Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 50: : not boring life

After the humanoid-like electricity pole creature released this terrifying electric current attack, Fujiwara Karimoto, whose face was pale, also wiped the sweat oozing from his face with a handkerchief, and then quickly pressed a similar remote control in his hand. button in .

In the next second, an extremely cold air began to be released from the thick lid at the top of the glass box.

The surface of the entire glass box began to quickly form a layer of frost, and the movements of the humanoid-like electricity pole creature also began to slow down, and the body also quickly formed a layer of frost.

In less than ten seconds, the creature like a human-shaped telephone pole was completely frozen, and a thin layer of ice covered it, completely freezing it.

"Phew~~, okay, ladies and gentlemen, you have all seen and felt a little bit personally, how powerful and dangerous this creature that has never been seen before is divided according to the level of the elf's strength, He used the powerful strength of the intermediate heavenly king level, there is no mistake, the last auction item this time is a creature whose value is not lower than the intermediate heavenly king level elf." Seeing that the creature similar to a human-shaped telephone pole was frozen by ice, so did Fujiwara Karimoto. He took a deep breath, then turned his face, picked up the microphone and said passionately the manuscript he had prepared in his heart.

After hearing that the value of the auction item was not lower than the elf of the intermediate level, most of the guests in the entire auction venue suddenly showed shocking expressions, and then they all looked at the human-shaped telephone pole on the auction table with fiery eyes. biology.

It's no wonder that Uranus trainers are negligible compared to the huge human base.

Although most of the people in the entire auction house enjoy worldly glory and wealth, it is still difficult to get in touch with the things in the circle of heavenly king trainers.

It goes without saying that you can directly grasp the most important power of the Heavenly King Trainer: "Heavenly King-level elf."

The Heavenly King-level elf is the most important force for the Heavenly King trainer to stand at the top of the world. It can be said that as long as you have the Heavenly King-level elf in your hands, you can really get in touch with the true meaning of this world.

Mastering the Heavenly King-level elf is definitely a big temptation for ordinary people.

"Hmph, a group of idiots, in the face of real power, all intrigues and tricks are gone, trying to obtain things that they are currently unable to control, and the final result can only be self-destruction." Looking at the group of auctioneer Fujiwara below Karimoto mobilized the "weak chicken" who was greedy in his heart, and Ryuzaki Shinji said contemptuously.

Except for Ryuzaki Shinji, the other Heavenly King trainers on the high platform or the Heavenly King-level bodyguards around those powerful figures all showed contempt in their eyes, as if they were watching a group of clowns.

It is a pity that Heavenly King-level elves are extremely arrogant creatures, and it is impossible for trainers who do not receive their approval to gain their power.

Even if they are controlled by other methods, it is only a vain power, and it is impossible to be recognized by the people in the circle of Tianwang trainers.

Only with real power can you truly stand in the circle of the heavenly king trainers.

"Moreover, according to the distinguished guests who commissioned our Golden City Auction to auction this item, this strange creature is a creature from another world, which means that it is absolutely unique in our world. , so, I don't need to say more about its value. Whether it is from studying other worlds through it, or turning it into a powerful force in the hand, its value is immeasurable, so we do not have a price to be considered. The number of , it’s up to all the guests here to locate, well, the auction of the last auction item has officially started.” Seeing that he successfully mobilized the atmosphere in the auction venue, Fujiwara Karimoto also immediately picked up the microphone and further narrated the auction item hints. It's worth it, and then the auction is announced.

"From another world? So, this guy is the same as me. Sure enough, there are creatures who came here from other worlds like me. If so, it means that I have the possibility of returning to the original world. ..." After hearing what Fujiwara Karimoto said, especially when the other party said that the auction item was from another world, Ryusaki Shinji suddenly burst into an unusually dazzling brilliance, and thought with a stunned expression.

But soon, the brilliance in Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes dimmed again, returning to the previous calm.

At the same time, when he looked at the creature resembling a human-shaped telephone pole on the auction table again, there was a strong interest in his eyes.

However, the idea that was born in the heart just now was like a seed that was spawned, quickly sprouting and growing in Ryuzaki Shinji's heart, and soon it became a big tree, and it grew more and more lush.

In fact, Ryuzaki Shinji has only regarded this world as a foreign land from beginning to end. In essence, he is a stowaways, and he seems out of tune with everything in this world.

Even though he has been very involved in this world called Elf World, he still feels that this world is rejecting him all the time~www.readwn.com~ makes him feel very uncomfortable, especially when he After becoming a Uranus trainer, this feeling of rejection became stronger.

From the moment he came to this world, Ryuzaki Shinji only thought about how to survive.

And when he mastered the power enough to make him stand in this world, he began to lose his direction and didn't know what to do next.

In the end, he found a more illusory goal for himself, which is to live freely in this world.

But as time goes on, the emptiness of living without a purpose in the heart becomes more and more intense.

Whether it is the constant pursuit of more powerful strength, or the establishment of the Shadow Team, a supply point that can provide him with a sense of security, it is just to satisfy the emptiness in his heart.

Even now disguised as a new identity to travel around the world, or use the new identity to enter the alliance and become the four kings of a certain area, it is just a small game he uses to relieve the huge emptiness in his heart.

After all, people still need a goal to live, otherwise, life will be too boring to live without a purpose.

"Yes, there are gods in this world, and that stinky woman Shirona claims to be the messenger of gods, the power of gods is so incredible, there must be a way to let me go back, and even allow me to travel to other worlds freely. , If you can live like this, then life is not too boring, God, it's so interesting, hehehe~~" Maybe because he had a real goal in his heart, thinking about it, Ryuzaki Shinji had been calm all the time. His heart couldn't help but get excited, and the purple light in his eyes became more and more prosperous.

From this moment, a man who wanted to turn the world upside down was born.

To be continued.....

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