Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 36: : dissatisfied Nazi

Late at night, in a grove on the southern outskirts of Golden City.

At this time, Ryuzaki Shinji, who was full of sleep and drinking, was patiently sitting on a sturdy branch of a big tree, and then raised his head to look at the looming stars in the night sky.

Beside him, Gotha Duck hovered cross-legged on his left side, and continued to exercise his spiritual power through meditation training assiduously.

"There are less than two minutes left until the stipulated time. Is this the end of the game? Or is it Nazi who can't be in this place again?" Glancing at the simple watch in his hand, Ryuzaki Shinji thought to himself. .

However, just as the hands on the watch were about to move towards 12:00, when Gotha opened his eyes, a beautiful black-haired girl in a black dress suddenly appeared in the mid-air in front of Ryuzaki Shinji. In the middle, with her came this Hu Di, which exudes terrifying spiritual power fluctuations.

"You're really on time, it's exactly 12 o'clock, not a second is bad, did you bring something?" Ryuzaki Shinji looked indifferently at the black-haired beautiful girl in front of him and said, as for the one beside the other party is dying Staring at his Hu Di, he just ignored it as if it were air.

In just one year, the Nazi that Ryuzaki Shinji once remembered has undergone great changes. The originally young girl has now begun to show her most beautiful years, both in terms of dress and temperament. Huge change.

What made Ryuzaki Shinji still feel unchanged, perhaps it was the pair of eyes that always showed a strong desire for control, always showing him the same look as if he saw a beloved toy, which made him feel very disgusted.

Nazi didn't immediately respond to Ryuzaki Shinji, but carefully observed Ryuzaki Shinji with a scrutiny in her eyes.

At the same time, a wave of spiritual power that represented a high-level peak superpower was gradually exuding from her body, and a blue superpower light wave gradually emerged from her body.

At the same time, Ryuzaki Shinji, who felt the provocation of Nazi, did not show weakness. He also exuded a mental power fluctuation representing a high-level peak superpower, and a purple superpower light wave gradually emerged from him. .

The two super-power light waves of different colors began to increase rapidly, and finally collided with each other, and bursts of strong friction sounds of "Zizzizi~" began to appear.

For a time, the two superpowers were separated by a distance of five or six meters and began to carry out a fierce collision between their spiritual powers.

When the collision sound between the super-power light waves of the two sides changed from "Zizzizi~" to "Kangkangkang~", a strong wind suddenly blew rapidly towards the surrounding woods with the two as the center. The super power fluctuation has completely entered the level of the king-level super power elves

The trees within a radius of 100 meters were all swayed by the strong wind, and many trees with trunks as thick as buckets broke off. A large number of wild elves living in the nearby areas also woke up from their sleep and began to panic. Escape from the spiritual collision area of ​​the two superpowers.

The mental power between the two came and went quickly. After a minute, both sides ended the mental power confrontation this time. At this time, Na Zi's pretty face also showed a hint of solemnity.

In the next second, the two of them were also in a good mood, and they both made teleportation at the same time, and appeared in an open space a thousand meters away with the two little elves beside them.

"Hey, come and inspect the goods. These are all carefully selected by me. All of them are high-quality goods, but let me remind you that according to the chips you gave, you can only choose two of them." Nazi glared at Ryuzaki Shinji with a displeased look on her face, and then used telepathy to answer Ryuzaki Shinji's question just now.

As soon as the voice fell, six white rays of light were released one by one from the six Rocket Team special Poké Balls that appeared beside Hu Di at an unknown time.

Afterwards, Kathy, Hypnotic Mo, Magic Nini, Milipa, Natural Sparrow, and Mashana all appeared in front of Ryuzaki Shinji one by one, and then they all relied on the ability to move objects with their minds. Suspended in mid-air.

Since they all clearly felt the vast spiritual power of Ryuzaki Shinji, Nazi, Gotha Ya and Hu Di, these six superpowers who successfully integrated dream genes and opened their minds The elves did not dare to act rashly, and looked at the four nervously.

Judging from the breath of the six super-type elves at this time, Ryuzaki Shinji concluded that they are all super-power-type elves at the peak of the elite level, but they are indeed the elves that have successfully integrated the dream gene. There is an astonishing mental power fluctuation lurking in every body.

In the next second, Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes flashed with purple light, and the Gotha duck beside him also obeyed the order and immediately raised his hand, and then shook hands with the six super-power elves in front of him.

In an instant, the six super-power elves suddenly felt a fatal crisis, and a blue super-power mark appeared on their bodies. Against this suddenly imprisoned them a purple-blue superpower.

Unfortunately, as Gotha Duck's right hand gradually closed, the pain on the faces of the six super elves became even more intense.

After a while, Mo Nini and Milipwa were the first to be unable to support it, and the blue superpower mark on their bodies dimmed instantly. Fortunately, Goda Duck did not make a ruthless attack. The two just passed out due to the temporary overdraft of their mental power.

Nazi did not interfere with Ryusaki Shinji's ordering Godard to use mental coercion to select the six super-type elves. She did not use the Poké Ball until two super-type elves were eliminated. Take him and them back, and then continue to look at all this in front of him with cold eyes.

On the contrary, Hu Di, who was beside Na Zi, was a little unstable. The super powers on his body fluctuated from time to time. Although his face was still unchanged, it was obvious that he was enduring great anger in his heart at this time. .

"You're still the same, if you can't help it, you can do it, trash." Just when Hu Di, who was also an experimental subject, was about to endure the behavior of Ryuzaki Shinji as a test subject, from Ryuzaki Shinji The anger in his heart was like a pot of cold water poured into his heart, and it was extinguished in an instant. He lowered his head and dared not look at Ryuzaki Shinji again~www.readwn.com~ The weak eat the strong, the jungle of the elf world Law, these words that Ryuzaki Shinji once gave him advice reappeared in Hu Di's heart, leaving him speechless for a while. During the period of time he followed Nazi, he had seen too many such Something happened, and he became an accomplice unknowingly.

In the past minute or so, Kathy and Tian Que couldn't bear the increasing mental pressure of Gotha Duck.

Seeing that the last two strongest players had been separated, Gotha Duck immediately stopped to put pressure on him.

At this time, Hypnotic Mo and Masha immediately fell weakly from the air, lying on the ground with pale faces and gasping for breath. Hypnotic Mo looked at Gotha Duck with fear, and leaned over to him. , and Martha's face was full of unwillingness, staring at Godard Duck with gnashing teeth.

"I choose the two of them, give me the Poke Ball, it's yours." Ryuzaki Shinji took the expressions on the faces of the two Pokemon in his heart, then turned his head and said to Nazi.

At the same time, a blood-colored ice blade exuding icy cold energy appeared in front of Ryuzaki Shinji.

Nazi didn't obey Ryuzaki Shinji's instructions, she directly in front of him, like a demonstration, she used her super power to squeeze the Poké Ball of Hypnosis and Marsha into pieces, and then used her super power to smash the **** ice blade. Snatched it over, and then used teleportation to take Hu Di and disappeared in place.

"Don't you just stop playing, do you need to be so angry? What a disgusting woman," Ryuzaki Shinji murmured.

To be continued.....

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