Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 22: :hiring

On the perilous sea, a small lifeboat was doing its best to follow the fleet ahead, but the blood-red sea around the lifeboat was on the surface, and a pair of red eyes were like lurking evil spirits surrounding the lifeboat.

There were a total of 2 people on the lifeboat, a burly young pirate and a teenager in an alliance uniform. Now these two people from hostile forces are working together to seek an opportunity to escape.

"Come on, you alliance dog, you don't have to paddle hard, do you want to kill me?" the young pirate in the lifeboat said panting to the teenager next to him.

"Fart, I've already rowed with all my strength." The young man Chi Xing next to him retorted while paddling with the strength of his milk, but since he is not proficient in paddling sports, the speed of paddling is basically the same as that of living in the sea all the year round. compared to young pirates.

"It's really unfortunate, if these sea beasts actually smashed the turbine of the propeller, I would not be happy to be your alliance dog, this is good, I'm going to be dragged to death by you now, eh? Captain's ship It seems to have stopped!" The young pirate The Hague said with an ugly face.

This crisis came too suddenly. As the Hague, who has only recently joined the glorious ranks of pirates, it is too thrilling. I thought it was a sure-fire plunder, but in the end I encountered the Alliance fleet patrolling nearby, and a fierce battle broke out. , Both sides suffered heavy losses. He survived only under the protection of his best companion, the light monster. However, after the appearance of Megalodon, he was abandoned by his original companion on the pirate ship. A lifeboat wanted to rely on it to escape, but in the end it turned into what it is today. Unsurprisingly, he was doomed this time.

The giant tooth sharks around the lifeboat finally couldn't help but attack again. Although they were afraid of the electric light monsters beside the lifeboat, driven by hunger, they couldn't wait to attack on the ground. The lifeboat was under the siege of the giant tooth shark. Damage starts to appear.

"Oops, they're going to attack, Hague, please let the lightbulb attack again." Seeing that the hull was bitten off by a megalodon shark, a megalodon shark appeared out of the sea and looked at it with his scarlet eyes He, Chi Xing shouted in fear.

"Shut up, you idiot, don't show your timidity, these sea animals are a group of guys who bully the soft and fear the tough, the electric light monster, don't worry about us, give these sea animals another ruthless, use 100,000 volts." Hague slapped. Slapped on Chi Xing's face to calm him down, and then gritted his teeth and directed the light monster beside the boat to attack.

A light bulb with an electric light on top of his head strangely heard the words, the electric light above his head was instantly brilliant, and then a strong electric current burst out from him. As soon as the golden electric current was injected into the sea water, it immediately spread everywhere, and the effect was outstanding, besieging the lifeboats. The dozen or so megalodon sharks were immediately stunned, and then floated on the sea with their belly turned over.

However, after the electric light monster used this powerful 100,000 volts, the light of the electric light above his head dimmed. The blow just now consumed a lot of electricity stored in his body, and he wanted to use the strong current just now. Apparently it's impossible.

Seeing this, Hague and Chixing, who had calmed down, paddled even more desperately, because they had already seen a dozen pairs of scarlet eyes approaching on the sea farther away.

"Row quickly, and catch up with the fleet ahead before these beasts have finished eating." Hague waved the oars in numbers, although he didn't know why the fleet ahead stopped, but their current The only hope of survival is to keep up with the fleet ahead. As long as they can board one of the pirate ships, their chances of survival can be greatly enhanced.

The giant tooth shark is indeed a cold-blooded creature. These greedy and cruel little elves even let go of their incompetent compatriots. The dozen or so giant tooth sharks that were just stunned by the electric light monster were immediately waited for the opportunity to move. Companions eat.

Although the two of them were paddling very hard, the speed of the lifeboats was not satisfactory, and they slowly sailed towards the pirate fleet that stopped strangely ahead. In just ten seconds, the megalodon sharks After eating the incapacitated companion, it took a few seconds to catch up with the lifeboat where the two were.

"Damn, I just died here, and he is dead without a whole body. I haven't married a wife yet." Hague looked at the giant tooth shark surrounded by lifeboats and said with a look of despair. The power was taken back by him, and now losing the deterrence of the electric light monster, these megalodon sharks are finally going to attack unscrupulously.

"............" Chi Xing didn't speak, his hands were already shaking because of the force, and the pickpocket cat beside him hugged him tightly. Although he didn't speak, his face was full Pale has also betrayed his despair at this time. When he thought that he would be eaten by the giant tooth shark in one bite, he couldn't help himself with fear.

The lifeboat could not withstand the repeated attacks of more than a dozen megalodon sharks, and soon the thickened bottom was bitten by the megalodon shark, and there were huge tooth-shaped gaps around the hull.

The lifeboat has leaked. No matter whether Hague and Chixing are still scooping water out to prevent the lifeboat from sinking, the lifeboat still can't get rid of its fate of sinking. Surrounded by the lifeboats, they patiently waited for the two humans on the lifeboat to fall into the sea. The lessons from the past were vivid in their minds, and they did not want to make them a meal in the mouth of others because of the temporary counterattack of the two humans.

The shadow of despair shrouded the hearts of the two of them, their wills became depressed, and a huge gap appeared in their hearts. It was like a demon whispering in their ears. At this desperate moment, a cold voice appeared in their hearts at the same time. .

"If I can keep you alive, how will you repay me?" A cold voice whispered in their hearts.

"Who? Who's talking to me?" Hague screamed in shock at the mysterious voice, and then looked around to know the source of the voice, but there were almost all broken shipwrecks and dead bodies and greedy red-eyed people around. Megatooth shark, there is no living person at all.

"I've had enough, I don't want to die, as long as you can let me live, you can let me do anything." Chi Xing shouted hysterically, his eyes bursting with a strong light of survival, his eyes were terrifyingly bright, he is now Like a drowning man, desperate to seize all the hope around him that would keep him alive.

The fate of Chi Xing is lucky but tragic. Born from an ordinary family in Fangyuan, he is not willing to spend his ordinary life as a commoner, so he risked his life to catch a native ninja fortunately and became a glorious one. The bug-catcher boy, and then miraculously rescued an injured pickpocket cat to gain the recognition of the pickpocket cat. The luckiest thing was to complete a series of simple tasks arranged by the alliance, and finally recruited by the alliance as a peripheral member. I thought that Joining the league by yourself can create your own legend, but this is just the beginning of the nightmare.

Born as a commoner, he was rejected and made things difficult by the trainers of the direct line of the alliance. Although there were some righteous trainers of the line of blood who helped him, on the whole, he spent all the way through the cold eyes of others. It was not easy. After passing the trials of the outer members, he officially became a member of the Alliance Law Enforcement Team, but because he was unwilling to join forces, he was rejected by the captain who was the trainer of the alliance. In the end, he was actually abandoned by the team captain, which caused him Missed the last chance to board the Alliance fleet, and now, he is about to die.

However, he doesn't want to die yet, and his dream of being a strong man doesn't want to end, so he wants to live, no matter what the price is.

"Very well, I heard your inner cry. From today onwards, your life will be mine, hehe~" After Chixing made a desperate declaration, a mysterious voice appeared in his heart again, and then , A mysterious man dressed in black and wearing a pale mask suddenly appeared in the mid-air of the lifeboat. One eye exposed on the pale mask exuded a strange purple light. After the red star and the mysterious eye looked at each other, a kind of wanting to obey The other party's thoughts grew wildly in his mind, and finally he looked at the mysterious man with a hint of frenzy in his eyes.

"You, who are you?" Hague asked tremblingly. The aura emanating from the mysterious man who suddenly appeared was too terrifying. Just looking at the other party gave birth to a tingling feeling, as if seeing the most Like a top-notch carnivore, the cells of Hague's body trembled as the prey.

"What's your choice? Weak!" The mysterious man didn't look back and didn't say a word~www.readwn.com~ But the voice appeared in his heart, and an aura that was countless times more terrifying than he thought just now was pressing down on him. On his body, his head seemed to be about to explode, and the pain was incomparable.

Facing the mysterious man's question again, this time Hague did not hesitate any more. He knelt heavily on the flooded deck, bowed his head to show his submission, and his face also showed a frenzy look, and this frenzy was even stronger than Chi Xing's. Being strong and obeying the strong was originally one of the principles for pirates to survive in the sea. Now that he meets such a powerful person, he does not feel wronged when he submits to the other party. Instead, he feels lucky. He knows that he has survived.

"Hahaha~, you are very good, leave the next thing to me, double-bomb the gas, use the poison, let this place become a dead sea." Ryuzaki Shinji made a sound when he saw Hague's choice. Laughter, and then the one-eyed purple glow in the mask flourished, and a huge double-bomb gas instantly appeared at his feet.

The nearby megalodon also became restless because of the sudden appearance of Ryuzaki Shinji. They felt a fatal threat from this human being, but they were reluctant to stop in the face of the food that was about to arrive, so they had no choice but to stay nearby. The stopped swimming wants to act on a whim.

However, they also paid a heavy price for their greed.

"Hey hey hey~" Hearing the words, the three heads showed hideous expressions. After a gloomy laugh, he immediately spit out three foul-smelling black liquids on the sea, like a drop of ink dripping into clear water. These liquids As soon as it fell into the sea, the originally bright red seawater was instantly dyed black.

The shadow of the **** of death magnified infinitely at this moment.

To be continued ................................

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