Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 19: : Ssangyong

As soon as he entered, it was darkness. However, a trace of purple awns in Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes dispelled the darkness of the room. Alarmed the attention of the other two creatures in the room, at this time, the two pairs of scarlet eyes suddenly opened in the darkness.

"It seems that the circuit is damaged or the power supply device on the ship is damaged." The surrounding darkness did not make Ryuzaki feel any discomfort. After he woke up, he used his super power to conduct experiments on the surrounding environment. a scan.

This is a completely closed room. Except for various broken objects scattered everywhere in the room, it is relatively complete as a whole. There is no sign of being beaten, smashed and looted by pirates. In this room, apart from guarding by his side There are no other living creatures except the Arbo monster and the black stinky mud.

A pair of scarlet eyes quickly approached from the direction of the door, and with a "hissing" sound, Abomon's hideous snake head appeared in Ryuzaki Shinji's perception, Abomon's regeneration ability really Incomparably powerful, after just a period of time, the wounds on his body have completely healed, and even the broken tail has grown back. Although the snake pupil is still as cold as ever, it has already been with Abo Monster. Ryuzaki Shinji, who had a heart-to-heart communication, could still feel the inner worry of the Aberdeen.

"Don't worry, Abo, I'm all right, by the way, where's that woman?" Ryuzaki Shinji stood up and touched Abo's snake head, and then the purple light flashed again in his eyes, and he immediately used his super power and Aboriginal performs telepathy.

Now that he has superpowers, he has already achieved the ability to telepathically communicate with any intelligent creature. It doesn't matter even if the language is not fluent, telepathy does not need to be used for language communication, it is just the communication between two biological consciousnesses.

This magical ability is also one of the reasons why trainers with superpowers are stronger than ordinary trainers. They can issue orders to the elf without any language command, so that the opponent cannot see your next move. The child will improve the overall strength of the super power trainer and the elf in disguise, and the effect of this terrifying ability will be infinitely amplified in actual combat.

"Lord, Master, are you talking to me?" The sudden telepathy surprised Aboguai, and he hesitated to communicate with Ryuzaki Shinji. He didn't understand why the master would Yongjira usually communicate with them. ability to communicate.

"That's right, don't be nervous, it's me, what did that woman do when I was in a coma?" Ignoring Abo's surprise, Ryuzaki Shinji communicated with him by telepathy, and now he is eager to Know what Nazi did while he was in a coma.

Ryuzaki Shinji, who has just become a superpower, is naturally clear about his superpower strength. Naturally, he also understands that Nazi's superpower is only stronger than him, and the superpower's ability is too terrible. It's easy to leave something on someone else casually, so Ryuzaki Shinji is not at all worried about Nazi, who has yet to distinguish between friend and foe.

"Master, after that terrifying woman took back her terrifying blue thin lines, she took Yongjira away. The stinky mud and I have been here, and no one else has come." After the electric induction was Ryuzaki Shinji, Aboguai immediately told everything he knew.

After listening to the report of the monster, Ryuzaki Shinji communicated with the stinky mud around him through telepathy. After he obtained the similar information given by the two, Ryuzaki Shinji was using his own His superpowers checked himself, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, Nazi didn't leave any hands or feet on him.

Ryuzaki Shinji used the Poke Ball to take back the Abo Monster, and made the black stinky mud that used the black mud to recover its strength to become smaller and stick to him, and then pushed open the door and walked out of the room.

Different from the room you just walked out of, the corridor outside is bright. The corridors are now full of corpses of various humans and elves. There are large areas of dried blood and scattered fires on the ground. Scattered in every corner of the corridor, illuminating the hellish bright red corridor.

"Is there no living person? It seems that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time." Ryuzaki Shinji has already used his superpower to detect the places within 300 meters around him, but the information obtained is indeed that there is not a single living thing. Passengers And the pirate seems to have left this area, and according to the information given by the broken sign, he is now in the cabin position at the bottom of the Santa Anda.

When Ryuzaki Shinji wanted to leave, his face changed, and then the one-eyed purple light lit up. The whole person was wrapped in a layer of purple superpower, and he directly used the ability to move objects with his mind to suspend himself in mid-air. Ryuzaki Shinji just finished all this, the sound of "Boom~" suddenly sounded, and the whole ship fell into a "ship shock" again.

"Boom bang bang ~" This time the ship was shaken more violently than the last time. The whole ship was seriously damaged, and it actually started to separate. Large-scale cracks began to appear on the deck, and the inside of the ship was even more serious. Electronics and circuits were damaged, there was a violent explosion, and flames began to spread throughout the ship.

"Damn, I have no choice but to do this. Come out, double-bomb gas, and use the sludge bomb to blast a passage for me." Ryuzaki Shinji, who was suspended in mid-air, looked at the sudden rise in the surrounding area. The fire and the sudden explosion made his face very ugly. If he hadn't used the superpower shield to block the sudden explosion nearby, he would have been seriously injured now, but the superpower shield was also shattered, and his face was ruthless. After passing by, he didn't care to find out the current situation, and immediately released double-bomb gas to let him violently open the passage and escape.

Ryuzaki Shinji did not break out blindly, but returned directly to the original room, and then let the double-bomb gas destroy the wall close to the hull. His mental power was able to detect through the wall, so he probably knew where he was. .

"Boom boom boom~" The double-bomb gas spit out a large amount of sludge bombs, and destroyed the walls according to Ryuzaki Shinji's command. Ryuzaki Shinji finally saw the dark sea outside.

The oncoming sea breeze blew his shaggy hair away, looking at the large number of lifeboats and pirate ships on the sea, listening to the explosions of various moves in the sky, and feeling the temperature of the fire snake coming behind him, without hesitation, Ryuzaki Shinji Directly sat on the double-bomb gas and flew away from the Santa Anda.

The double-bomb gas took Ryuzaki Shinji to fly slowly away from the Santa Anda for some distance in the low air, and then stopped at Ryuzaki Shinji's order.

In the distance, Ryuzaki Shinji, who was condescending, could finally clearly see the current situation.

The original majestic steel behemoth has been dilapidated, and the raging fire spreads on it, directly illuminating the entire sea battlefield.

On the sea, a large number of pirate ships with pirate flags are fighting against the flagships supported by the Alliance. A large number of cannonballs are continuously blasted from the pirate ships. However, the power of these cannonballs is average and cannot be used to pass the alliance. The meticulously built and armed **** fleet caused too much threat, but the shells fired from the **** ship repeatedly sank the pirate ship.

However, in this world, trainers are still the strongest individual combat forces. Some powerful pirate trainers and alliance trainers are commanding various water or flying elves to fight fiercely on the sea.

On the sea and in the sky, a large number of elf moves collided with each other, causing a large number of explosions. From time to time, pirate ships and escorts were sunk by the powerful attacks of the elf, and the powerful destructive power of the elf completely destroyed the pirate ships and escorts. The prestige was suppressed.

However, the center of the entire sea battlefield, or the key to victory or defeat, is still a fierce battle in the sky.

"Roar~" The resounding dragon roar echoed across the entire battlefield. Over the sea and the battlefield, two powerful elves were colliding fiercely. They all exude this powerful power. All the elves trembled and fell from the sky, so within a few hundred meters with them as the center, there were no elves except them.

One of the elf has three sturdy dragon-shaped heads, three pairs of dark wings flapping slowly, and is covered with dark blue scales and black bristles. His slender and sturdy tail has red stripes. He has no forelimbs but a pair of strong hind legs. Perhaps the two smaller heads next to his main head are his arms.

The elf built with these characteristics is one of Shenao's quasi-divine beasts, the three-headed dragon, and now this ferocious dragon and evil elf is wanton venting his rage, he is wearing a black dress on his back Under the command of the old man in the captain's uniform, he launched an attack frantically, and the three heads kept spewing out three powerful shots of fire, thunder and ice.

The other elf is a dragon-shaped elf with a pair of broad blood-red wings. The entire body is roughly covered with blue scales, and the chest and abdomen are protected by a piece of hard white armor. The shape of the body is simply for the purpose of flying. The ferocious and sharp dragon head has three pairs of long horns, thick limbs, a strong but streamlined body, and a slender and strong dragon tail that maintains balance, all of which are highlighted. Fangyuan's quasi-divine beast, the blood-winged dragon, became the sky overlord.

In the face of the three-headed dragon's three-headed attack like a barrage of cannons, the blood-winged flying dragon confidently used his excellent flying skills to dodge, and then under the order of the old man in the blue captain's uniform on his back, The most suitable time to fight back.

"It's a battle at the level of a king, and it's actually a battle of two dragons." Looking at the two giant beasts in the sky that have been exuding a powerful momentum, he couldn't help but think enviously.

The power of the quasi-divine beasts of the king level far exceeds that of the ordinary elves of the king level. It can be said without hesitation that as long as you have the quasi-divine beasts of the king level and can drive them like an arm, you have already entered the top training. the category of home.

To be continued .................................

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