Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 11: : attacked

The violent shaking of the hull of the oil tanker caused all the unfixed objects in the room to tumble together. The long table in the center of the hall had already moved forward with the hull of the hull, and a large amount of food on the table was scattered like waste. On the ground, the young men in suits and sunglasses standing around had already rolled along with these unfixed objects, but the seven people sitting on the chairs each used their own means to resolve this sudden crisis.

When the boat swayed, Ryuzaki Shinji quickly ordered the stinky mud hidden in his trousers to appear, and then let him stick to the floor and the entire chair with his body, so that the chair seemed to take root on the floor. Steady fixed on the floor, after taking these protective measures, he has been sitting on the chair and looking at the people around him coldly.

Nazi is indeed a powerful person with superpowers. She directly used her superpowers to suspend herself in mid-air with a chair, and then covered her chin with both hands and looked around with a smirk as the ship swayed all the time. People and objects, a pair of **** eyes full of agility, although these people and objects turned left and right, they also made a few pleasant laughter from time to time.

Kanjuro's approach was very rude. He directly took out two thick iron rods with a diameter of an adult fist from the space equipment on his body, and violently plunged them into the hard floor on both sides of the chair, his two thick arms were tight. Holding two iron rods, Kanjuro easily stabilized his body with the help of the two iron rods.

Purple Ninja Saburo Miyamoto's method is very consistent with the practice of ninjas, but he relies on the power of the elf to complete the behavior that violates the physical movement. I don't know when a ball of thread hanging from the ceiling has completed the weaving of the spider web. , As soon as the hull began to shake, Miyamoto Saburo immediately jumped into the air, and then smoothly stood in the air with the help of the line ball. Now Miyamoto Saburo is standing upside down in the air with his arms folded. His eyes were tightly closed throughout this chaotic time, and his expression remained as cold as ever.

Ma Zhishi's approach was somewhat unexpected. This rude big man unexpectedly showed his delicate side. He released a three-in-one magnet, and then he let the three-in-one magnet be released on the surrounding hull. A large amount of negative current temporarily adds a strong magnetic field to the surrounding hull. His entire military uniform seems to be made of special materials. Under the electric shock of the three-in-one magnetism, he is actually intact, and he is full of The magnetic field of the negative pole, and finally, under the action of the magnetic repulsion force, he was also suspended in mid-air, and the three-in-one magnetism's magnetic characteristics perfectly got rid of this crisis.

Yamanaka Kikui wanted Kanjuro to help her at first, but unfortunately Kanjuro ignored her, so she had to reluctantly show her strength a little. She first took out a beautiful and large from the space pocket The sun umbrella, and then released a very sharp-eyed wind fairy, as soon as the wind fairy appeared and looked at Yamanaka Kikui, she immediately used a downwind trick, and a small but powerful airflow burst out from her body, but Under her delicate control, this airflow actually supported Yamanaka Kikui, who had opened the sun umbrella, to rise into the air. Fortunately, she was wearing safety pants, otherwise she would definitely be in the spring.

The solution of the beautiful white-haired man Sakagi Ryo was far from his warm and jade-like appearance. He released a Pikexi, who had always shown a ferocious face, and asked him to use a powerful gravity technique in a small area. The sudden increase in the huge gravity directly pressed the four legs of the solid chair under Sakagi Ryo into the floor. In the gravitational force, Sakagi Ryo actually looked leisurely and content. If you don't look closely, you can see a slight khaki light emitting from his feet. The method of using gravity to squeeze the chair to enhance the grip of the chair, Sakagi Ryo is still stable. Sit firmly on the spot.

The shaking of the hull lasted for about a few minutes and then stopped. Everyone kept silent as they watched the surrounding environment that had turned into a mess. After ten seconds, a young man in a suit rushed in from outside the room in a panic. It was broken and was bleeding. The black sunglasses also shattered a lens, revealing a small eye, which revealed deep fear.

"Master! No, our ship has encountered pirates. There are many pirate ships out there. There are too many of them, and they have already boarded the ship. Master, please leave quickly." The young man in a suit with a broken head said in a panic , he just finished.

"Bang~", the door of the room was violently kicked open, and then a dozen vicious-looking pirates broke in with sharp axes, all of them looking greedily at Ryuzaki Shinji and the others.


a few minutes ago.

In front of the San Anda, a huge fish elf suddenly appeared from the bottom of the sea to block the way of this steel behemoth. This elf is even bigger than the San Anda. The largest elf: Howler Whale King.

After the Howler Whale King stopped the Santa Anda, a large number of small pirate ships appeared behind the Howler Whale King. They surrounded the steel behemoth of the Santa Anda like sharks, and the pirates on the pirate ship had sharpened their knives. Huo Huo, they turned the hook in their hands one after another, and very skillfully hooked the hook in their hands to the fence of the Santa Anda deck.

The deck fence of the Santa Anda is already covered with hook lines, and pirates with ferocious faces climbed to the deck of the Santa Anda along the hook lines. These pirates seem to be from a unified pirate group, they are dressed in uniform blue The white-and-white uniform wore a red turban on his head, and he held a sharp iron axe in his hand. One by one, they started to kill into the hull like wolves.

Most of these pirates are actually trainers, and the elves in their hands are almost always long-winged gulls and lobster soldiers or crabs. Although their elves are not high-level, they can deal with ordinary people. There are more than enough people.

Since the San Anda had just suffered a strong ship shock, most of the people on board were still in a state of fright. No one expected that a large number of pirates would attack at this time. When the sailors and the alliance personnel reacted, the pirates had already controlled the various important entrances and exits of the ship.

The greedy and brutal nature of the pirates began to strike very naturally. They burned, killed, and looted on the ship. Soon, fierce battles broke out in various places of the whole ship.

Surrounded by many small pirate ships, a larger pirate ship slowly approached from a distance in the direction of the San Anda. The old man stood on the bow of the boat, and on his shoulders stood a vicious vulture Na, the old man's face was full of hideous scars, one leg was sawed off and replaced by a blood-stained battle axe, his eyes were as sharp as the most The ferocious eagle falcon exuded a fascinating aura from his body, letting the strong sea breeze blow his broad snow-white beard, but his face has always remained cold, and now he is dying with a gloomy face. Deadly staring at the San Anda ahead.

"Hahahaha, I haven't encountered such a big fat sheep for a long time. Today, our Blood Axe Pirates want to open their stomachs to eat. You all go up, obliterate all the strength of resistance, and take money and beauty!" Strong! Behind the old man stood several pirates dressed in uniforms with more exquisite workmanship than ordinary pirates. Among them, there were men and women, all of them bowed to face the old man. Your own elf, and then take the elf to jump into the bottomless ocean.


Ryuzaki Shinji looked at the vicious pirates who suddenly broke in from outside the door, with a look of surprise on his face. Although he occasionally heard about the rampant pirates at sea from the slums of the light red city, he did not expect these pirates to be rampant. At this point, they dared to loot this luxury cruise ship made by the alliance. You must know that electronic communication means are available now, and there are also **** fleets that the alliance routinely patrols on the sea. Ordinary pirates can only dare to. Plunder some fishermen or merchant ships. Few pirates dare to plunder Alliance ships. Moreover, this luxury cruise ship is guarded by experts from the Alliance. If it does not have absolute strength, it will break its teeth.

Just as Ryuzaki Shinji thought, after the captain of the Santa Anda's captain's room received the news of the pirate boarding attack, he immediately communicated the news of the massive pirate attack to the nearby Alliance fleet cruising, just a short distance away. There is a team of alliance **** fleets in the sea area of ​​​​the San Anda. After receiving the information, these frigates immediately turned their bows and started to drive in the direction of the San Anda at full speed. However, according to their speed, it will take at least ten minutes. time to come to support.

"Tonight, our Blood Axe Pirates are doing business. If we know each other, we will obediently hand over the elf and money, so that we can spare your life with reluctance, hahahaha~" A strong pirate headed by a strong pirate saw Ryuzaki Shinji. After the young face, he immediately opened his mouth and made a gesture with the axe in his hand towards Ryuzaki Shinji's neck, then laughed grimly.

"That's right, the men are all stripped and put aside, the women, hehehehehe~~~" The pirates behind the big man heard the words and responded to the little leader's words, and then looked at Nazi and Yamanaka Kikui with a lewd smile. , Even Sakagi Ryo, they all showed greedy eyes.

Nazi, who had her superpowers released because of the shipquake, immediately became cold when she heard the words. She was just thinking about how to hide and seek with these "Mr. Pirates"~www.readwn.com~ but she used her superpowers to spy a little. After thinking about these people's thoughts, the mind of hide and seek disappeared, and the blue light in his eyes slowly condensed again.

"Blood Axe Pirates! Wasn't it wiped out by the Alliance a few years ago? Hmph, a bunch of **** also want to **** Lao Tzu's stuff. It just so happens that Lao Tzu's hands are itchy now. Uncle, I'll play with you rubbish, hahaha~" Ma Zhishi, who had a fiery personality, was the first to stand up. After sneering at the pirates, he stood up and swaggered towards the pirates. The imposing manner of an iron-blooded soldier instantly radiated from him, while the three around him. The three eyes of Heyi Magneto had turned blood red.

"Brother, why don't I feel right? Didn't you say that the people who live here are all stubborn, why do I think these people are even more brutal than us." A valet behind the headed man whispered to him. The big man said that he felt the great malice emanating from the second-class Rocket Team Elite Ryuzaki, and the little valet was no longer as fierce as when he came in. As a pirate who bullies the soft and fears the hard, he has realized that he and others seem to have broken into a dragon pool and tiger's den. like place.

"How do I know, his grandma's, did you watch the almanac today? Why did you meet a group of evil stars?" The leader of the big man smiled bitterly in his heart. When the blue light began to appear in Nazi's eyes, he had already noticed that something was wrong. But it was found too late.

With a "bang~" sound, the door that had fallen to the ground was covered with a layer of blue light, and then the door was closed again.

A beautiful girl with cold, black hair and no wind was suspended in mid-air. She was staring murderously at the pirates in front of her who were rapidly turning pale.

To be continued .................................

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