Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 4: : subdue

It was an eye full of unyielding, pride and hatred, and Shinji Ryuzaki could even see in that scarlet eye the Gotha Duck's disdain for their human beings.

Godard Duck seemed tired, he began to close his eyes and ignore the strange-faced humans. He had been living here for a while, and he knew exactly what these humans were here for. The cartilaginous head of his spine was broken, and he would not pay much attention to his thorny roots.

Although he has been taken away by humans many times, he doesn't despise those weak humans at all, so even if he is bound by a Poke Ball, he just doesn't attack the person holding the Poke Ball, but for their orders , he did not obey at all, so he was eventually sent back here.

"It really makes you laugh, we haven't been able to tame him completely, this is an extremely stubborn junk, far from being the best, hum, after training for so long, he is still so wild and untamed, come here, give it to him Click on the color and see." Seeing the familiar hatred in Gotha duck's eyes, the bald old man first explained Ryuzaki Shinji, and then his eyes were bright, and he immediately ordered his men to deal with this brother who dared to provoke his majesty. Da Ya retaliated, what he wanted to see was not hatred but fear.

In the impression of the bald old man, this Gotha duck was a substandard product that was returned five times. Although he only needed to pay back half of the price, in his opinion, this Gotha duck was still a loser. Goods, because this Gotha duck not only let the little cutie he succeeded fly away from him, but also damaged his reputation as a trainer.

In this area, Wu Tian relied on his ability to tame the elf. If he didn't feel bad that this Gotha duck had elite-level strength, he hoped that one day he could tame him, and then sell it for a higher price. As an ordinary elf, he personally killed it alive long ago.

"Wait a minute, I'm very interested in him, open the water prison and let him out." Ryuzaki Shinji immediately stopped the big guy who wanted to pull the switch next to the water prison, then turned his head and said to the angry bald old man .

"This, it's not good, you don't know, this Goda duck used to be the leader of a group of Duck Ducks. It is quite powerful and has elite-level strength. In order to capture him, we sacrificed a lot of brothers and damaged him. There are many precious instruments, don't look at his scarred and very weak appearance, it is all an illusion, this guy's super power is very powerful, if this special glass water cell has the function of suppressing his super power, this guy is afraid I ran away a long time ago." The bald old man explained to Ryuzaki Shinji with an embarrassed look on his face.

He has seen the super powers of this Gotha Duck. When other elves come here, they will only get weaker and weaker and finally bow their heads and accept their fate, but this Gotha Duck is different. Not only has his strength not declined, but it has become more and more powerful. He is getting stronger and stronger, especially his super power. It can be said that compared to when he was first caught here, it is simply a day and a day.

"Hehe~, yes, then you need to let him come out, come out, Yongjira, use the sharp blade of the spirit to smash this water prison." Ryuzaki Shinji grinned, revealing a small and handsome boy. His face and eyes flashed, and he immediately released Yongjira, letting him shoot and smash the glass water prison.

"Stop, you can't do this." The bald old man was shocked when he saw that Ryuzaki Shinji was about to make a mess, and hurriedly called his subordinates to stop Ryuzaki Shinji, but he and his subordinates could not get close to Ryuzaki Shinji, so they He was blown away by Yongjira who was just released with his powerful superpower, and all fell heavily to the ground. The old and frail bald old man fainted directly, and the strong men swayed as if they were drunk. They tried to get up, but they finally fainted after moving twice.

Looking at the big man with the electric whip coming from all directions, Yongjira, who sensed everything through the super-power detection in the Poke Ball, was suddenly furious. This place reminded him of the bad memories of the laboratory, so he did not show mercy. Directly using strong mental thoughts on these human beings with a strong smell of blood on their bodies, only after these human beings were killed, Yongjira obeyed Ryuzaki Shinji's orders to destroy the glass water prison in front of him.

The sound of "Kacha Kacha Kacha~" sounded, and this special glass water prison eventually became a pile of fragments under Yongjira's continuous mental blade attack.

When the glass water prison was shattered, Gotha Duck, who was still lying on the ground, instantly opened his scarlet one eye, and a huge water cannon shot out from his mouth. It was the "beneficiary" Ryuzaki Shinji who let him out.

"Bounce back, and then use the mental force to fight him." Facing the blisters that came at a high speed, Ryuzaki Shinji didn't change his face, and calmly gave orders to Yongjira.

Yongjila heard the words, and swiped the superpower spoon in his hand against the surging blisters. Powerful superpowers emerged from him, and the superpower mark on his forehead appeared, and the water cannon at the front was suddenly covered with a layer of blue. The superpower controlled it and stayed straight in front of Ryuzaki Shinji, again not allowed to advance for half a minute, the next second, Yongjira pushed forward with his left hand, and the water cannon turned a corner and shot in the direction of Godard duck. Go, and finally hit him hard.

With a sound of "dong~", the Gotha Duck was hit by the water cannon that was ejected from it, and the whole body was hit by the powerful force of the water cannon on the thick wall, and then slowly fell into the dirty water of the water prison.

But soon Godard Duck reappeared, and a small vortex began to appear in the water prison. Godard Duck, like Yongjila, was enveloped in a blue superpower light wave, and he slowly emerged from the center of the vortex. When he came out, he would quickly wave his hands, and the vortex under his feet would turn faster and faster. Finally, he lifted his hands up and then pushed it forward. The water in the entire water prison was lifted by his combination of spiral strength and super power, and turned into A huge spiral water polo, after he pushed it forward, the spiral water polo turned into a spiraling awl and pressed down on Ryuzaki Shinji and Yongjira with the momentum of Taishan pressing the top.

"Hahahaha, it's really interesting, Yongjira, you've been underestimated, go ahead, let him see the real super power." Seeing that Goda Duck can use super power so subtly combined with its powerful control The water ability used such a powerful offensive skill, Ryuzaki Shinji screamed excitedly, but this time, Goda duck is a little too big, he shouldn't be a tiger in front of Yongjira, this trick spirals Although the water polo is exquisite, it is essentially maintained by powerful superpowers. Therefore, as long as the superpower in this move is destroyed, this move will be self-defeating.

Sure enough, Yongjira also used his powerful superpower to control the spiral water cone in front of him. The spiral water cone stopped in mid-air, and the two superpowers in the spiral water cone began to collide with each other. Yongjira's super powers began to wrestle fiercely.

But Yongjila really deserves to be a super-power elf that has undergone dream genetic modification. The super-power contained in his body is not something that Goda Duck can compete with. After ten seconds of super-power collision, Goda Duck is pinned in the spiral water cone. His superpower was completely defeated by Yongjira's superpower, and the control of the entire spiral water cone changed hands.

"Gah~~~" The collision of superpowers is the collision between spiritual powers. Godard duck's superpower was defeated by Yongjila, and his spirit was immediately hit hard. The severe mental damage made Godard duck with tenacious willpower. Unable to let out a mournful cry.

The battle is not over yet, Yongjira's eyes covered with superpowers are blue, and the superpower spoon in his right hand turns, and the spiral water cone immediately changes direction and attacks the Gotha Duck at a faster turning speed. The huge spiral The water cone finally hit the Gotha Duck who was holding his head and screaming in pain.

"Gah~~~~~~" The Gotha Duck hit by the spiral water cone was caught in the fast-flowing water current, and the whole body kept turning in the water cone. Coupled with the strong water pressure, he The already scarred body made a sound of "lielielie", which was the sound of bones being crushed. The pain of broken bones and mental pain made Godard Duck scream even more painfully.

"Enough, that's enough, he'll be finished if he goes down, let him out." Ryuzaki Shinji saw Gotha duck's wailing voice getting smaller, knowing that he was about to die, and immediately told Yongjira to end the fight against the spiral. Control of the water cone.

With a sound of "Bang~", the spiral water cone that lost the control of Yongjira's superpower immediately exploded, and a large amount of dirty water fell from mid-air back to the water prison below, and Gotha duck's body also slowly dropped from mid-air. Falling down, when he was about to fall to the surface of the water, he was stopped in mid-air by Yongjira's superpower restraint, and then moved in front of them according to Ryuzaki Shinji's order.

"Uh~" Gota Ya opened one eye and looked at Shinji Ryuzaki who was looking at him coldly~www.readwn.com~ with strong unwillingness in his eyes, he wanted to get up, but the injury on his body was too serious , his body was out of his control at all.

"Hmph, are you unwilling? Let me tell you, even if you are in your prime, you can't beat Yongjira. You should be very clear about this. The superpowers between you are like the difference between clouds and mud, and we humans are more than that. Oh means, so this time it is you who lost, come and accept your fate." Ryuzaki Shinji saw the unwillingness in the eyes of Gotha duck, but he didn't give any sympathy or opportunity, if you lose, you will lose, no What is there to say, will the enemy still make you full of blood to fight him? It's just wishful thinking.

After Ryuzaki Shinji finished speaking, he took out a pitch-black Poké Ball from his space pocket and placed it in front of Gotha Duck.

"I see the desire for strength in your eyes, come with me, I will make you stronger, of course, you have another choice, stay in this stinking place forever to die, choose, brother Duck!" Ryuzaki Shinji suddenly burst out with his fighter's aura, and his aura turned into a huge blood-stained sword that pressed heavily on the top of Goda Duck's head.

Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from the human beings in front of him, Gotha Duck finally gave in. In fact, he had no choice at all, either life or death, but the rule among wild elves is that the weak obey the strong, and now that he is defeated, also Nothing to say.

Godduck got up from the ground tremblingly, and then pressed the button of the Poke Ball with all his strength. A red light shot out of the Poke Ball, and then pulled his entire body into the Poke Ball.

With a sound of "Boom~", Gotha duck did not resist, and successfully let Ryuzaki Shinji subdue.

To be continued .................................

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