Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 21: : When disaster strikes, fly separately

The war-torn maritime battlefield caused too much movement. In this battle, both the pirates and the alliance personnel suffered huge losses on both sides, and this was not counting the thousands of unfortunate deaths on the San Anda. Ordinary people, a large number of human and elf corpses floated on the icy sea like marine garbage, and the loss of a large amount of blood had unknowingly dyed this small area of ​​sea red.

The rich and **** smell contained in the sea water alarmed a large number of carnivorous sea elves, and the giant tooth sharks, who are sea rogues, have already smelled the blood in the sea thousands of miles away. , and finally came to this maritime battlefield before the other carnivorous sea elves.

Looking at the large number of corpses on the sea, and smelling the thick **** smell in the sea, all the megalodon sharks seemed to be active as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, as if they had practiced countless times. Predation skills, actually began to orderly did not choose to attack the first time, but waited for the continuous arrival of the same clan, and then jointly blocked and rounded up the humans and elves on the entire sea battlefield.

Pairs of scarlet eyes scattered on the dark sea. These megalodon sharks stared greedily at all the alien creatures on the sea battlefield like hungry wolves in the forest. For them, this was an unprecedented feast. As long as half of these foreigners are left, it is enough for them to open their stomachs and eat happily.

A slaughter atmosphere began to spread rapidly across the entire sea battlefield. Seeing countless pairs of scarlet eyes and straight fins suddenly appearing on the sea surface, all the pirates and alliance personnel who wanted to do it all changed their faces and stopped immediately. Choosing to protect themselves, especially those humans and elves who fell into the water, all panicked and began to approach the nearest ship.

The evolution of the giant tooth shark, the shark elf, and the sharp-toothed fish (piranha), it can pursue its prey at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour, and has sharp teeth that can even crush steel. It is a vicious elf that is extremely greedy for flesh. His vicious name may not be as fierce as Tyrannosaurus, but he is equally popular, especially for fishermen who work in the ocean all the year round. He is called a sea rogue or a sea bully. Wherever they go, they will inevitably bring Shadow of Death.

"Oops, it's the megalodon shark group, retreat!!!!"

"Hurry up, get on the boat quickly, otherwise, all of them will become food for the megalodon."

"Idiot, don't worry about these things, your life is important."

"Wait for us, we haven't gotten on the boat yet, come back, you bastards!"

"Give me a hand, brother, please don't go..."


The appearance of the megalodon shark immediately defeated the fierce battle. Now there is only one thing in everyone's mind, and that is to escape from the siege of the megalodon shark group. These terrifying sea rogues are even steel. If it can be bitten, the boat is a joke in front of their **** mouth, and once it falls into the water, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

So, unsurprisingly, chaos started to happen. The drowning people, who were desperate to save their lives, tried desperately to get closer to the nearby boats, while the people on the boats were desperately trying to break out of the megalodon's encirclement, not wanting to care about these drownings. People, the contradiction between the two immediately appeared.

"Damn, if you want to leave me and go, don't think about it if I die, Jewel Starfish, freeze the ship in front with freezing light."

"Damn, let go of you drowning dogs, don't live in front of Lao Tzu, iron claw lobster, what are you still doing, kill all these guys for me with a crab fist."

"Big brother, the big thing is bad. The bottom of the boat is leaking. Those sharks have been attacking the bottom of the boat. It won't take long for the whole boat to sink."


At the time of the crisis, the husband and wife were originally going to fly with Lin Naihe and the bird was on the verge of disaster. The brothers who were once close to each other turned into ruthless enemies at this moment. People in despair also broke out in desperation, wanting to ask others to go into the water. At the juncture of life and death, the inferior roots of human nature are undoubtedly revealed at this moment, and there is no fig leaf left.

However, the megalodon sharks did not watch the saying that the food in their mouths escaped. When chaos began to appear, they began to act in an orderly manner, and they did not attack those who fell into the water and the little ones for the first time. Elves, but to attack those ships that escaped. They are not stupid. They have been with humans for countless years. These ferocious predators of the sea have already evolved a set of methods to deal with humans. They know that as long as these humans lose these floating Tools on the sea, weak humans will become their meals.

A large number of ships were taken care of by the megalodon sharks, especially those pirate ships with simple structures, which could not withstand the bite of the megalodon shark's teeth. Suddenly, the bottom of the ship was violently destroyed by the megalodon shark. In the end, the fate of sinking to the bottom of the sea was ushered in advance, and the people on the boat naturally became the underwater dogs, and became the meal in the eyes of the giant tooth shark.

"Run quickly, White Sea Lion, take me out of here."

"Damn, I have fought with you guys, Tiejia Bei, give it to me."

"Ah~, who can save me, I don't want to die."


Those who fell into the water were quickly attacked by those gigantic sharks that were about to move. Ordinary humans had no ability to fight back against these terrifying sea rogues, and they were instantly torn to pieces by their sharp serrations. The elves' trainers can't support it for long. There are too many megalodon sharks, and in the vast sea, the swimming speed of their water elves is simply not the opponent of some megalodon sharks with "acceleration" characteristics, and they haven't swim yet. He was caught up from a distance.

The mourning, roaring and despair of people and elves before they died reverberated in this sea area. The feast of harvesting began. Scenes of flesh and blood began to appear in the whole sea area. A large amount of bright red blood dyed the sea water completely red. .

These megalodon sharks are a group of wolves at sea. They have amazing endurance and bloodthirsty. Only by defeating them can they escape their pursuit. Therefore, only those powerful trainers can temporarily save their lives at this moment. And some people with strong ship protection.

"The sea is still so dangerous and unpredictable, but it's still far from wanting my Blood Axe pirate group to be buried in the sea. There are all of them. Send the order and use the Blood Axe as the breakthrough point. All pirate ships immediately follow the Blood Axe. Make a breakthrough, and if you can't keep up, just feed the megalodon." The leader of the Blood Axe Pirate Group stood on the bow of the Blood Axe and instructed his subordinates. As soon as he finished speaking, he threw two elves in his hands. Ball, a Thorn Dragon King exuding a strong dragon power and a Tyrannosaurus carp dragon exuding a violent aura appeared on the sea.

"Thorn Dragon King, Violent Carp Dragon, open the way ahead, and destroy all the scum that blocks the way." Yanzhi said to the two elves on the sea with a fierce look, as a great pirate who has been in the sea for countless years, determined to In the face of the current situation, the current situation is still unchanged, with a confident look.



The two powerful elves roared at the same time, and then immediately attacked all the Megatooth sharks who dared to approach the Blood Axe. At this time, the roles instantly changed. To the Thorn Dragon King and Tyrannosaurus, it was like a wolf encountering a tiger, and the whole person immediately disappeared, just like a naughty child encountering a ferocious man, all the megalodon sharks near the blood axe were all killed by two The mighty elf was violently destroyed.

In the face of the power of the Thorn Dragon King and the Tyrannosaurus, the megalodon sharks did not back down. They had an absolute advantage in numbers, so even if the tigers were ferocious, they were still incapable of facing the wolves.

However, the scene where he was determined to release the thorn dragon king and the violent carp dragon to save the field suddenly gave the pirates a booster in the chaos. After the appearance of a few "bang bang bang ~" sky flares, the pirates' faces showed even more enthusiasm With the color of hope, they drove their ships towards the direction of the pirate leader, the Blood Axe. In their minds, the supreme leader was invincible.

On the other hand, the situation of the alliance is similar to that of the pirates. After seeing the megalodon surrounding the entire maritime battlefield, Genji immediately left the battle and returned to his destroyer to take command, and he did the same as Yaji. Immediately He released his own elf to **** him. Under the **** of Kuailong and Tanabata Blue Bird, the destroyer where Genji was located unimpededly escaped the siege of the Megalodon, and other destroyers and alliance ships also followed Genji's vanguard and began to sail out. The encirclement of the Megalodon.

"I didn't expect that the final battle would be spoiled by a group of uninvited guests, but that's fine, it also gave me a chance to fish in troubled waters. Now that the San Anda is gone, I have to get a ship as soon as possible if I want to go to the stormy waters. , which side should I go to?" Ryuzaki Shinji, who was sitting on the double-bomb gas, pondered.

From the beginning, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Ryuzaki Shinji did not intervene in this battle, also because he has always exuded an inexplicable momentum, and he has always chosen to be neutral, and the pirates or trainers around him are not asking for trouble. , so he watched the "wonderful" performance below leisurely in the sky. He was one of the few trainers on the sea battlefield who had the ability to float in the air. Therefore, the attack of the megalodon shark did not affect him in the slightest.

Now that the show is over, it's time for Ryuzaki Shinji to make a choice. Although he has awakened his superpowers, theoretically, he can go anywhere in the world. Shinji hasn't completely given up on the idea of ​​the Rockets, the big tree, to go solo by himself. With super powers, he is confident that he can stand out in this death competition, and since he became a super power, he has a kind of With a vague intuition, this time the Death Contest is a big opportunity for him, and it is absolutely not to be missed.

"Hmm! What is that?" Before Ryuzaki Shinji had decided whether to grab a pirate or an Alliance ship, a red light outside the corner of his left eye caught his attention, which was the direction the pirates were leaving.

Ryuzaki Shinji immediately turned his head and saw that there was a strange red light on the sea in front of him, and this strange red light blocked the pirate ships that were trying to break through.

"It seems that you don't have to choose seriously, it's them, hehe~" Seeing that there were pirates who were chasing after wolves and tigers, Ryuzaki Shinji chose this side without thinking. The best timing.

However, he needs a few helpers first. After all, the boat is not something that a layman with no sailing experience can play around with.

To be continued ................................

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