Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 9: : invitation

The bright red "R" mark made Shinji Ryuzaki's eyes soar with coldness, and at the same time he was secretly shocked. The appearance of this letter not only means that Shinji Ryuzaki's whereabouts are completely exposed to the surveillance of Team Rocket, Moreover, the blood red also represented the meaning of making him absolutely obey the order. Under all kinds of dissatisfaction, Ryuzaki Shinji finally picked up the small note from the ground with a gloomy face, and then opened the back of it to see that a brief message appeared. in his eyes.

The small note reads: "At 1:00 in the morning, A101 will gather."


At the same time, in room A101, a beautiful white-haired man dressed in aristocratic clothes was leisurely tasting a cup of black tea, looking at some unknown information in his hand, while a man dressed in a suit was standing next to him. The burly young man in neat butler uniform is now bowing respectfully and reporting his work to the handsome white-haired man.

"Have the invitations been sent? I shouldn't have missed them, right? Indus." The white-haired handsome man did not look at the burly young man, but asked while drinking black tea while looking at the information in his hand. With an unmistakable tone.

"Yes, Master, there are a total of 6 guests, and all the invitations should be issued according to your instructions, but the time is set at 1:00 in the morning, wouldn't it be inappropriate, after all, Master, you are a man of gold. , it's better to take enough rest, and please leave the work of receiving these crude inferiors to the little ones." The burly young man named Wutong said with a worried look.

"No, Wutong, you have to understand that the people you meet this time are all very dishonest guys. You can't calm these people down by yourself. Although the time to meet is a little rushed, there is nothing you can do about it. Yes, who said that there are too many alliance dogs on this ship, it is better not to alarm them now, by the way, is there one of them who just broke through the king today? I remember the name of Ryuzaki. "The white-haired handsome man shook his head, then continued to sip his black tea while looking at the information in his hand, but at the end he turned his head and asked the burly young man.

"That inferior man is called Ryuzaki Shinji, he is just an inferior man without any background, young master, wouldn't it be too good for us to invite this inferior man to join us in our operations, after all, the other five people are inferior People, but they are different from Ryuzaki Shinji, the meanest person, they all represent the meaning of the bosses of various factions, and this Ryuzaki Shinji is just a cannon fodder in the original plan to hide people's ears, According to the rules of the organization, he has no right to know the real information. If it is passed on to those guys by others, I am afraid that those guys will do something to slander you, Young Master." The burly young man Wutong saw Bai Famei. The man was actually interested in this lower-class person, and suddenly said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter, Wutong, you have to know that this world still relies on fists to speak after all. Whoever has a hard enough fist will listen to whoever is. As long as I maintain a leading position all day, those wastes behind me will not dare to act rashly. , This Ryuzaki Shinji is very interesting. He has no background. He was deliberately blocked by Caesar, the overlord of the light red city, and finally broke through to the level of the king without a sound. As long as he is given a period of time, a new Heavenly King trainer will be born. Since he chooses not to continue to hide and participate in this Death Contest, it means that he has an unwilling ambition to be ordinary. If I can subdue him This wild and untamed wild horse, I will have another bargaining chip to compete for the position of the leader of the organization or the family patriarch in the future. He placed it flat on the table, then leaned back on the chair and drank black tea while looking at the bright starry sky in front of the window and said.

"Yes, young master, Wutong has been taught, or you have a big heart, young master. I will go down and arrange to meet these people later." Wutong lowered his head and said respectfully.

"Well, let's go, I'll take a rest here now, I'll be disturbed if I have nothing to do." The white-haired handsome man nodded, then waved his hand to indicate that Wutong could go down.

Seeing this, the housekeeper Wutong immediately bowed and stepped back, and inadvertently glanced at the corner of the table before leaving.

At the beginning of the first page of the information, it was written: "Ryuzaki Shinji", and there is a picture of Ryuzaki Shinji being haunted by Abai Snake on the upper right corner.


On the bow deck, a big man in a thin black fighting suit looked expressionlessly at the dark ocean ahead, and let the strong and cold sea wind blow his loose fighting suit with a squeak. He stood like a giant rock at the top of the bow, blocking the sea breeze for a glamorous lady in a **** evening dress behind her.

"Kanjuro, do you think it's necessary for us to meet that arrogant young master?" The glamorous lady leaned her soft body against Kanjuro's firm back and stroked his strong muscles with her hands. Said bewitchingly.

"Enough, Yamanaka Kikui, what you do doesn't work for me. If you called me here for this matter, I can only tell you that I must go, after all, he is also a person supported by Lord Apollo. , I, as Lord Apollo's subordinate, should go to see him, do you have anything else to do, if not, I will leave." Facing the temptation of Yamanaka Kikui's beauty, Kanjuro's heart was as strong as a rock. Still simple and unmarked, without a trace of evil thoughts, he gently pushed Yamanaka Kikui away with his broad and sturdy hands, and then began to turn and leave.

"Wait a minute, don't be so indifferent. After all, the two of us are comrades who have experienced life and death. I asked you to come. Naturally, there are other things to discuss. Let's join forces, how about it?" I will take care of you from time to time, and I’m not afraid of those people turning their faces and ignoring them, isn’t it?” Yamanaka Kikui saw that Kanjurou was about to leave, his face suddenly turned ugly, he stepped forward and grabbed Kanjuro’s firm arm and said softly, His face was a little red, and he looked like a girl who was thinking of spring.

"..." Kanjuro lowered his head and remained silent.


Just as Kanjuro and Yamanaka Kikui continued their secret conversation, a scene of beating was being staged in the lowest cabin, and several people in alliance uniforms surrounded a boy who was also wearing alliance uniforms.

"You idiot dared to take bribes from Captain Gaomi and us, it seems that you are really itchy, Chixing, you should know it, we have been unhappy with you for a long time, today we will see how good we are, give I'll fight, I'll fight to the death." The older Alliance staff at the head gave an order, and the surrounding people immediately started to attack the teenagers in the encirclement, punching and kicking the teenagers.

Facing their beatings, the boy named Chi Xing didn't say a word, he just covered his body with his hands and feet, while a local ninja and a pickpocket cat looked at the boy with frustration and distress. Several elves were pressed to the ground and unable to move, they could only watch their masters being bullied.

A few minutes later, the boy's face was bruised, his nose was swollen and his body was covered in bruises. When the people beating him saw that Chi Xing was dying and passed out, they stopped attacking immediately.

"What should I do, eldest brother, he won't die, right?" a tall and thin alliance officer said worriedly to the big man at the head.

"Hey, don't worry, these guys are very good thieves. His vitals are guarded to death. If he can't die, you go and give him a healing potion, and he will be basically fine tomorrow. Let's go." The leader of the alliance stared. He glanced at the tall and thin man, then took out a low-level alliance healing potion from his body and instructed the tall and thin man to inject Chixing lying on the ground.

Ten minutes later, Chi Xing slowly woke up from the pickpocket cat's tongue licking. He gently stroked the pickpocket cat and Doi Ninja in front of him, but there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.


The time on the cruise passed quietly. In a blink of an eye, it was one o'clock in the morning. Although there were still many people on the cruise who were playing all night in the ballroom, most of them had already fallen asleep early.

Ryuzaki Shinji put on a black suit again and put on a pale mask, but at this time he was also wearing a black cloak. He opened the door and walked to room A101 not far away. The letter "R" represents the meaning of an order, and Ryuzaki Shinji is still unable to refuse the Rockets' order~www.readwn.com~ Therefore, he still arrived as promised.

The corridors were empty, but at the entrances and exits of each passage, there was a young man in black uniform standing there. They were faithfully guarding there like a loyal dog. Ryuzaki Shinji was noticed by these people as soon as he came out of the door. , they all stared at Ryuzaki Shinji with bad eyes.

"Hmph, what a group of good dogs, it really makes people angry." Seeing these **** weaker than himself staring at him so recklessly, Ryusaki Shinji suddenly became angry, but he still managed to hold back his anger and did not break out , and began to walk slowly towards the direction of A101.

There were two tall and burly young men standing at the door of room A101. When they saw Ryuzaki Shinji's arrival, they immediately opened their sleepy eyes and looked at Ryuzaki Shinji fiercely. The momentum of the two-pronged approach to deter Ryuzaki Shinji.

In the face of such unscrupulous provocation by the weak, Ryuzaki Shinji can no longer tolerate it. The weak actually climbed on the strong man's head to poop. He was simply audacious. A cold light flashed across Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes, and his body also erupted. There was a fighter's aura. As soon as his aura appeared, he immediately crushed the aura of the two burly youths in front of him. Then, Ryuzaki Shinji approached with a side step. The fist wind came towards them, and in the terrified eyes of the two, Ryuzaki Shinji's two fists slammed into their heads.

However, just when Ryuzaki Shinji was about to kill the two, the door of A101 opened, and a sturdy leg wearing shiny leather shoes was kicking Ryuzaki Shinji from the inside with lightning speed. The second door.

To be continued ................................................

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