Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 12: : test

Santa Anda, VIP area of ​​high-end residential area, in room A101.

Nazi was very angry. No one dared to be so disrespectful to her since she was a child, and all those who dared to be disrespectful to her will be wiped out. These filthy guys in front of her dare to blaspheme her so hatefully in their minds. Unforgivable.

As soon as she thought of this, Na Zi was furious. The vast spiritual power radiated from her body crazily. A layer of dazzling blue superpowers wrapped her whole body, her eyes turned into a dazzling blue light, and her waist was black. Her hair was scattered behind her.

Nazi's mind moved, and the powerful superpower took her whole body to suspend in the air, and then waves of powerful superpower fluctuations that were visible to the naked eye spread out from her body in the form of sound waves, she raised her right hand forward, and then these The super power fluctuations all acted on the pirates in front of her along her will.

Seeing that Nazi displayed such a terrifying battle, the pirates such as the leading man were immediately stunned, and Nazi exuded a terrifying mental pressure from her body, as if a mountain was pressing on their nerves, and her head suddenly became heavy. Incomparably, the faces of all the pirates turned pale in an instant, and as time passed, some pirates who were not determined enough still foamed at the mouth and rolled their eyes.

"Damn, you think you can scare me like this, dream, come out, iron claw lobster, use scissors to guillotine this hateful guy in front of you, don't stand still, you trash, go up and kill her together." Nazi in front of her suddenly changed from a cute girl to a terrifying super-powerful girl. A ruthless color flashed in the eyes of the leading man. The experience of fighting in the sea all year round made the big man much stronger than normal people. He bit his tongue hard, then slapped himself hard, the severe pain made him break away from Nazi's mental deterrence, and then immediately released his best buddy Iron Claw Lobster to attack the strong enemy Nazi, after doing this Afterwards, he forced the little ones behind him to wake up, and then he picked up his axe and attacked Nazi with the claw lobster.

"Big brother is right, let's go together, kill her, go, long-winged gull, water pistol." The burning pain on his face freed the little follower from the mental deterrence. He immediately brought it up, and immediately cooperated with the big Han to attack Nazi.

"Come out, Claw Crab, with foam light."

"Long-winged gull, water gun."

"Lobster minions, foam rays."


Seeing that someone took the lead in the charge, the remaining pirates who were about to have a nervous breakdown all gritted their teeth and released their elf to join the battle, then picked up the axe and rushed up.

"Damn, I don't need the help of a little girl as a big man. The three-in-one magnet monster uses a maximum of 100,000 volts." Seeing a group of pirates ignoring him, they all charged at Nazi beside him. Ma Zhishi, who first jumped out to launch an attack declaration, suddenly felt a dull look on his face. Although he was very surprised by Nazi's own terrifying superpowers, when he thought that he and her were accomplices, he immediately chose to step forward to support him.

The three-in-one magnet monster heard the words, and a strong arc immediately erupted from its body. The three magnets on its body were aimed at the pirates and water-type elves rushing forward, and then three huge golden arcs shot out from the magnet and hit it instantly. The iron claw lobster and the big man at the front and the two pirates close to them.

"Ah~~~" The 100,000-volt power of the three-in-one magnet monster is quite amazing. The high-intensity electric current directly made two ordinary pirates electrocute into coke in the wailing, and the clothes on the big man seemed to be made of some insulating materials. , The resistance to electricity is very good. It was just the hair standing up when it was electrocuted. It actually broke free from the 100,000 volts of the three-in-one magnet monster and continued to carry the axe to chop down Nazi's head, while the iron claw lobster was hit by 100,000 Volt was paralyzed and temporarily unable to move.

When the pirates in the back saw their companions defeated, they did not retreat but advanced. The threat of death detonated their anger, and their eyes turned red. They were ferocious pirates, and they were desperados. Whoever they want to kill, the crazy emotions of the pirates have rendered the emotions of their elves. These elves who usually accompany the pirates have seen blood one by one, and immediately cooperated with their masters to launch a campaign against Ryuzaki Shinji and others. attack.

For a time, the pirates who broke out in the desperate situation formed an aura of death.

Facing the pirates who had become like this, Nazi, who was still cold at first, suddenly retracted her powerful superpowers, and then turned her head in mid-air and smiled playfully at the people behind her. Zi Zi disappeared in this dazzling blue light.

Unfortunately, although pirates are crazy, the enemies they face are too powerful, so powerful that they make them desperate.

"A group of clowns jumping on the beams, come out, cross-shaped bats, air blades." Saburo Miyamoto, who was leaning against the wall and closed his eyes, felt the amazing aura that suddenly erupted from the pirates and opened his eyes, but when he saw After these pirates had fallen into madness and lost their calm, their icy eyes showed disdain, and a black elf ball with a cross dart in the middle appeared in his hand, and then he threw it hard, and the cross dart elf ball turned into a sharp arrow and flew away from his hand. Blasted out.

The Cross Dart Elf Ball released a very strong bat in the middle of the journey, but the Cross Dart Elf Ball did not change its power and hit a pirate's eyebrow like lightning. , the two pairs of bat wings curled up on his body stretched out instantly, a violent bloodthirsty aura emanated from his body, the two pairs of bat wings suddenly appeared in white light, and they slammed forward, a large number of sharp air blades from his bat The wings blazed out, and the sharp air blades hit all the pirates and elf rushing up accurately under the control of the cross bat.

The sound of "Pfft~" sounded, and the scene of blood gushing appeared. The sharp air blade instantly divided several pirates and elves. The neatly cut corpses fell on the road of the charge, and the cross-shaped bat saw the blood flowing. After seeing the sight, he immediately made a sound of "squeaky~", and the red light in his eyes became brighter, but after he looked back at Saburo Miyamoto's cold eyes, the red light in his eyes dimmed. , and then flew back behind him with a look of reluctance.

The blood and courage of the pirates are like a strong wind blowing from the Pacific Ocean. They come and go quickly. After seeing their companions being killed so easily, the fear in their hearts suddenly prevailed, and the madness on their faces disappeared. , replaced by the color of fear that they usually showed when they retreated. They started to stop the offensive and ran towards the door, and the fastest running was the big man whose right arm was cut off by the air blade of the bat and woke up.

However, the door that closed the door was still covered by a layer of blue superpowers. No matter how the pirates and elves attacked, the door covered by the blue superpowers remained motionless, and a little bit more. There are no scars. After killing a few pirates, Miyamoto Saburo closed his eyes again and didn't care about the battle in front of him, and Ma Zhishi was reluctant to make way and retreat to the side. This battle is no longer an ordinary battle. It is a battle of mutual testing and mutual recognition.

"It's a boring test, but it's okay, come out, Abo, it's time for supper, kill as much as you like." Ryuzaki Shinji sneered at this, but he still released his own elf meaning, It can't be looked down upon. Although the white-haired sissy Sakagi Ryo hasn't specified the content of the assessment for this death contest, he can already guess that the next action will be carried out with these people. If he behaves at this time. If you are weak, maybe your next actions will be stumbled by these people.

A strange purple snake appeared in the room. Abokai opened its icy snake pupils and stared greedily at the pirates who were still attacking the door ahead. The intimidating feature of his body was activated, and under the light of the light, a huge snake appeared. Shaped shadows shrouded the pirates, and a pair of huge scarlet eyes opened in the shadows.

"Come out, Scythehelm, and end this battle."

"You too, wind spirit, show your elegant side."

When Kanjuro and Yamanaka Kikui saw that Ryuzaki Shinji also released their elf, they both chose to release their elf and went forward to deal with these frightened pirates after looking at each other.

"We surrender, let us go."

"No, ah~~~~"

"Let me go, I don't want to die, ah~~"


After Ryuzaki Shinji Kanjuro and Yamanaka Kikui joined the battle again, all the pirates and local elves were brutally wiped out by the three of them, and this battle that should have ended long ago was drawn ruthlessly. A perfect ending~www.readwn.com~Mr. Shinji, where are you going? "Sakagi Ryo, still sitting in a chair, asked Ryuzaki Shinji who was walking towards the door.

"Go out for a walk, that's ok." Ryuzaki Shinji replied without being arrogant, and just after he finished speaking, he kicked the door of the room that had lost the protection of his superpowers, and left without looking back.

"Of course." After seeing Ryuzaki Shinji disappearing in front of him, Sakagi Ryocai replied slowly, although the smile on his face did not change, there was a trace of murder in his unsophisticated eyes, but when he saw the room After Saburo Uchimiyamoto and the others looked at the playful eyes, the murderous aura disappeared.

"Hahaha, then I'll go out to relax, too." Ma Zhishi laughed when he saw this, and then followed Ryuzaki Shinji "third" and left.

However, Saburo Miyamoto, who had been leaning against the wall, disappeared for some time.

"It's very good. Sure enough, all of them are rebellious people. Well, I'll just watch it patiently here. This good show has just begun. Let's see who can survive, after all. The weak are worthless, old ghost, please send the information to the past." After seeing Kanjuro and Yamanaka Kikui also linking up and leaving, Sakagi Ryo's original smile disappeared immediately, and his face was grim, he patted Clap his hands, and a bald old man in black suddenly walked out of a shadow.

"No problem, young master, everything is ready." After the bald old man said a hoarse voice, he merged into the shadows again.

To be continued ......................................

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