Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 8: :note

The Santa Anda is a super-large cruise ship, so the whole ship is like a movable miniature city. All the basic living and entertainment facilities in the city are available here, including the elf center, the elf training ground and the small elf. The elves also have all the facilities required by trainers such as the battlefield.

Ryuzaki Shinji walked into the interior of the ship building through a side door, and then according to the various specific signs given in the passage, he came to the high-end residential area at the top of the ship building very smoothly, and finally went to the residential area. A female staff member after showing the exquisite key that the staff gave out when boarding the ship.

The female staff was very attentive and brought Ryuzaki Shinji to the high-end VIP area of ​​the high-end residential area. Before leaving, the beautiful female staff secretly handed Ryuzaki Shinji a small note, sweet and sweet. To Ryuzaki Shinji, who has always been cold-faced, he said to her as much as possible if he had any instructions.

A109, this number is the abstract imprint engraved on Ryuzaki Shinji's exquisite key. It also represents the room number of Ryuzaki Shinji's rest room in the ship. The rooms in the high-end VIP area are basically only for local tyrants and alliance executives. The place, in simple terms, the people who live here are either rich or expensive socialites.

It really deserves to be a fake passport made of 3 million alliance coins. The materials and technologies contained in it are absolutely genuine. The identity of the fake passport made by the white-haired old man for Ryuzaki Shinji is too terrifying, except for the top executives of the alliance. Only with permission to view the information of Ryuzaki Shinji, it is impossible for the rest of the people to see the information of this fake passport through conventional means, so Ryuzaki Shinji was fortunate to be "misunderstood" and obtained the key of the advanced VIP area, and That's why the female staff are so attentive.

Although the room is not very spacious, the sparrow is small and complete, and the decoration is very tasteful. The living room, bedroom, bathroom, exercise room, etc. are all available. From the transparent huge tempered glass window, you can still see the beautiful outside. The night sky and the magnificent sea are simply a superior sea view room, which can still be moved.

Looking at the beautiful room that was almost spotless, Ryuzaki Shinji compared the kennel he had lived in the Rockets base in Light Red City for nearly 10 years. Second, there was a hint of envy on his face. In his previous life, he was only a small staff member, and he had never seen such a presidential suite-like room.

But after all, he was the same Ryuzaki Shinji who was used to life and death. This sense of gap soon disappeared, and his face returned to a poker face. Take out a can of elf feed and a large milk jug for the baby Dalubi from the backpack.

After thinking about it, Ryuzaki Shinji released all the other five elves on his body. Although it was only after 6 o'clock in the afternoon, there was still more than an hour before the usual meal time, but now in the "crisis" At sea, all kinds of sudden situations may happen at any time, so Ryuzaki Shinji decided to have dinner ahead of time.

The food of the double-bomb gas is very simple. His food is a large can of concentrated poisonous gas and a few high-quality fire stone fragments, and then a few high-quality coals are attached. As a life with Ryuzaki Shinji Nearly 8 years of gas bombs, Ryuzaki Shinji is the most aware of his training experience. After eating the double bomb gas, he will take out the poisonous orb as usual and let him absorb the poison energy inside.

The food of black stinky mud is even simpler. His food is some domestic garbage, but Ryuzaki Shinji did not give him these low-level food, but gave him some fermented and compressed high-quality garbage mud. The price of these garbage mud is very high. The land is cheap. Many members of the Rocket Team in the Rocket Team Base in Light Red City have stinky mud in their hands. Therefore, the Rocket Team Base in Light Red City provides this kind of garbage soil. Basically, one point can be exchanged for another one. tons of such junk dirt.

However, the amount of black stinky mud is very large. At least 5 tons of garbage soil are eaten each time. Fortunately, after these garbage soils are concentrated, one ton of garbage soil is only the size of an adult's fist. Otherwise, Ryuzaki Shinji There is no room for so much garbage and dirt in the ultra-large space pocket.

The food of the Abo is a little more complicated than the double-bomb gas and black stinky mud. The food of the Abo is some blood food. Since the Abo snake evolved into the Abo, his food intake has become very large. It turns out that 1 catty of raw meat turns into 5 catties of raw meat every day, and all he eats is very expensive beef in large milk tanks.

It turned out to be Kentaro beef, but after Ryuzaki Shinji was rich and Abo Snake completely surrendered, they changed to more advanced beef in large milk cans, although these large milk cans of beef are very expensive, and it costs a pound. 10 points, for this reason, Ryuzaki Shinji also specially used a separate space bag to hold these large milk cans of beef, but it is really worth the money.

The nutritional value of beef in a big milk tank is very high. Since Abo Snake ate beef in a large milk tank, his body growth has increased significantly. The original 7 meters have become 7.2 meters today. The most important thing is, A After eating a meal, the cyborg can maintain normal wear and tear for at least a week (combat is counted separately), and since there are often "additional meals" activities, the food consumption of the cyborg can still be very good. maintained.

Like the double-bomb gas, Ryuzaki Shinji will give them a chance to absorb the poisonous orb after eating the Abo and the black stinky mud, but basically within a week, the three poison-type elves can barely absorb it once. The energy of the poisonous orb will take time to digest.

Yongjila's food is the most complicated of all his elves, and only the elves who surpass human IQ have a very high appetite. His food is some energy crystals that contain rich spiritual energy, because Caesar's main elves are There is a lot of land, so Ryuzaki Shinji is still very easy to inquire about the food suitable for Yongjira's growth from other people's mouths, and he can also buy these high-tech elf food from the Rocket Team Base in Light Red City.

This kind of artificially synthesized elf food is very expensive. It is more than 10 higher than that of beef in a big milk tank. Basically, an energy crystal costs 100 points. Fortunately, Yongjila's food intake is very small, and an energy crystal can last for a month. Normal consumption, if combined with some human food, this feeding cycle can be a little longer.

As for the recent acquisition of Gotha Duck, Ryuzaki Shinji has not fully understood his cultured food, so he had to let him eat some elf feed that ordinary water elves like to eat, but Ryuzaki Shinji still You must find a way to understand the most suitable food for cultivating the growth of Gotha Duck as soon as possible. Otherwise, if you let him eat ordinary water elf feed for a long time, his physical development and strength growth will inevitably be seriously affected.

In addition to fighting to improve the power of the elves, if the trainer can train the elves well from food, the power growth rate of the elves will increase exponentially, so a good trainer is not only an excellent trainer. Trainer and an excellent elf breeder. (At least he has a very good way of cultivating his elf)

As for the newly born Dairubi, Ryuzaki Shinji was brutally slaughtered by the people from the Elf Hunters Guild when he bought him, but in contrast, Ryuzaki Shinji also obtained it from the Elf Hunters Guild. For more detailed training methods of Dairubi and some conventional elf food made for Dairubi, it is best for Dairubi to eat a pound of raw meat and a large bottle of milk every day at the beginning of childhood.

After Dairubi transitions through a month of infancy, he can properly add some flesh and blood food, preferably some flesh and blood of fire-type elves, so as to keep the evil elements such as Dairubi well. The wild nature of the fire elf and cultivate his strong bite.

After the six elves ate dinner, Ryuzaki Shinji put them back into the Poké Ball, but Darubi seemed to dislike staying in the Poké Ball very much, and broke free from the Poké Ball several times.

After several times of ineffective persuasion, Ryuzaki Shinji gave up letting Darubi carry the Poké Ball. Although he hated disobedient elves, it seemed that Darubi was really loyal to him and he was a canine. For the sake of the elf~www.readwn.com~ Ryuzaki Shinji agreed to let him stay outside all the time.

After all, the canine elf's vigilance is very good, and it can be an excellent bodyguard and early warning officer. Staying outside all the time can indeed continuously train his powerful racial ability.

There is a special ordering service in the premium VIP room, and it is completely free, so Ryuzaki Shinji took this opportunity to order a sumptuous dinner, and eating compressed cookies without any taste for a long time has seriously made Ryuzaki Shinji My stomach felt disgusted, and every time I ate compressed biscuits, Ryuzaki Shinji resisted the nausea and swallowed it with water.

After Ryuzaki Shinji ordered, less than ten minutes later, a waitress came in with a dining cart.

Ryuzaki Shinji's dinner is a generous portion of grilled fish steak. The fish steak is made from tuna just caught from the sea. (The elf world also has some normal animals and plants in the earth world, except that the elf prey on each other , these normal animals and plants are their staple food.) Not knowing how to use a knife and fork to eat elegantly, Ryuzaki Shinji directly used a fork to discharge pieces of golden oily fish into the import.

In less than a few minutes, Ryuzaki Shinji finished eating a generous portion of grilled fish steak. Just when he was still eager to taste it and picked up the plate containing the fish steak, it was posted on the bottom of the plate. The small white strip of paper suddenly fell from the bottom of the plate.

After seeing the small white note that fell on the ground, Ryuzaki Shinji no longer wanted to taste the food, his face became unusually cold and dignified, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

A bright red "R" mark was written on the surface of a small white piece of paper on the ground.

To be continued ................................

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