Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 48: : Double-material king-level savage Gengar

Hearing the sullen Geng ghost's accurate answer, Ryuzaki Shinji agreed little by little, saying that he would try his best to buy the super evolution stone for the sullen Gengar, and even if he couldn't buy it, he would try his best to get it.

Although the current strength of the savage Genggui is still at the peak level of the junior king, he knows that all this is just an appearance. Since he obtained the treasured fat bones of Gala Gala, the whole person has gradually been reborn.

In addition, since the secret realm of trials, Ryuzaki Shinji has also taken him to the Death Basin every now and then to collect souls and search for the origin of ghosts, so that he does not know how much of the curse of ghosts in his body has been absorbed. Soul, and the ghost-type origin thing that exists in his hand also steps down to fifty or sixty points.

It stands to reason that the suffocating Genggui has such a huge resource, which is long enough for him to advance to the intermediate level of the king, that is, to advance to the peak of the intermediate king at once, Ryuzaki Shinji also believes that he can do it.

However, the sullen Geng Gui after the degeneration and rebuilding did not choose to do this, but chose to play steadily and continue to polish his foundation.

Listening to the words of the hostile Geng Gui, it is that he used to be greedy and too early to advance to the advanced stage, drinking to quench his thirst and swallowing a lot of souls to improve his strength.

As a result, the foundation of his ghost attributes has been seriously damaged, and his current strength is already at the limit of his potential. If he wants to continue to improve, he must make up for the damaged foundation.

Fortunately, during the period when the suffocating Geng Gui could not continue to improve the level of the ghost king, his strength did not stay the same. In the past year, the sullen Geng Gui has been working hard to improve another attribute of his own. power level.

The savage Gengar's ghost-type attribute foundation was indeed damaged, but his poison-type attribute foundation was still intact.

In the past, because he had no resources, he had to rely on the ghost attribute to break through to the king level. Now, with the help of the poison king, Ryuzaki Shinji, he also has the opportunity to advance to the king level with the poison attribute. .

A long time ago, the hostile Geng Ghost who had absorbed the Poison Orb had completely activated his poison attribute.

However, due to the short training time and the fact that he has always been obsessed with the cultivation of ghost attributes, his poison attribute level is only elite-level strength.

Because the suffocating Gengar has proven his loyalty, during this year, Ryuzaki Shinji has been doing his best to improve the poisonous attribute of the savage Gengar.

In terms of the use of ghost-type energy and ghost-type moves, Gengar Geng is a master, but in the use of poison-type energy and poison-type moves, he can only be regarded as a rookie.

However, the suffocating Geng Ghost is a Heavenly King-level elf after all, and an old ghost with rich experience. Ryuzaki Shinji and all the poison-based Heavenly King-level elf in his hands taught him almost everything that he taught in one fell swoop. The speed of progress in the use of energy-type and poison-type moves can be described as a thousand miles.

It probably took less than this year, and the savage Geng Gui's achievements in the poison attribute are quite fruitful, and the poison attribute strength has reached the level of the peak of the quasi-celestial king.

After that, it took another half a year to accumulate and accumulate. With the power of the original poison contained in a poison-type slate source fragment given by Ryusaki Shinji, the suffocating Geng Gui also successfully advanced to become a poison-type heavenly king. Elf.

Today's hostile Geng Ghost is already a ghost-type and poison-type double-level king-level elf, and his strength is not much better than that of ordinary single-attribute heaven-level elf.

After a fierce price war, the first super evolution stone was auctioned at a price of 13 billion alliance coins, and the person who auctioned the super evolution stone this time is the first auction item that will not last for ten thousand years. The person who Melted Ice bought was the iceberg beauty in the senior VIP23 room.

Subsequently, the second Gengar Super Evolution Stone also began to bid.

And the number of people participating in the second auction was several times more than the number of people who participated in the auction of the first super evolution stone. In just one minute, the Gengar super evolution stone has risen to 10 billion. The height of the alliance currency is up.

Ryuzaki Shinji had spent 2 billion Alliance Coins in bidding for the Sea Soul Orb for Goda Duck before, and now he has only about 13 billion Alliance Coins left to mobilize.

If the auction price exceeds this number, Ryuzaki Shinji will automatically withdraw from this auction.

"13 billion!" Using telepathy, Shinji Ryuzaki instructed the beautiful waiter outside the door to bid.

"Come on, the adults from the senior VIP room 76 offered a price of 13 billion alliance coins, which is already equivalent to the price of the first gem just now. Who else! Who else wants to continue bidding?" Hearing that someone raised the bidding price to 13 billion, Fujiwara Karimoto on the auction stage immediately shouted with excitement while holding the microphone.

For a moment, the auction venue fell into a brief silence. Just when Fujiwara Karimoto thought that no one would continue to bid, and it was time to make a final decision, a voice that greatly annoyed Ryuzaki Shinji appeared.

"16 billion!" At the last moment, the people in the senior VIP room 41, who were in the final competition with Ryuzaki Shinji, reported such a number, which instantly increased by 3 billion, and immediately made most of the people in the auction room appear. There was an uproar.

"Room 41, it's very good, it seems that the goal tonight is going to be shifted, it's up to you, Gengar." After hearing that the opponent instantly increased the price by 3 billion and made him general, Ryuzaki Shinji's face was gloomy. Said, the killing intent in his eyes was not concealed at this time.

"Hee hee hee~~, leave it to me, it's a trivial matter." Hearing the words, the hostile Geng Gui said with a gloomy smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, a shadow fragment split off from the sullen Geng Ghost. This shadow fragment quickly turned into a smirking Geng Ghost clone~www.readwn.com~ and then the clone turned into a slender shadow, Close to the ground, he quickly opened the room through the crack of the door.

On the other side, in Room 41, a beautiful black-haired girl wearing a witch costume (Japan) was lying lazily on a long sofa, and on a short sofa beside her, a leaning An old woman with a cane is sitting on it.

"Linger, grandma will help you buy Gengar's super evolution stone this time. After that, you must work hard to accept the training of the spirit witch. You are the only one in the new generation of our guardian clan who is born with awakened spiritual power. It is also the best of our spirit-watching family for hundreds of years, and it may not be able to live up to our expectations, don't be so unsatisfactory like your mother, your grandma has an old bone and won't last long in the alliance." The old woman faced a The beautiful black-haired girl with a lazy face said, her face full of doting and kindness.

"Don't worry, Grandma Juzi, my Gengar has advanced to the Heavenly King, and I am now a ghost-type Heavenly King trainer. As long as I have this Gengar's super evolution stone, I will be considered an ordinary intermediate. The Heavenly King trainer is not my opponent, Linger." The black-haired beautiful girl suddenly changed her lazy expression when she heard the words, and the elf said strangely to the old woman named Kikuko.

When the old woman heard the words, a kind smile appeared on her face, and she nodded in satisfaction and stopped speaking, but she had just closed her eyes, opened them again, and stared coldly in the direction of the door.

At the same time, the beautiful black-haired girl named Ling'er also turned her head to look in the direction of the door. When her face showed excitement, she immediately let out a burst of bell-like laughter.

To be continued...


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