Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 5: : Buried in the past

"You made a very correct choice, come out, Goda, this thing is a greeting gift." Ryuzaki Shinji took the Poké Ball sent by Yongjira with his mind power, a smile appeared on his face, and then thought Thinking about it, he took out a droplet-shaped crystal exuding a charming ice-blue light from his space pocket and handed it to Goda Duck, who was re-released by Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Quack quack~" When Ryusaki Shinji took out the water droplet crystal, Goda duck kneeling on one knee immediately raised his head and greedily looked at the water droplet crystal in Ryuzaki Shin's second hand. He crystallized from the water droplet. He felt the vastness of the water energy in the sea. It is conceivable that as long as he can absorb the water energy in it, he will definitely be able to greatly increase his strength. After confirming that Ryuzaki Shinji really wants to crystallize this precious water droplet to him, brother Da Ya was very excited, and the trace of resistance in his heart against Ryuzaki Shinji also disappeared. This human being truly believed in his words, and it was not a grievance to follow him.

Godard Duck took the mysterious water drop from Ryuzaki Ma's second hand, and couldn't wait to swallow it. As soon as the mysterious water drop entered his body, an essence of water energy immediately emerged from it. Compared with the poisonous energy in the Poison Orb, the water-type energy is much gentler, and there is no phenomenon of bursting the elf. The ice-blue light shrouded the Gotha Duck, and the Gotha Duck immediately posed cross-legged and meditated. , and began to quickly absorb the water energy released by the mysterious water droplets.

The healing effect of water energy is quite good. Under the cover of ice blue light, plus Godard Duck converts water energy into super power energy through meditation, and then uses self-healing moves. The scars on Godard Duck begin to quickly The scabs healed, eventually leaving a scar on his skin again.

After 20 minutes, the icy blue light on Gotha Duck gradually dissipated. Gotha Duck opened one eye, which was covered by a layer of blue superpower. A red light flashed in the one eye, a blue superpower. The light wave instantly shrouded his whole body, and the whole person suddenly exuded a powerful breath. The dark wounds in his body and the wounds on the surface of his body disappeared under the nourishment of the water system energy. Godard Duck felt an unprecedented sense of smoothness. This feeling of mastering power made him extremely fascinated, and his self-confidence began to rise rapidly.

"Okay? Okay, just spit out the mysterious water droplets. Its power is not something you can completely control now." Before Goda Duck could savor this wonderful feeling, Ryuzaki Shinji was icy cold. The words brought him back to reality.

Hearing that Ryuzaki Shinji was going to take back the mysterious water drop, Goda Ya, who had returned to his prime, was immediately unhappy, and his anger erupted. He immediately turned his head and glared at Ryuzaki Shinji, showing a strong murderous aura on his body, and now he He is no longer the sick state he was in just now. He is confident that he can turn against the customer and control this human being with the powerful super power of his heyday. However, when he and Ryuzaki Shinji looked at each other and saw his playful gaze, Gotha Ya's heart suddenly froze, and then, four breaths that were stronger than him suppressed him. It turned out that when Gotha Ya was recovering from his injuries, Ryuzaki Shinji was like his three remaining elves released. , Ryuzaki Shinji doesn't have complete trust in this little elf who has just subdued his unwillingness, so shocking is the best way.

As Ryuzaki Shinji's number one dog-legged double-bomb gas, he was the first to launch his own coercion as the boss of the newly added thorn-headed elf, and a direct hit knocked the Gotha duck into the air. Just as Godard Duck was about to fight back, a huge purple tail with a strange purple awn slapped him to the ground, and then his whole body was tightly bound by a large purple snake. Godard Duck stuck out his tongue, showing disdain in his icy snake pupils.

"Gah~~~~" The body squeezed, and the originally healed bones began to crack again. In addition, it became more and more difficult to breathe. Godard duck could only let out a weak wailing. However, although his movements were restrained. However, with his mental power and ability to use it, a powerful superpower began to radiate from his body, and the one eye was instantly covered by a layer of blue light, but here he wanted to use a move to get rid of the control of the Abo monster. At that time, a huge black fist slammed into his face mercilessly, and his head was severely damaged. The mental power that had gathered and attacked immediately dissipated, and the blue superpower light on his body also dissipated immediately.

After being greeted with "enthusiasm" by double-bomb gas, Abo monsters, and black stinky mud in turn, Gotha Duck finally recognized his current situation once again, and lowered his proud head to Ryuzaki Shinji again. The mysterious water drop was spit out, and then returned to Ryuzaki Shinji respectfully.

"Remember your position, don't think about resisting me, because you can't do it at all, if there is another time, I will kill you." Ryuzaki Shinji kicked Feigoda duck hard, and then received After passing the mysterious water droplets handed over by the black stinky mud, he said coldly to the Gotha Duck who had just climbed up from the ground.

This time, Gotama was honest, and he surrendered to Ryuzaki Shinji bowing his head, but the one eye in the bowed head still concealed a trace of deep unwillingness.

"Hmph, don't be reconciled, it doesn't matter, as long as you don't show your unwillingness to listen to me for a day, I won't kill you, as the one who rescued you, you don't have to wait here for the reward, you can honestly do it for you. I will work hard, this is the first thing I give you, everything here, you have to do it better, I will wait for you for 30 minutes." Ryuzaki Shinji saw that Gotha duck was unwilling. As the former leader of the elf, the arrogance in his heart will naturally not disappear easily, and he has not given up this pride after being able to support this place that resembles the elf **** for so long, and Ryuzaki Shinji naturally does not dare to think that he is Can tame him casually.

After Ryuzaki Shinji said these words, he let Yongjira leave this underground space with teleportation, leaving Godard duck alone to do the final finishing work.

After Ryuzaki Shinji left, Gota Duck raised his proud head again, looking at everything around him that disgusted him and remembering the humiliation Ryuzaki Shinji had done to him just now, the hostility in his heart began to explode, and he revealed With a majestic look, his whole body exudes a terrifying murderous aura. The only remaining one eye quickly turned red, a layer of blood-red light covered his one eye, and a blue superpower light wave enveloped his body, and the whole body was suspended with superpowers. In mid-air, immediately, the red ruby ​​red light between the eyebrows flashed, and the yellow beams shot out one after another, and began to scan the entire underground space, and the entire underground space quickly fell into a sea of ​​fire.

The explosion sound of "Boom Rumble" sounded from the unfinished building, and the thugs who stayed outside rushed into the unfinished building, but before they fully ran in, a huge yellow beam slammed the iron gate of the right road into Fragments, even the thugs and their little elves were all blasted to slag.

"Yes, that's it. Let your anger be vented to your heart's content, destroy your past with your own hands, and bury it cleanly. Only then can you see your true self." Above the gas bomb, suspended in mid-air, he looked at the unfinished building below, which had been turned into a sea of ​​fire due to the destruction of the Gotha duck, and a trace of loneliness appeared on his face.

All the buildings around the unfinished building also turned into a sea of ​​fire because of the disaster, and a large number of people living here began to flee frantically. These gray area people were not interested in what happened here, but They knew that if they didn't leave this area quickly, they would soon be caught by the Alliance forces that rushed here.

Sure enough, less than five minutes after the fire broke out in the unfinished building, several Junsha rushed to the scene with a group of security personnel, followed by a group of firefighters with water arrow turtles. They quickly began to monitor everything around them. Suspicious figures were apprehended and fires were started.

In the blazing sea of ​​fire, Gotha Duck looked at the familiar things around him with a complex expression that disgusted him. Everything here had been destroyed by his own hands~www.readwn.com~ Those who tormented him, and those who had already The elf who lost his soul, he killed all with his own hands, everything was over, it was over, but after he did all this, there was no joy in his heart, only loneliness remained in his heart, and his homeland had been destroyed , The clansmen also betrayed him. After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly found that he has nothing now.

"Why are you still standing here, I've been waiting for you for a long time, come with me, follow me to become stronger, and let's go see the vast world outside together." A flat voice appeared in the ear of Gotha Duck , and then Ryuzaki Shinji walked slowly from the sea of ​​fire to Godard duck under the protection of Yongjira's super power shield.

Goda Ya and Ryuzaki Shinji looked at each other, and there was a trace of understanding and loneliness in their one-eyed eyes, but compared to Goda Ya, Ryuzaki Shinji quickly covered up this loneliness, and his eyes renewed. Show a calm look.

Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck looked at each other, turned around, and walked back in the direction they came from without looking back, ignoring Gotha Duck who was still depressed.

Looking at the human being who only showed a dark back to him in front of him, Gotha Duck didn't know why, but at this moment he could actually feel the deep loneliness and sadness that Ryuzaki Shinji was hiding in the depths of his heart.

"Human, what about your past? Why are you so strong?" He felt the loneliness and sadness in Ryuzaki Shinji's heart, but at the same time, he could also feel Ryuzaki Shinji's indestructible will, brother. There was a complex color in Da Ya's one eye.

Gotha duck's confusion disappeared, and his one-eyed eyes showed firmness and pride again, and then closely followed in the footsteps of Ryuzaki Shinji.

To be continued .................................

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