Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 31: : Dream DNA sample is in hand

Facing the legendary power elf fantasy, Gotha duck went all out as soon as he came up, and continuously chopped out dozens of the most powerful spiritual blades to sound the horn of battle.

Godard Duck's spiritual blade is amazing, and before the attack is about to come, Dream has already felt a strong threat. Even if it doesn't want to fight now, if it doesn't choose to deal with it seriously, it is indeed possible that it will be killed by Goda Duck. .

After all, it just released a lot of mental power for a while to carry out indiscriminate mental attacks. At present, the mental power level in the body is probably at the peak level of the high-level king's ability-type elf.

In an instant, the pink light in the dreamy eyes lit up again, and the pink energy shield wrapped it up again.

After using the energy shield to block the first wave of mental sharp blades, he immediately used a continuous teleportation to evade all the mental sharp blades that Godard Duck attacked later.

At the same time, Dream also felt the strong fighting spirit and murderous aura on Goda Duck, and his face gradually became serious.

For a time, several powerful electric currents burst out of it immediately, and the electric currents quickly turned into several ferocious Razers who attacked the Gotha Duck from all tricky angles.

Facing the dreamy trick of thundering, Gotha Duck did not choose to avoid it this time. When his mind moved, the ice trident in his hand flashed purple-blue light, and a purple-blue ability shield opened instantly. Protect him tightly.

When the ability shield was opened, the attacks of the Razers also came in an instant, all of which hit Godard Duck's ability shield heavily.

Compared with the ability shield created by Dream, Gotha Duck's ability shield may be inferior in defense and shield value, but it is quite easy to completely resist Dream, a non-native restraining move. .

Two seconds later, the thunder light completely disappeared, and the light on Godard Duck's ability shield was completely intact except that it dimmed a little.

"It seems that you have accepted my invitation to fight. Come on, let me have a little insight into the power of the legendary ability-type elf." The trident of ice in Gotha duck's hand pointed forward to Dream and said telepathically.

Soon, the two elves collided fiercely again. The two first used their own ability shields to collide, plus teleportation.

For a time, in mid-air, two elves appeared in various places without warning, and then started a fierce collision.

After the two collided more than a dozen times with their ability shields, they stopped the helpless attack of the other party and began to use various restraining attributes or smug moves to attack.

On the other side, when Dream and Gotha Duck were fighting fiercely, people from all parties in the forest below were closely watching the fierce battle in the sky.

And Xun quickly transferred the battle image in front of him to his own power base in various ways of transmitting information, so that people from all major forces were fortunate enough to witness this epic battle.

In the end, Goda Duck deliberately sold a flaw, which induced Dream to use a move to destroy the death light, while Goda Duck seized the gap when the opponent was temporarily unable to move, and used teleportation to appear on the left side of Dream, Then, he stabbed the dreamy petite body with the ice trident that had burst out with dazzling purple-blue light.

The tip of the ice trident was under the control of Gotha Duck at this time, and a three-color energy was attached to it, and the energy was mixed with three colors of purple, dark blue and ice blue.

This kind of energy condenses three energies of ability, water and ice at the same time. Therefore, at this time, the Ice Trident is extremely terrifying in terms of power and penetration.

The sound of "Keng! Zizizi~~" sounded, and Gotha Duck's ice trident hit the dream ability shield like lightning. First, there was a sound of gold and stone colliding, followed by a drill of an electric drill. sound appears.

Visible to the naked eye, the dream was barely beaten to death by the Rockets' gathering of many elves.

&1t;isty1e='co1or:#4876ff'>-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--&1t;/i>

Novel netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

&1t;isty1e='co1or:#4876ff'>----this is a gorgeous dividing line---&1t;/i>

The ability shield that was broken was being gradually pierced by a halberd of Gotha Duck.

At the same time, many tiny cracks began to appear on the surface of the dream's ability shield, and these cracks were rapidly spreading and connecting on the surface of the shield.

"It's really tough." When the ice trident pierced the fantasy ability shield, this idea appeared in the minds of Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha duck.

At the same time, Gotha Duck's melee attack on it also made Dream completely angry.

Although Godard Duck's Ice Trident pierced Dream's ability shield in an instant, it was already powerless, and the blade at the tip of the trident was still a little distance from the body that stabbed Dream.

But just a little distance away, Goda Duck's attack again is a failure, and the end of the failure is to face a fantastic and crazy counterattack.

Without any preparation time at all, the angry dream made the most sensible attack choice, and immediately used his most powerful thunder trick against the Ice Trident in front of him.

In an instant, the fantastic powerful thundering trick acts on the bearer, Goda Duck, along the ice trident made of ice. The electricity-type thundering trick restrains the water-type Goda duck, and the effect is outstanding, Goda. Duck was seriously injured.

"Uh ah~" When Gotha Duck was attacked by the thundering trick, Ryuzaki Shinji, who merged with Gotha Duck's spirit, was also hit hard. The face under the mask suddenly became extremely hideous, and the intense pain was connected with the spirit. acting on him.

However, in the face of Dream's powerful thundering trick, Gotha and Ryuzaki did not choose to let go of their grip on the Ice Trident. The halberd moved forward.

In the end, after two seconds, a cracking sound of "clang clang~" sounded, and the ability shield wrapped around Dream was completely shattered, and Gotha Duck's Ice Trident also stabbed Dream's body, and stabbed Dream's body. The dream pierced the heart.

"Pocket!!" The dream who was stabbed by the sharp weapon let out a painful cry, immediately ended the thunder trick, and then quickly fled with a pair of small hands covering the pierced part.

After the dream escaped, there were also traces of electric focus on Gota Duck at this time, and a lot of white smoke came out of him, but even with such serious injuries~www.readwn.com~Gotha Duck and Ryuzaki Shinji's face showed a smug smile at this time.

The blade on the tip of the Trident of Ice turned scarlet because of the dream blood.

"The dreamy DNA sample has finally succeeded." Looking at the frozen blood on the Ice Trident in his hand, Gotha Ya said a word from Ryuzaki Shinji.

In the next second, Gotha duck did not chase the dream of escaping, but came to Ryuzaki Shinji's side by teleportation, then broke the blade at the tip of the Ice Trident and handed it to Ryuzaki Shinji.

On the other hand, using teleportation to escape from the dream of a distance, at this time, the wound on his body has been healed through self-healing.

However, the dreamy aura of re-healing the injury has also dropped a lot. Similar to a patient who has just recovered from a serious illness, it is obvious that Goda Duck's attack that combines the energy of the three attributes has caused him a serious injury.

However, even though the injury has healed, Dream still looks around nervously. In its perception, there are many more humans who are malicious towards it.

Fortunately, the nearby space was not blocked by a mechanical instrument similar to Team Rocket. With its long-distance teleportation ability, it was still very smoothly away from this dangerous place.

When Dream escaped from this wild elf habitat, Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck were feeling a little distressed about how to evacuate, because in front of them, a furious dragon appeared at this time.

"Can you let it go, my goal has been achieved, and I don't want to make troubles." Ryuzaki Shinji said to the messenger of the dragon in front of him with telepathy.

At the same time, he also quickly handed a bottle of potion emitting a green light to the Gotha duck beside him.

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