Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 51: : Invasion and departure

The words "creatures from other worlds" not only shocked Ryuzaki Shinji, but also shocked the representatives of other major forces in the auction venue with a magnitude 12 earthquake.

For a time, a scene similar to the previous auction of the Glitter Baby Dragon Fairy Egg happened again, and this time the scale was even larger than the last time.

Almost 80% of the representatives of the major forces immediately picked up the communication equipment in their hands, and reported the situation of this auction to the person in charge with a serious face.

At present, the technology of the elf world has been quite developed, and there are also achievements and researches on the technology of space transmission. For example, the time capsule teleporter invented by Dr. Zhenghui is a specific application of space transmission technology.

It is precisely because of the application of space technology that some human scientists who study space technology have also found that the elf world they currently live in is just one of the plane spaces in the dimensional space.

Now this creature from a different world is one of the best proofs. There may be unknown dangers in the unknown space, but correspondingly, there are also huge benefits in the unknown space.

Think about it and know that if a major force in the elf world has the ability to open a space tunnel to other worlds, then they have the ability to explore other worlds.

Exploring the unknown world is very profitable. Once you discover a world with low force value and rich resources.

Then you can gain countless benefits by plundering the resources of other worlds, which is the so-called plane invasion.

The creature from other worlds that is currently on the auction block is likely to be the pioneer of a certain plane to invade the elf world.

It is a pity that the power of the plane world where it is located has sunk the power of the elf world, and the invasion failed, but was successfully captured by the strong men in the elf world.

And since this creature can successfully invade from the plane world where it is located to the elf world, it also means that it has the ability or secret to open the channel connecting the two plane worlds.

If this ability or secret can be grasped in the hands, then human beings are likely to grasp the science and technology of opening space tunnels.

Therefore, this creature from other worlds has immeasurable value to those big forces with top-notch scientific and technological power. As long as the person in charge of the big forces is not a fool, they are very aware of its importance to their own organization.

Soon, the commotion in the auction venue completely quieted down. Then, a series of quotations appeared, and the major forces started a fierce price war.

"9 billion!"

"11 billion!"

"15.5 billion!"


The price of the last auction item climbed steadily, and soon reached a sky-high price of 30 billion yuan, completely exceeding the 27 billion yuan of the flash baby dragon fairy egg, which was the highest transaction price so far.

And this is not the final result, the sky-high price of 30 billion was quickly surpassed.

"It's crazy, but yes, even if it's just an unknown key, it's also a valuable golden key, and it's worth their madness. It's a pity that I can only do nothing for this auction. , I must become stronger and have more powerful forces." Watching the astonishing numbers from the various high-level VIP rooms on the high platform, Ryuzaki Shinji said calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up, and then used the Poke Ball to take back all the Pokemon except the hostile Gengar.

After the hostile Gengar sneaked back into his shadow, he teleported out of the room.

This auction has ended for him, and there is no need to stop.

Moreover, according to the report of the hostile Gengar, his goal is to leave.

On the other side, in a high-end VIP room, a blond woman wearing a delicate white dress was looking at the increasing numbers on the big screen with a smile on her face.

"That's it, continue to add more, the more research funds, the better, and I must have more collections." A blond woman with a hairstyle like a golden cloak stood in front of the glass wall, with her hands crossed, Holding up her high chest, she said with a smile.

"Is this really good? If you sell it, that thing will soon be hidden." said an old man sitting on the sofa. The old man was wearing a white protective suit with a face still on his face. A large eye resembling the eyes of a desert dragonfly.

"It doesn't matter, this matter won't take long anyway, don't worry, Dou Wei, the most powerful alliance, can reach Alola, and it will be even more difficult for other forces. Alola is our territory, and other forces want to reach out. It's not that easy." The blonde beauty said confidently.

While the two were talking, the price of the last auction item had reached a terrifying figure of 40 billion.


When Ryuzaki Shinji reappeared, he was already outside the golden market auction, and at this time, many dignitaries had started to grow from the auction venue one after another.

These people are not stupid. When they saw the big people in the various high-level VIP rooms on the high platform, they all took action, and they knew that the last auction item had nothing to do with them. humiliated.

Ryuzaki Shinji mixed in with the exiting crowd, and gradually moved away from the Golden Market Auction venue at a very slow speed~www.readwn.com~ Master, did you see the woman in the witch costume in front? I can feel that the super evolution stone is on her body. By the way, the old woman beside her is very powerful. She also has a high-level king-level Gengar, and that Gengar wiped out all the shadow clones that I sent out. "The hostile Genggui slightly opened his eyes in the shadow of Ryuzaki Shinji, and then said to Ryuzaki Shinji through spiritual communication.

Not far in front of Ryuzaki Shinji, Linger dressed as a witch and Kikuko on crutches were walking forward surrounded by a few people dressed as Onmyoji.

Neither of them has found Ryuzaki Shinji yet, and the two grandchildren are still talking and laughing.

"It's no wonder that your shadow avatar was seen and destroyed at once. This time the opponent is one of the four kings of Kanto, the ghost king, and he is also a famous spirit witch. Even if your real body appears in front of her, She can beat you in minutes. Although she is old and frail, judging from the fact that she can still hold the throne of the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto, her strength should not be underestimated. It is not easy to get past her this time to get the super evolution stone. "After finding the target according to Gengar's description, Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes and pupils shrank suddenly, and he spoke to Gengar through spiritual communication.

Ryuzaki Shinji followed the two from a distance, and finally, the two got into a luxury car and quickly left the Golden Market Auction.

When Ryuzaki Shinji saw this, he also used his superpower to move objects and flew quickly in the sky, and then followed a luxury car from a distance behind with the help of the hidden spiritual power that spread out.

Soon, with the help of the alliance's dedicated lane, the luxury car drove out of the Golden City smoothly, and then followed the road signs to the highway in the Golden City and Ziyuan Town.

To be continued...

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