Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 7: :born

In late autumn, at five o'clock in the afternoon, the port of the light red city,

After a long boarding process, the luxury cruise ship Santa Anda is finally about to set sail. The whistle of "woo woo woo~" is deafening, making the entire port pier shrouded in the roar of this steel behemoth. , The huge iron anchor gradually emerged from the sea under the action of dozens of strong sailors turning gears, and then the ship started.

The San Anda gradually sailed out of the berth, and the pier was full of people. They were all saying goodbye to the ship, and they offered their blessings one after another, looking forward to the smooth arrival of the people on board this voyage. The beautiful sunset and the sea of ​​clouds dyed red, the Santa Anda gradually sailed in the direction of the sunset in the laughter and laughter.

Ryuzaki Shinji was also on the deck at the stern. He stood in the corner and silently looked at the people on the deck ahead. Those were some people who were parting. Their expressions at this time were different, and some were surprised. Incessantly, some looked sad, some excited, but there was no worry and loss.

Looking at the light red city that became smaller and smaller in his eyes, Ryuzaki Shinji finally sighed deeply, then turned and left. His trial this time is definitely a near-death experience, perhaps this is his last Once to watch a city that will completely change his life, no matter whether it is good or bad, right or wrong, he has finally regarded it as his hometown. Wu Ming and everything about the earth have been deeply buried in his heart. Now, he is Ryuzaki Shinji, a **** who is still struggling to control his own destiny.

Perhaps feeling the loneliness in Ryuzaki Shinji's heart at this time, a little life who loves him finally can't wait to come to this world.

"This is..." Ryuzaki Shinji just turned around and wanted to go back to his room to rest, but the things in his backpack suddenly shook violently, Ryuzaki Shinji Quickly opened the backpack, took out the elf egg that was shaking and shining differently, and then squatted down and carefully placed the elf egg on the deck.

"Wow, it's a elf egg."

"And it's about to be born. I'm looking forward to it. What kind of elf is it?"

"It's the first time I've seen an elf born, and I'm also looking forward to it."


The strangeness on Ryuzaki Shinji's side was soon seen by the people who were still on the deck. After seeing that it was actually an elf egg, they all discussed with each other, and all gathered around to watch the elf born in the elf egg with anticipation.

The white light emitted by the elf egg became brighter and brighter, and the degree of shaking became more and more violent. Finally, in a sound of "kacha kacha kacha~", cracks gradually appeared in the shell of the elf egg, and the cracks quickly filled the entire elf egg. shell.

With a "pop" sound, in a burst of dazzling white light, the shell of the elf egg was completely shattered. In the gathering of white light, it quickly took shape, and finally a canine-shaped elf with dark fur and broken bones and armor was born in the eyes of people's expectations.

"Ow~" The newly born Dai Ruby immediately let out a long roar to the sky, as if to express his presence to the whole world. After Dai Ruby finished calling, he immediately shook his short tail with a look of excitement. He happily threw himself into Ryuzaki Shinji's arms in front of him, and then kept licking Ryuzaki Shinji's face with his pink tongue.

"You are welcome, little guy." Ryuzaki Shinji touched Dai Ruby's little head and said with a smile. This time he smiled very happily and sincerely, because he fully felt this little thing in front of him. A clear and unmarked mind, perhaps this is the arrangement of fate. Dairubi met and chose Ryuzaki Shinji when he was still an egg, and Ryuzaki Shinji also responded that Dairubi agreed to choose him. At this time, Ryuzaki Shinji had a strange feeling. He seemed to hear Dai Ruby's heartfelt voice. He closed his eyes and entered some magical perception for a while, and Dai Ruby also stopped acting like a spoiled child at this time. Lying quietly in Ryuzaki Shinji's arms, he also closed his eyes.

The people around felt very strange when they saw Ryuzaki Shinji and Dairubi suddenly quiet down. Some people wanted to call them, but they were stopped by a thin young man in an alliance uniform, and some had The perception trainer also helped him stop those around him from disturbing Shinji Ryuzaki.

"Everyone please be quiet, this lord is in the epiphany now, please don't disturb the lord's perception, otherwise, it may be detrimental to everyone." The thin young man said nervously to the people around him, and then looked envious. Looking at Shinji Ryuzaki next to him, as a trainer in the alliance, he was fortunate enough to see a trainer in the alliance who was promoted from an elite peak level to a heavenly king trainer. The state of the trainer is exactly the same. If someone interrupts this precious insight rashly, this powerful trainer will definitely not give up.

Also showing envious expressions are the trainers around who help maintain order. Almost all of them have family trainers, so it is probably clear that Ryuzaki Shinji is in a state of comprehension now.

"Bang bang bang~~~" Several white lights were released from the Poké Ball around Ryuzaki Shinji's waist, and the double-bomb gas, Abo, Yongjira, Black Mud and Gotha all appeared, and they were all fascinated. Dazedly felt that Ryuzaki Shinji was in some kind of wonderful state, they surrounded Ryuzaki Shinji suspiciously, and in the end only the double-bomb gas and the Abo monster also entered this wonderful state, the two little elves. He also closed his eyes, then leaned tightly beside Ryuzaki Shinji, and the remaining three elves looked at each other and looked at the people around them with alert expressions.

Although the people around don't know what happened to Ryuzaki Shinji, but after hearing the warnings from the trainers around him and the five powerful elves around Ryuzaki Shinji, they all chose to keep silent. .

"So strong, these five elves have been trained well, all of them are elite-level strengths, among them, the double-bomb gas, Abo and Yongjila are the elves at the peak of the elite, this trainer is indeed a powerful one. Trainer, I wonder if he can break through to the level of the king after this insight?" The tall and thin alliance trainer looked at the five elves guarding Ryuzaki Shinji in amazement. He came to the conclusion that the sum of all his elves was not Ryuzaki Shinji's side and then an elves' opponent, and he couldn't help thinking with admiration.

Time passed quietly like this for 5 minutes, and Ryuzaki Shinji finally opened his eyes. When he opened his eyes, a terrifying spiritual pressure emanated from him, which directly made the people around him feel. It was difficult to breathe for a while, but the mental pressure disappeared from Ryuzaki Shinji in just a few seconds, and people returned to normal, but the eyes they looked at Ryuzaki Shinji were completely different, and their eyes were full of awe and fear.

"What exactly is this feeling, I actually heard the voice of the elf, and the same elf seems to have heard my voice, do I and the elf become one spiritually? This feeling is very wonderful. Ryuzaki Shinji showed a trace of confusion in his heart, but it disappeared quickly, because Dairubi was hungry in his arms, and was scratching at his clothes with his small claws, looking at him pitifully.

"Hehehe, the little guy is hungry, I'll take you to find something to eat." Ryuzaki Shinji smiled at the coquettish little Dairubi in his arms, and then used the Poke Ball to retrieve the five guards beside him. Elf, then stood up with Derby in his arms.

Ryuzaki Shinji didn't know what happened to him just now, but he still knew that it was a good change, and the benefits were very great. He vaguely felt that this was an important condition for him to break through the level of the heavenly king trainer. He has clearly felt the state of "being one with the spirit of the elf", and now he has established some kind of spiritual connection with the double-bombing gas, the Abo monster and the little guy in front of him, although it is still very difficult now. Ambiguous, but I believe that the connection will become clearer and stronger in the near future.

"By the way, what's your name? I thank you very much for your timely help just now." When Ryuzaki Shinji wanted to leave, the people in front were very winking and gave way, while Ryuzaki Shinji was there. He paused when he passed the master youth, then looked at him seriously and said plainly.

"Yes, my lord, my name is Chixing, and I'm now a member of the general law enforcement team of the alliance. It's a pleasure to meet you." The alliance member named Chixing replied with a look of surprise, and being able to get to know a powerful trainer, this It is a very fortunate thing for a trainer like him who is still at the bottom. Even if the other party gives random pointers or exchanges some knowledge of elf with himself, he will benefit endlessly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Chixing, okay, I remember, if you have time, you can come to this room to find me, and my name is Ryuzaki Shinji." After Ryuzaki Shinji heard the words of the master youth, his eyes showed There was a trace of undetectable light, and then nodded and continued to move forward, leaving the deck all the way and entering the interior of the cruise ship, but just as he was about to enter the interior of the cruise ship, Ryuzaki Shinji turned his head slightly to several corners of the deck. After looking at it, I found that there was no one and entered the interior of the cruise ship.

In the crowd on the deck, a strong man in a fighting suit looked solemnly at the direction where Ryuzaki Shinji disappeared, and beside him stood two delicate and beautiful women, both of them had a face. Smile looked at each other with interest, and there was a hint of hostility in the eyes of both parties.

Somewhere in the shadows on the deck, a young man in a ninja costume walked out slowly, accompanied by a ghost stone, his eyes were also fixed on the direction where Ryuzaki Shinji disappeared, and there was a determination in his eyes. .

At this time, a white-haired young man was standing on the bow, and not far from him stood a row of young men in black suits and sunglasses. The entire bow was occupied by them.

"Where is this ship going, and where is my road?" The white-haired young man faced the strong wind blowing in front of him, letting his white hair squeak from the wind. He played with a beautiful rose in his hand and sighed while looking at the sunset that was about to fall to the horizon in front of him. The corners of his mouth curved slightly, his eyes like the finest sapphire were always so deep and deep.

To be continued ................................................

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