Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 47: : The call from the super evolution stone

"The next auction item will actually be a super evolution stone. It really deserves to be the auction of the world's top international metropolis. Even this kind of super rare treasure has been collected." Seeing the two on the auction table At the moment of the gems, Ryuzaki Shinji recognized the identities of the two gems, and said with a moving expression on his face.

At the same time, Shirona, who was in the advanced VIP room 3, immediately took out a luxurious ball from her body the moment she saw the super evolution, and then released the fierce bite land shark inside.

"Quick, these two super-evolutionary stones are of unseen species, feel it, bite the land shark, do any of the two super-evolution stones fit you?" Xirona said to the bite of the land shark. .

As the direct descendant of the temple, Shirona is naturally aware of the secrets of the super-evolution stone. At the same time, she also knows very well which elves can perform super-evolution, and her two ace trump cards, Luka and Lucario. It is one of the two kinds of elves that can undergo super-evolution.

But unfortunately, the number of super evolution stones is too rare. Even the temple has been fortunate enough to collect 8 super evolution stones in its long history, and Lucario's super evolution stones are the super evolution stones of the temple's collection. One of the evolution stones.

As for the super evolution stone that bites the land shark, Shirona has only heard of the existence of a super evolution stone. As for its appearance and whereabouts, the intelligence network covering the entire Shenao area covered by the temple has no news at all.

If you think about it, it is the same thing. If you can still super-evolve, you can imagine how terrifying his strength is. Therefore, those who are fortunate enough to obtain the super-evolutionary stone of the strong bite land shark, It is absolutely necessary to block the news at all costs until this powerful force is obtained.

At the same time, the secret of super evolution is only in the hands of very few people, and most of these people choose to hide it. As a result, the super evolution stones scattered around the world are rarely discovered.

Even if someone is lucky enough to get it in some dangerous ruins, most people will only regard it as a good-looking gem, and then collect it as a collection for harvest and adventure.

After years of research on the super evolution stone in the temple, there is an incredible power in the super evolution stone. This power can only take effect if it corresponds to a real elves, and it also requires a deep bond between the trainer and the elves. strength as traction.

And this incredible power in the super evolution stone will also spread with very weak energy fluctuations, and this energy fluctuation can also be felt by the elves who can use this super evolution stone. So far, this is The only way to determine the type of super evolution stone.

Bite Lu Shark heard the words, and he was the first to close his eyes, and then carefully felt that the two super evolution stones on the auction floor were constantly emitting energy fluctuations.

After a while, Lie Bite Lu Shark opened his eyes, and then shook his head at Shirona. Obviously, there was no super evolution stone that could make Lie Bite Lu Shark in the two super evolution stones.

"Yeah, I see, go back and rest." Seeing the action of biting the land shark, Xirona nodded helplessly, and then used the poke ball to take back the biting land shark that was supposed to be sleeping.

Originally, Shirona didn't have much expectations, so she didn't feel much loss in her heart. Although the super evolution stone is rare, it is obviously rare. Among the 8 super evolution stones collected in the temple, four of them are large needles. Bee super evolution stone, two storm carp dragon super evolution stone, it is very lucky to be able to get Lucario super evolution stone.

On the other hand, some people who also know the secrets of the super evolution stone, and 99% of these people are people in the high-level VIP room, they also immediately released their own elves that can perform super evolution, and then they all treated them. Said something similar to what Shirona said to the fierce bite land shark.

On the much-anticipated auction stage, these two extremely precious super evolution stones were displayed for about two minutes, while Fujiwara Karimoto, who was as motionless as petrified, finally got some kind of instruction and started to act. .

"It's really made everyone wait for a long time. I'm very sorry. At the same time, I also want to say sorry to all the guests on behalf of the Golden Market Auction. Due to the strong request of the guests who sold these two gems, our auctioneer cannot disclose these two gems. For any trace of their origins and information about them, these two gems are auctioned separately, and the price of each gem cannot be lower than 3 billion Alliance Coins, and the increase in each auction must not be less than 50 million Alliance Coins. "Fujiwara Karimoto first bowed deeply to this kind of guest, and then said with a very serious face.

When Fujiwara Karimoto said this, the guests who had many questions off the field were suddenly a little dissatisfied. Even though he had expressed his apology on behalf of the Golden Market Auction in advance, many guests still boos and all kinds of things. Abusive voices to express their dissatisfaction.

Unfortunately, Fujiwara Karimoto, who used his good professionalism, still ignored this and chose to keep his mouth shut.

And those who know the secret of the super evolution stone are looking at those who express dissatisfaction, just like watching a group of clowns, their eyes are full of disdain.

"Hmph, a group of people who are still in captivity are not qualified to know this, go, just follow the old man, I found what I want, and let him fully support me." In the senior VIP room No. 23, the iceberg beauty shook her hands After drinking a glass of red wine, he said with a disdainful expression.

"Yes, Miss, I'll do it right away." The maid who was standing upright heard the words, and immediately bowed and said, and quickly left the cold room where fine snow was falling.

At this time, in the senior VIP room 23~www.readwn.com~ in addition to the iceberg beauty, a burly Blizzard king is sitting on the floor where a layer of thin ice has formed at this time, looking eagerly at the auction table One of the super evolution stones.

Soon, the auction of the super evolution stone began, and the first super evolution stone to be auctioned was the one that the Blizzard King was staring at at this time.

"Don't worry, Blizzard King, no matter how much it costs, I will help you take down this super evolution stone. I finally had a chance to catch up with that woman. I want the family to take a look. I am Sato. The strongest person in the family, that woman was only born a few years earlier than me." The thinly-dressed Bingberg beauty stood up, as if she didn't feel the same about the low temperature in the room at all. She walked up to Blizzard King and treated him Said with a sweet smile.

"4 billion!"

"4.2 billion!"

"4.8 billion!"


As soon as the auction started, the price of the super evolution stone began to rise as quickly as the Rockets, but there were only a few bidders, all of whom were in high-level VIP rooms.

And when the first super evolution stone was being auctioned fiercely, Ryuzaki Shinji was in the high-level VIP room.

"Are you telling the truth? Did you really feel the call from one of the two super evolution stones on the auction table?" Ryuzaki Shinji said in surprise to the hostile Gengar in front of him.

"It shouldn't be wrong. The stone above is dark in color and has a red and black two-color spiral inside. It is calling me. Dear master, you must help me, I really want it." The sullen Genggui nodded at Ryuzaki Shinji with a pleading face.

To be continued....

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