Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 20: :uninvited guest

The starry night sky is full of stars, and a frosty full moon is in the sky. I don’t know why, the full moon tonight is a little more bloody. The cold moonlight falls on the deep sea, and the straight fins are glowing with silver. The sea of ​​light quickly passed by, and the owners of these fins had already smelled the sweet aroma in the sea thousands of miles away. It was the smell of food. They all followed their greedy instincts and began to come to their destination, a feast. Coming soon.


"Gulugulu~" In the deep seabed more than ten kilometers away from the battlefield, bubbles kept rushing to the sea above their heads. In a place where bubbles appeared densely, suddenly, two huge red crystals lit up. , a mysterious wave emanated from the red crystal.

After a while, the mysterious wave has spread to the sea area within a few kilometers. The mysterious wave is here, and red crystals are constantly lit up. In just a few minutes, this sea area is covered with a red dark cloud. The light was covered, and at this time, all the water elves in this sea area who noticed the mysterious fluctuations fled the sea area one after another.

Following some kind of guidance, a large piece of red light began to move rapidly in the direction of the battlefield on the sea.


In a coral reef more than ten kilometers away from the sea battlefield, a black dragon entrenched in the center of the coral reef suddenly opened his scarlet eyes, he was awakened, and a ferocious and domineering aura suddenly emerged from his huge body Emitting, the surrounding water elves who were still sleeping in the coral reef opened their eyes instantly, with fear in their eyes, and then quickly fled in a coral reef.

They all know that the nightmare of this sea area has awakened.

"Roar~" The two slender tentacles around the black dragon's mouth trembled a few times, and all of a sudden, he smelled the strong **** smell contained in the sea water, and his eyes suddenly showed anthropomorphic joy, but he was quickly murdered again. The bloodthirsty cover was over, he controlled his body to slowly surface from the coral reef, and then a brutal roar roared out of his mouth.

This is a signal. In the sea area within a few kilometers, some blue dragons opened their scarlet eyes after hearing the roar of the black dragon.





The blue dragons quickly surfaced to the surface, and also roared in response. Then, under the command of the black dragon, these dragons began to swim quickly to the same destination, which is now the sea where the battle is raging. battlefield.


Ryuzaki Shinji was still sitting on the double-bomb gas. He had no interest in the battle below. As long as no one came to disturb him, he would not intervene in this battle.

He raised his head and focused on the battle in the sky. This battle between the giant dragons of the heavenly king level is too rare to be missed. The strengths of the two are almost equal, and the various skills between the two dragons collide. Ryusaki Shinji was an eye-opener with the wonderful dismantling and commanding of their respective trainers.

In just a few minutes of watching the battle, Ryusaki Shinji saw several collisions of powerful combos, and the power that destroyed the world fascinated him.

The huge full moon, two huge figures exuding a terrifying momentum collided again under the witness of the full moon, their huge figures covered the sky and the sun, and the full moon was covered at once.

"Yaji, stop. If you choose to surrender, I can let the alliance save you from death. It's not a problem to use your ability to get a half-rank official in the alliance." The trainer of the three evil dragons said, with a look of grief on his face, but his eyes were always firm.

"Hehehe~ Genji, shut up, how could the Alliance let go of me, the vicious leader of the pirates, besides, I'm very comfortable as a pirate, so I don't want to go to the Alliance to get mad at the top of the aristocratic family, it's time to stop. It's you, you traitor, the old captain should have killed you, the white-eyed wolf with an axe." The leader of the Blood Axe Pirates immediately sneered a few times to express sarcasm, and then responded coldly to the other party.

"Master Captain's original path was wrong. How could human beings control superheroic beasts? If you anger Haihuangya, our hometown, Fangyuan, will never have peace. You are very clear about this. Besides, Captain Haven't you also seen the fate of your lord? So, my choice is the right way." When he heard the words of the old captain, the old man named Yuanzhi's firm eyes could not help but reveal a bit of grief and shame, but these confidants It was soon covered up by the color of firmness, and there was an amazing light in his eyes, obviously he was more determined for the path he chose in his heart.

Genji was originally a member of the Blood Axe Pirates. He and the current Captain of the Blood Axe Pirates, Yaji, were both raised by the former Blood Axe Pirates Captain Bazhi. Even their companions were fateful opponents since childhood, but the world is impermanent. Due to the different opportunities and philosophies between the two, the two eventually embark on different paths.

Genji not only cleansed his identity, but also eventually became the Dragon King among the Four Heavenly Kings of Fangyuan, and became the main force of the alliance to fight against pirates, while Yaji inherited the will and mantle of tyrannical ambition and became the captain of the pirate regiment across the sea. , Going farther and farther on the road of pirates, the once close companions and competitors are now going to meet each other.

"Hmph, it's really shameless, today I'm going to teach the old captain a lesson for you, a traitor who covets glory, wealth, and wealth. Come on, let me see how powerful you, the Fangyuan Dragon King, are. Fusion attack." Seeing that Genji's attitude was so tough, Yaji didn't want to argue any more, so he immediately jumped off the three evil dragons and let the three evil dragons launch a big move.

They are now enemies, and Yaji will never be soft-hearted towards them.

I saw that the three evil dragons once again used fire, thunder and ice at the same time. The three hideous heads spit out a different color of energy beams, and the three different colors of energy beams quickly combined together to form a huge black. The energy ball, at the same time, the three evil dragons and the three eyes were full of green light, and the black energy ball was immediately surrounded by a three-dimensional green triangle enchantment, and the terrifying energy inside did not leak a single bit.

The time required for the black energy sphere to form is only three seconds. Therefore, even if Genji wants to stop it, he has been unable to prevent the black energy sphere from forming due to the triangular barrier that protects the black energy sphere.

Seeing that Yaji had finished the test and started to act genuinely, Genji also reacted quickly and jumped from the Bloodwing Wyvern immediately, and then directed the Bloodwing Wyvern to use a combination of skills to fight.

"Roar~" As soon as Genji jumped off, the blood-winged flying dragon roared loudly, and the wide blood-colored wings and tail were instantly covered with a layer of metallic luster, and a colorful light appeared on the top of the head, and then a layer of blue flames were excited all over the body. , the broad wings slammed hard, the speed suddenly soared, and the momentum approached the direction of the three evil dragons. When approaching, the blood wings covered by the metallic luster were completely attached to the body, and then the whole body began to rotate at a high speed. When he got up, a spiral airflow appeared in color at the top and blue and white at the rest.

"Roar~" The three evil dragons also roared loudly, and the black energy ball wrapped by the triangular barrier was immediately released by him. The black energy ball collided violently with the spiral airflow formed by the blood-winged flying dragon.

Jet Flame + 100,000 Volts + Freezing Light + Protection VS Thought Head Hammer + Rigid Wing + Iron Tail + Dragon God Dive.

"Boom~" A shocking explosion resounded throughout the battlefield.

A huge white ball of light appeared in the explosion circle, and dazzling white light spurted out from it, shrouding the entire battlefield in daylight, and all the creatures on the battlefield fell into a brief blindness.

A strong airflow emerged from the explosion in an instant, and the clouds within a radius of more than ten kilometers were immediately washed away, and a huge dent appeared on the sea surface where the explosion was located, and then a surging wave spread from the edge of the dent. Come.

The originally calm sea began to become turbulent, and the huge waves rushed a large number of lifeboats and ships to pieces.

"Is this the true strength of a Heavenly King trainer who has a Heavenly King-level quasi-divine beast? It's too strong. This kind of power can definitely achieve massacres." Loud~www.readwn.com~ He stared blankly at the white ball of light that appeared in the sky, his eyes were now covered by a layer of purple light, the strong white light did not cause him to lose his sight for a short time, he had already In the white ball of light, the two powerful dragon-type elves were still in a fierce confrontation.

The white ball of light came and went quickly. It disappeared in just ten seconds, and people's realization returned to normal again. However, at this time, all the people who were still fighting temporarily stopped fighting at the same time. Qi Di looked at the battle in the sky, and they all wanted to know the outcome of the battle, because it determined the direction of their next battle.

Unfortunately, neither the pirates nor the alliance wanted the result. The two powerful dragon-type elves in the sky were seriously injured, and they fell from the sky to the sea at the same time. They both lost their ability to fight at the same time.

For such a result, Genji riding on a Ley flying dragon and Yaji riding on Vulture Na did not show any surprises on their faces. In fact, the strengths between the two are well known, and the gap is not big at all, maybe there is, but It is only a trace.

The two looked at each other, and the fighting spirit in their eyes became high again. Both of them were peak kings. Naturally, it was impossible for them to have only one ace in their hands. However, when both of them took back the incompetent elves, they wanted to send their own fighters. When an ace elf, a group of uninvited guests arrived.

"It seems that the next battle is becoming more and more interesting, hehe~" As a superpower and a fighter, Ryuzaki Shinji's facial features are beyond ordinary, and he instantly caught a little change in the battlefield .

I don't know when, a large number of fins have surrounded the entire sea battlefield, and not far from them, a mighty red torrent is also long overdue.

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