantly defeating the Dragon Wave that Hu Di had controlled. &1t;/

Kuailong had 100% trust in his master and his companions, and when he heard Yulongdu's order~www.readwn.com~, he immediately approached Hudi in a trance. &1t;/

In the previous attack, Kuailong had already taken the opportunity to unknowingly close the distance of less than 20 meters with Hu Di, just within the attack range of his divine trick. &1t;/

Kuailong made a magic trick, and the moment it burst out was comparable to teleportation. It appeared behind Hu Di in less than a blink of an eye. At the same time, a pair of dragon claws covered with powerful dragon energy was also vulnerable to Hu Di's body. Grab it without mercy. &1t;/

However, even in the face of such a desperate situation, Hu Di still did not change his face, as if he had expected it beforehand. &1t;/

When Kuailong's dragon claw was about to attack Hu Di, the space on the left side of Kuailong's head suddenly shot out a colored energy attack, and then hit the Kuailong heavily for a distance, and Hu Di also took the opportunity to take advantage of the moment. Move away from the Dragon again. &1t;/

"Predict the future! Damn it, when did it move?" Seeing that Kuailong's surprise attack was broken by a sudden ability attack, Yu Longdu, who had rich combat experience, immediately guessed the attack just now, and said with an extremely ugly face. &1t;/

Hu Di's mysterious trainer doesn't seem to have any intention of fighting Yulongdu to the death, that is to say, he just dragged Yulongdu blindly. &1t;/

With such a delay in fighting, even if Yulongdu's fast dragon is stronger than Hu Di, he can't help but get Hu Di for a while. &1t;/

To be continued...&1t;/

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