Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 6: : Mysterious fake passport

The fire was raging. Even with the efforts of the fire brigade in the city, this place where countless sins were hidden was still burnt cleanly, all traces of sin were purified in the flames, and the truth was buried forever. In the end, all that was left was a pile of broken walls and a pile of charred or ashes corpses.

Riding a majestic dog, Jun Sha carefully searched the fire scene, trying to find any clues to the crime as much as possible, but this time the fire was too violent, so far she still has not found any useful clues .

A few minutes later, a few guards detained an ugly big man with a naked upper body and a lot of tattoos. After some interrogation, they probably knew the information about the fire location, and then passed through the remains in the basement. The complete corpse is used as a preliminary judgment: the imprisoned elf rioted, and the criminals and the rioting elf fought fiercely. A huge fire broke out, and both sides perished.

Although there are a lot of doubts that have not been resolved, the light red city is now in a state of ruin, and all kinds of work to maintain order still need to be done by the guards, so they don't have extra time to investigate the doubts here. The investigation, coupled with the fact that some criminals were killed, and no civilians were injured, therefore, this case could only be temporarily closed in the end.


In the slum area a few kilometers away from the fire scene, the behind-the-scenes author of the fire case, Ryuzaki Shinji is struttingly wandering in a dilapidated slum, and he is now looking for someone who can let him board the ship smoothly , according to his understanding, this luxury cruise will definitely be protected and checked by the alliance. He, a black family in the alliance, can't even pass the inspection by the security personnel without the passport issued by the alliance, so he needs to find some professionals. Provided him with professional and effective help.

After some paid asking for directions, Ryuzaki Shinji finally got a place to provide this kind of black certificate manufacturing service from a few gangsters who kept wandering around.

In a relatively well-preserved tavern, Ryuzaki Shinji was led into the basement of the tavern by a malevolent-looking waiter.

This basement is very small, only about tens of square meters, but there are a lot of electronic equipment inside. The white-haired old man in the pair of reading glasses was smoking a cigarette with his legs crossed, and one hand was still digging the black sludge on his toenails. The white-haired old man saw Ryuzaki Shinji behind the male waiter still showing a look of indifference. rational appearance.

"Old man Sato, I brought guests here for you, so hurry up and greet the guests! You have owed the boss for several months of water, electricity and rent, and this time you must work hard. The boss said that you will not pay it this month. If you rent, I'll throw you out." The malevolent-looking waiter said fiercely to the white-haired old man with a stinky face.

"Fart, you think I'm staying here now, it's not because your boss won't let me go, I used to be a high-level talent in the study of elves, it's just overkill for me to be a high-level hacker, and what you gave me here The electronic equipment is so simple that it cannot produce perfect works at all, you tell me your boss, you must get some good equipment next month, otherwise I will..." The white-haired old man jumped up from the chair as soon as he heard the barman's words, and pointed at the barman's constant swearing with his finger that had just finished his toenails. appearance.

However, the male waiter seemed to understand the temperament and weakness of the white-haired old man very well, so he left a sentence: "Do you want dinner with Miss?" After that, the white-haired old man was completely gone, and finally had to stare angrily. The waitress stared at him together with Ryuzaki Shinji.

After the male waiter left, the white-haired old man went straight to Ryuzaki Shinji for service inquiry.

"Which kind of passport do you want? I have three kinds here. The first is a low-level passport with 50% information integrity and a price of 100,000 Union Coins, which is guaranteed to be valid for one year. The second is a medium passport with 75% information integrity. %, the price is 500,000 alliance coins, and it is guaranteed to be valid for 5 years. The third type is the advanced passport with 90% information integrity. The price is 1 million alliance coins, and it is guaranteed to be valid for 10 years. I'll make an exception for you with a low-level fake passport, priced at 50,000 Alliance Coins." The white-haired old man sat down on the chair, then digging his booger with his hands while looking at Makoto Ryuzaki who was standing beside him with disgust. Er said, although Ryuzaki Shinji exudes quite a good momentum, but when he is old, he has already lived enough, and he has seen all kinds of wind and waves for a long time, so he doesn't care about it at all.

"It seems that your ability is not small, old man. Then you have a fake passport with 100% complete information and can be used permanently?" Ryuzaki Shinji said blankly, showing the attitude and attitude of the white-haired old man. He doesn't care about behavior at all. He has seen many such old men with advanced technology in the Rockets. All of them are guys with eyes on the top of their heads. They are all very annoying guys. They often point fingers at these Rockets soldiers, but it is undeniable that these people are all talented and practical, and every faction treats these people as treasures, so the more arrogant the white-haired old man shows, Ryuzaki Shinji The more I feel that this old man is capable.

"Hmph, yes yes, but boy, do you have so much money? It's hard to get a fake passport for permanent use, and my fee is not low, you poor bastard, how is it possible, eh~" Ryuzaki Shinji actually wanted to get a fake passport for permanent use, the white-haired old man suddenly gave Ryuzaki Shinji a disgusting look, and said to Ryuzaki Shinji in a disdainful tone, but when he saw Ryuzaki Shinji second-hand After a golden alliance silver card appeared in the middle, his eyes suddenly widened, staring intently at the golden card in Ryuzaki's second hand.

"How much does it cost to get it, you can ask for a price." Ryuzaki Shinji shook the Alliance Silver Card in his hand and said coldly.

An hour later, Ryuzaki Shinji came out of the tavern with two cards in his hand, one was a fake passport created by the white-haired old man through the three-D dragon and his superb hacking skills, and the other was a white-haired old man. Old man's business card.

After the white-haired old man showed his strong financial resources in Ryuzaki Shinji, his attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees. He directly transformed into a pug, circling around Ryuzaki Shinji diligently, and paid at Ryuzaki Shinji. After paying a high price of 3 million, the white-haired old man completed a complete version of the Union passport with amazing efficiency. He swears that this passport is absolutely foolproof, and also gave a business card Ryuzaki Shinji, welcome him to carry out various tasks. A "pleasant" after-sales service.

"It's really well made. From today, I, Ryuzaki Shinji, can be considered to be out of the category of black households, hehe~" Ryuzaki Shinji sneered at the beautiful fake passport in his hand, although he spent 3 million alliance Coin only got this so-called "permanent use" alliance passport, but Ryuzaki Shinji still thinks it's worth it. He has been in the state of a black household since he came to this world, and the alliance has the regime that controls this world. After all, every move was severely restricted, but now, with this terrifying alliance passport, he can also live in the sunshine "openly", and "doing things" will be much more convenient in the future.


The next day, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Port of Light Red City.

Although the pier in Light Red City was attacked by the water elves led by the tyrannical carp dragon, due to the timely support of Kona and Shiba of the Four Heavenly Kings, the degree of damage here was very small. Therefore, there are still a large number of ships docked here, but Because it has just been attacked by wild elves, the garrison here is much tighter than usual, and the levels of each main passage are guarded by the alliance army.

Today is the day when the luxury cruise ship San Anda in Kuye City docks at the port of Qinghong City, so many people who have purchased tickets before are waiting here early in the morning. The departure time is 5 o'clock in the afternoon, but it is still early to board the ship. as well.

This huge cruise ship arrived on time at the pier of the light red city at 9 o'clock this morning. On the pier here in the early morning, a large number of fighting elves and coolies were like a group of ants, carrying various goods and necessities. into the cabin of a cruise ship.

Today, there are still a lot of people near the berth where the Santa Anda is docked, but there are a group of trainers in alliance uniforms who cooperate with the staff here to maintain order, and the boarding operation is still relatively orderly.

Ryuzaki Shinji was in the crowd. He was now wearing a pair of sportswear, a black cap with the Union logo on his head, a backpack on his shoulders, and a belt with a Poké Ball hanging around his waist. He looks like a trainer who is on a trip. His attire is inconspicuous. There are quite a lot of trainers in the crowd, and their attire is similar to that of Ryuzaki Shinji.

However, since Ryuzaki Shinji had been drinking blood on the tip of his sword for a long time, the aura he exuded was incompatible with the ordinary people and trainers around him. Soon after he appeared, he quickly caused patrols in the vicinity. The attention of the alliance staff who maintained order, after several alliance members made eye contact with each other, they all surrounded Ryuzaki Shinji from all directions.

"Hmph, it seems that the people in the alliance are not all trash, they noticed me all of a sudden." Ryuzaki Shinji immediately noticed that someone was watching him, but his face was still the same, lined up in the queue, waiting to board ferry.

"Hello this gentleman, I'm an alliance investigator, please show your alliance passport." A tall and thin alliance staff member with a flamingo on his shoulder came up as soon as he waited for a few companions to arrive. Checking Ryuzaki Shinji, his face showed a serious look.

"Here, this is my passport, look at it clearly." Ryuzaki Shinji calmly took out the fake passport made by the white-haired old man yesterday from his space pocket, and said impatiently, although his expression remained the same, However, he still quietly put his hand near the elf pocket on his waist.

The alliance staff saw that Ryuzaki Shinji cooperated and took out the alliance passport~www.readwn.com~ The face suddenly became much better, but they still took out an inspection machine from the body, and inserted the shield that Ryuzaki took out into the machine. inside the groove.

As soon as the Union passport was inserted, a text message appeared on the screen of the machine.

"I'm really sorry, my lord, it's just a matter of routine, please don't take it to heart." When the staff of the alliance saw the information displayed on the screen of the machine, their expressions suddenly changed, and they immediately put on a pleasing one. Appearance said to Ryuzaki Shinji, and then respectfully handed the alliance passport back to Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Okay, don't get in the way here, you know what to do." After Ryuzaki Shinji took back his passport, he did not look at the alliance staff in front of him, and directly followed the vacant team in front of him. There were still people who wanted to jump in the queue, but after seeing the faces of the league staff, they all winked and quickly fled.

"Yes, yes, please walk slowly, adults, and leave now." The staff of the Tall and Thin Alliance immediately left in a panic, like an amnesty.

The alliance staff at the boarding stairs also saw this scene, so when Ryuzaki Shinji boarded the ship, they did not do any inspections and let them go directly, and secretly handed Ryuzaki Shinji a beautiful key.

"What's the origin of that lord? Are you so panicked?" After seeing Ryuzaki Shinji successfully boarded the ship, a tall alliance staff member asked his companion with a flamingo on his shoulder.

"See for yourself." The flamingo trainer said angrily to the companion who came to ask, and then handed him the machine that had not yet logged out.

When the tall Alliance staff member saw it, his face immediately showed panic.

The information displayed on the machine screen is: "Ryusaki Shinji, encrypted, encrypted, encrypted........"

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