Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 37: : Stubborn Masana and the Dilapidated Golden Gym

Although it was said that the Poké Ball was gone, Hypnotic Mo and Masha were still lying on the ground and did not dare to make too many moves, that brother who felt one point stronger than Hu Di. Duck is watching them.

"How do you say it, I'm the one who took you out of the Rockets' hands, that means, from now on, I'm your master, do you have any opinions?" Looking at the two nervous people on the ground Elf, Ryuzaki Shinji crouched down and said to them.

Hearing the words, Hypnotic Mo nodded immediately, leaned over to Ryuzaki Shinji and put his ear in his ear, showing a humane flattering expression on his face.

And Martha turned her unwilling gaze from Gotha Duck to Ryuzaki Shinji, and the gaze in her eyes suddenly changed from unwilling to intense disgust.

The other party gave him the same feeling of disgust as those from Nazi.

"It's ridiculous to say that you will save us. You are not much different from that human woman and her companions. They are both bad people, but they are just using me as a tool. I just changed a quilt. The object of enslavement." Martha stood up from the ground with difficulty, looked straight at Ryuzaki Shinji, her face showed a gust of wind, and then sneered through telepathy.

"Have backbone, tenacious willpower, and extraordinary potential." This is the impression that Ryuzaki Shinji currently gives to Martha.

In fact, Ryuzaki Shinji first analyzed the mental strength of the six super-power elves, and Masha was the lowest among the six super-power elves given by Nazi, and the mental strength was the highest. The strongest is hypnotism.

However, although Martha's mental strength is the lowest, his willpower is the strongest among the six super-type elves.

That is to say, during the time period when Godard Duck finally exerted mental coercion, this little elf had already been mentally exhausted, and he survived with tenacious willpower.

Ryuzaki Shinji has always had a soft spot for the elf with strong willpower, such as the Goda duck beside him.

Therefore, he admires Martha, who has successfully undergone fantastic genetic modification and has not been completely tamed by the Rockets.

To a certain extent, the experiences of Martha and Gotha Duck are very similar, but compared to Gotha Duck's tragic experience, Martha's environment is relatively much better.

"Martha, you're right, I'm a big bad guy like them, but you're wrong about one thing, they really only use you as a tool, but I won't do it, if If you behave well, I will make you my companion, a companion who will never leave." Facing Martha's ridicule, Ryuzaki Shinji was not angry, he took off his mask and said with a serious face.

It's a pity that Martha obviously hated human beings very much in her heart, and she didn't believe what Ryuzaki Shinji said at all, so she turned her head away from looking at Ryuzaki Shinji.

Seeing Martha's actions like this, Ryuzaki Shinji didn't say anything more, and immediately took out a high-level ball to subdue him. He was not a person who likes to play emotional cards. As long as Shamana obeys in the future His orders were enough.

After all, things like companions are just verbal words, and they are not convincing at all.

Shamana knew it was useless to resist, so she was easily subdued by Ryuzaki Shinji, not to mention the hypnotized bun, she didn't need Ryuzaki Shinji to make more moves, just be obedient by herself into the Poké Ball.

In this way, Ryuzaki Ma's second hand has two more super-power-type elves with excellent qualifications, which is one step closer to the super-power-type army he built.

"The next thing is to challenge the Golden Gym, and at the same time, it will take some time to find an Awakening Stone in the Golden City. Kirulian's evolution can't be delayed any longer." Ryuzaki Shinji put two stones The advanced ball was put away, thinking about his next plan, and then took out a slightly wrinkled promotional poster from his body.

The top of the poster reads: Golden Market Auction

The next morning, at 7 o'clock, Ryuzaki Shinji woke up from the meditation training at a fixed time, and after feeding the other elves except the double-bomb gas, he left the elves center.

Ryuzaki Shinji's goal this morning is very clear, that is, to challenge the Golden Dojo in Golden City.

Golden Gym is a Gym specializing in fighting elves. It is praised as the strongest Gym in Kanto by many trainers and has a very long history.

It is the oldest Taoist temple in the entire Kanto, and it is also one of the few Taoist temples in the world that still preserves the ancient professional heritage of fighters.

According to rumors, Zhiba, the fighting king, one of the four kings of Kanto, once practiced fighting in this gym.

Under the guidance of the city map provided by the satellite navigation in his hand, he soon came to the door of an ancient building in the city center that was completely incompatible with the surrounding modern high-rise buildings.

At this time, the ancient dojo-like building that appeared in front of Ryuzaki Shinji was the Golden Dojo in the Golden City.

However, what surprised Ryuzaki Shinji was that at first glance, it was a gym with a long history. There was no sign around his door indicating that he was a golden gymnasium. The ancient gate There seems to be something missing on it~www.readwn.com~ At the same time, it seems that this gym has not been open to the public for a while, and there are malicious graffiti on the ancient gate and surrounding walls.

This situation is very similar to that of Ryuzaki Shinji's previous life, where he was maliciously sprayed paint around his house after being chased for debts.

The entire gym is dead, completely indifferent.

Of course, Ryuzaki Shinji did not discriminate against the gym because of such a situation. As long as it is still a gym recognized by the alliance, it still has the value of being challenged by him.

He finally stepped forward, knocked on the door a few times with his hands, and then loudly explained his purpose.

Unfortunately, the result was the same as the worst result expected by Shinji Ryuzaki, and no one responded.

"What the **** is going on here? Is this gym still open?" Seeing the dilapidated appearance of the Golden Yellow Gym in front of him, Ryuzaki Shinji, who was disguised at this time, couldn't help showing deep doubts.

Fortunately, Ryuzaki Shinji's doubts were quickly answered for him.

"Young man, judging from your appearance, you are from out of town. This gym is currently closed and is not open to the public. If you want to challenge the gym, you should go to another city." An old man passing by said with a sigh to Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Old gentleman, do you know what's going on? I came all the way to the Golden City to challenge this gym that is known as the strongest gym in Kanto. It would be a pity to return empty-handed. Okay." Ryuzaki Shinji immediately turned around and asked the old man when he heard the words.

At the same time, Ryuzaki Shinji's face was slightly solemn.

To be continued.....

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