Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 32: : leave calmly

When Ryuzaki Shinji was commanding the fierce battle between Goda Duck and Dream, the mysterious powerhouse who fought fiercely with Yulongdu seemed to be instructed to evacuate with Hu Dixun, and even the men in black. &1t;/

Therefore, Yulongdu with Kuailong came to the scene of the fierce battle between Goda Ya and Dreamy early in the morning, but due to the pride of the dragon family, neither Yulongdu nor Kuailong chose to take advantage of Ryuzaki Shinji and Goda Ya's injuries. Time for a sneak attack. &1t;/

Even just now Ryuzaki Shinji handed the recovery potion to Goda duck, Yulongdu and Kuailong chose to ignore it. &1t;/

Of course, this does not mean that Yulongdu and Kuailong will choose to let Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha duck go. Fragments. &1t;/

When he was very young, for some reason, Yulongdu made an oath with Kuailong, who was still a mini-dragon at that time, that he would never forgive those who hurt innocent little elves. &1t;/

Ryusaki Shinji and Gotha Duck's actions of hurting Dream for no reason just now violated this taboo in their hearts. &1t;/

Therefore, Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha duck must be punished. &1t;/

He didn't even say hello to start the battle. After Gotha Duck drank the healing potion, Yulongdu, who was riding on the black fire-breathing dragon, immediately directed the fast dragon to attack Ryuzaki Shinji through telepathy. &1t;/

Since Ryuzaki Shinji had already entered the teleportation range of the fast dragon **** at this time, the fast dragon appeared in front of Ryuzaki Shinji in an instant, and the sharp dragon claw in his hand swiped at his head mercilessly. . &1t;/

Ryuzaki Shinji and Gota Ya, who are always watching the movements of Yulongdu and Kuailong, will naturally not be frightened by such an attack. Compared with the silent assault assassination of Sakagi Big Needle, the Kuailongdo in front of them appears to be It's a bit slow, and even Hirona's Lucario God's bullet fist is a bit inferior. &1t;/

"Keng~" sounded the sound of the collision of gold and stone, and the dragon claw trick of the fast dragon was blocked by the ability shield of Goda duck. &1t;/

At the same time, the ice-blue light of the ice-blue light on the trident of ice that had returned to its original appearance in the hands of Godard Duck suddenly appeared, and for a time, the temperature of the area within a radius of 100 meters suddenly dropped a lot. &1t;/

Under the wave of Godard Duck, the ice trident with powerful ice-type energy with freezing light stabbed at the fast dragon in front of him like lightning. &1t;/

Unfortunately, the ready supply of Godard Duck did not succeed in stabbing the opponent. At the critical moment, the fast dragon, who felt the fatal crisis, used his life-saving skills to defend the trick in time, and dangerously and dangerously smashed Godard Duck's ice trident. block. &1t;/

However, under the point-to-face attack of Da Duck, the fast dragon, which was protected by the green energy shield, was still knocked out a little distance. &1t;/

"Compared to the dream, you are still a little worse, let's get out of the way, I don't want to fight you, you know from the fight just now, with your strength, you can't beat me, if you just gave up If you choose a sneak attack because of the pride of the dragon, there may be a chance, but now, your chance is zero." Ryuzaki Shinji scattered the double-bomb gas, then stood on it, and said proudly to Yulongdu. . &1t;/

The powerful Gotha Duck, which can compete with the dream, is now releasing a huge double-bomb gas at the peak level of the intermediate king. &1t;/

Combining various obvious characteristics, Yulongdu, the alliance investigator, also quickly recognized the identity of Ryuzaki Shinji, and his face changed greatly, causing the black fire-breathing dragon and the fast dragon and Ryuzaki Shinji's double-bomb gas. Take a long distance. &1t;/

"The new dark forces in the Fangyuan area, the leader of the shadow team, Ryuzaki Shinji, why are you here?" Yulongdu gritted his teeth and said to Ryuzaki Shinji, thinking that Ryuzaki Shinji committed a crime in the Fangyuan area. The monstrous crime, the killing intent in his heart was suddenly several times stronger than before. &1t;/

However, after seeing the double-bombing gas under Ryuzaki Shinji's shadow, Yulongdu still forcibly held back the violent killing intent in his heart, and then let the same killing intent boil over. The fast dragon stopped the offensive. &1t;/

"What are you trying to do, if you dare to destroy this wild elves habitat, you will have nowhere to escape in the entire Kanto region, and I will definitely try my best to keep you here." Yu Longdu held back his heart. The killing intent, he said coldly to Ryuzaki Shinji&1t;/

&1t;isty1e='co1or:#4876ff'>-----this is a gorgeous dividing line--&1t;/i>&1t;/

Novel netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading: &1t;/

&1t;isty1e='co1or:#4876ff'>----this is a gorgeous dividing line---&1t;/i>&1t;/

road. &1t;/

Although there is no need to see it with his own eyes, Yulongdu still sees the tragic situation of Fangyuan, a small town that has turned into a poisonous land, from some videos and videos, and according to the detailed analysis information given by the alliance, he is also Imagine how seriously the double-bomb gas under Ryuzaki Shinji is destructive to the environment. &1t;/

There is a vast habitat of wild elves under the sky battlefield where they are now. If Ryuzaki Shinji ordered double-bomb gas to destroy this habitat of wild elves, the consequences would be unimaginable. &1t;/

Moreover, as Ryuzaki Shinji said just now, he can't stop Ryuzaki Shinji's actions. Once he angers Ryuzaki Shinji, the other party will destroy the habitat of the wild elves below in anger. Then he Yulongdu is a sinner through the ages, and neither he nor his family can bear this heavy responsibility. &1t;/

"Well~~, it seems that you don't want to fight with me now, don't worry, my goal has been achieved, as long as you obediently let me go, I don't have so much time to destroy the habitat of wild elves below. What." Seeing Yulongdu forcibly calming himself down and letting Kuailong stop attacking, Ryuzaki Shinji suddenly glanced at Yulongdu a little surprised, and then calmly responded to him with telepathy. &1t;/

As soon as he finished speaking, the double-bomb gas under him received instructions and began to fly towards the Golden City with Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck. &1t;/

"By the way, don't follow me. If I'm angry, I will double-bomb the gas and spit venom into the wild elf habitat below. As for what the wild elf habitat will become, I don't know. It's gone." Seeing the double-bomb gas taking Ryuzaki Shinji away, Yulongdu, who was just about to order the fast dragon to follow quietly, was immediately telepathic again by Ryuzaki Shinji, and immediately decided not to move. . &1t;/

"You remember it for me, Ryuzaki Shinji, one day I will arrest you and kill you." Yu Longdu, who was out of breath, blushed and faced the direction Ryuzaki Shinji was going away. roared. &1t;/

Seeing Yulongdu's violent appearance, many elite rangers in the jungle below were also very winking and did not go up to contact each other, and rushed to the nearby fire scene to support. &1t;/

On the other hand, when Ryuzaki Shinji released the double-bomb gas to confront Yulongdu, the intelligence personnel of the major forces who were watching the battle below were also very clever and chose to retreat at this time. With the help of the power of the elves, Or escape, camouflage or dive, and start evacuation in various secret ways. &1t;/

At the same time, in a mansion somewhere far away in Victory City, in a room at the top of the central floor of the mansion. &1t;/

A sturdy young man in a suit and leather shoes was facing the giant glass window in front of him, holding a black microphone in his hand to make a call~www.readwn.com~ Beside him, a sturdy cat with bright hair The boss was lying at his feet. &1t;/

"I see, don't send someone to look for him, he will come to the door by himself, we have what he wants on hand, um, yes, just wait slowly, don't have any conflicts with him , my old friend can't provoke it casually." The sturdy young man said to the person on the other end of the microphone. &1t;/

As soon as he finished speaking, the sturdy young man immediately put the microphone back to its original place, and then closed his eyes and rubbed his aching head with his hands. &1t;/

The next second, the strong young man opened his eyes again, revealing a pair of confident eyes. &1t;/

Then, he pressed lightly on a certain place on the table, and then, the sturdy young man sat in the boss chair and landed all the way down to the suddenly opened lift tunnel under him. &1t;/

When the boss chair that the sturdy young man was sitting on landed safely, the sound of "Tattoo~" sounded, and the next second the dark space automatically turned on the lights, and the space inside suddenly became brighter. &1t;/

For a while, a large number of huge glass containers were placed in the space before the eyes of the sturdy young man. Inside these glass containers filled with a large amount of green liquid, a small elves with a strange pattern on their bodies were being inserted by a large number of straws. on the body and then fixed in a glass container. &1t;/

And these little elves, they are sleeping peacefully at this time. &1t;/

To be continued&1t;/

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