Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 23: : Spiritual fusion

The black venom of the double-bomb gas quickly spread in this small sea area, like the deadly tentacles of the **** of death. Where the black venom spreads and spreads, all living creatures that come into contact with the venom begin to have dots of purple poisonous spots all over their bodies. , the weak creatures died of poison in less than a few seconds, and the stronger creatures were not much better, and only lasted for more than ten seconds.

"It's amazing, is this how a powerful trainer responds? A crisis simply becomes invisible." Chi Xing stared blankly at the giant tooth sharks covered in purple poisonous spots on the surrounding sea. Thinking about it, these vicious little elves who were staring at them are now almost all white-faced and floating on the black sea, losing their breath of life like those motionless creatures on the sea.

With the lifeboat as the center, the sea area within a few hundred meters has turned into a dead sea. Now this small sea area can only hear the death chants of the sea breeze and the "crackling" of the burning wreck, revealing a cold and deep silence.

Chixing and Hague raised their heads, and they looked up at the figure standing on the double-bomb gas above their heads. Ryuzaki Shinji was wearing a black cloak and a pale mask. Behind him was the bright starry sky and the icy full moon. And the burning wreck, the black hair and the wide black cloak fluttering in the wind, the pale mask looks a little gloomy with the moonlight behind it, but these all reflect the mystery of the purple awn between the gaps of the mask, and finally deep. Imprinted in their minds was a purple eye that was opened by a black figure.

Suddenly, the mysterious eye in the sky was full of purple awns, and a swirling feeling appeared on them. The lifeboat was on, and Ryuzaki Shinji was standing on the bow.

The two looked at each other, their eyes suddenly glowed with fiery light, and their faces showed enthusiasm. Then they bowed their heads and knelt down on one knee to Ryuzaki Shinji. That mysterious eye was deeply engraved in their minds. In the middle of it, the idea of ​​wanting to surrender to the master of the eyes kept emerging from their hearts, and finally they were convinced by the strength and strange methods they showed in Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Has the spiritual suggestion succeeded? It's a really good ability. Unfortunately, the success rate is too low, but after the first success, it will be much simpler in the future." The face under the mask of Ryuzaki Shinji said with a silent sneer, these two The hearts of people who have fallen into despair in the crisis of life and death have been planted by him. As long as he keeps using spiritual hints on them every day, it won't be long before they will become his most loyal subordinates.

Spiritual suggestion, a terrifying superpower, planted thoughts of one's own will in the opponent's mind, subtly changing the other party through the thoughts of will, making the other party have the illusion of deja vu, and finally making the other party completely obey the caster's instructions. Command, it can be said that this is a kind of chronic mind control, although it takes a long time but the effect is very good.

Ryuzaki Shinji could have directly controlled the minds of the two through mind control, but "Wu Ming" sacrificed himself to seal the two powerful superpowers of mind control and mental shock.

As the developer of these two superpowers, "Wu Ming" knows Ryuzaki Shinji very well, but he can use these two abilities recklessly. The consequences he caused are too serious, so he desperately stops Ryuzaki Shinji, but it is a pity that he The strength before death was not enough to seal all of Ryuzaki Shinji's superpowers, so he could only retreat and seal the two most powerful superpowers.

If one day Ryuzaki Shinji can repent of Pan Ran or use a powerful external force, these two superpowers can be unblocked.

"What are you still doing, don't hurry up and control the lifeboats to catch up with the fleet ahead!" Ryuzaki Shinji turned his head and said to the two people who were still waiting for him to give orders.

"Yes, my lord!" The two replied in unison immediately after hearing the words, and then Chi Xing started the engine of the lifeboat, and Hague skillfully controlled the rudder to avoid the wreck again and again, and the lifeboat began to approach the pirate ship that stopped ahead. team.

The closer they got to the pirate fleet, the denser the surrounding megalodon shark divisions. They were very unfriendly to the boat that wanted to pass over them, and they attacked the lifeboats one after another. Unfortunately, this time they encountered more viciousness. The opponent, instantly changed from hunter to prey.

The highly poisonous trick can no longer be used, because Ryuzaki Shinji has seen the true colors of the creatures besieging the pirate fleet, and it will cause unnecessary trouble if used.

It was a large group of jellyfish-shaped elves. It was the agate jellyfish group, the overlord of the sea, which was even more terrifying than the giant tooth shark group. Although their individual strength was not as good as that of the giant tooth shark, their number was indeed dozens of times that of the giant tooth shark. hundred times.

The densely packed agate jellyfish completely blocked the sea area ahead, and among them were many giant stinger jellyfish. These guys called sea scavengers were countless times more dangerous than the giant tooth shark.

Megalodon sharks often act alone, and their food is mainly wounded creatures. Therefore, it is rare for megalodon sharks to take the initiative to attack humans (don't fall into the water if you bleed, you will be the blood of sea bullies waiting for you.) big mouth).

But the agate jellyfish are different. They are numerous in number, and they all appear in the sea. What is even more frightening is that they are almost all gregarious. Once they are large, they have an absolute advantage in numbers. Therefore, rare creatures in the sea can To compete with it, it is probably that the weak dingo group can face the hard steel of the agate jellyfish group, and the agate jellyfish group has a very strong sense of territory (the place they drift to is their territory, and they are domineering in the sea.), they will Attack any creature near their territory.

The sea battlefield this time belongs to the territory of this group of agate jellyfish drifting nearby. The movement of the sea surface battlefield awakened the evil forces that were sleeping in the seabed. Besides, this was a huge feast, agate jellyfish The group was even more reluctant to let it go. The direction in which the pirates fled was the direction they came from. This was simply blocking the gun head of the agate jellyfish, and the battle was about to start in an instant.

Onyx jellyfish and stinger jellyfish intercepted the pirate ship with their slender tentacles, and spit out acidic solvents to destroy the pirate ship's hull. Now many pirate ships have been corroded with large holes in their hulls. If things go on like this, it won't be long before these pirate ships and pirates can't escape the fate of being buried in the sea.

There are a lot of strong people in this group of agate jellyfish, and they eventually evolved the stinger jellyfish with a racial value as high as 515, which is already much stronger than many water elves in innate, plus a large number, huge It is not difficult at all to create some extraordinarily powerful individuals from the base.

Today, their king, a giant stinger jellyfish that is more than ten times the size of an ordinary stinger jellyfish is overturning the river, wielding his terrifying power recklessly. The pirate ship is like a slightly larger toy in front of him, and he can do whatever he wants. If it wasn't for the captain of the Blood Axe Pirates who was determined to send the Howler Whale King slightly larger than him to fight, the leader of this agate jellyfish could destroy this pirate fleet alone.

"Bang~" A huge wave appeared and fell again, and the giant stinger jellyfish and the roaring whale king fought fiercely again. The aftermath of each collision between the two giant sea beasts would trigger a "small" tsunami. The nearby sea area of ​​several hundred meters has become a restricted area, and no elves dare to anger the anger of the two giant sea beasts at this time.

"Hahaha~, it's really spectacular, but I don't have time for me to spend any more, come out, Goda, it's time to show your superpowers." Ryuzaki Shinji stared at the two in the distance fascinated. After the battle of the giant sea beasts, after laughing, he put his thoughts back to his current situation. When he saw the giant tooth shark and agate jellyfish that began to appear around him, he finally released the elf that is most suitable for solving this crisis.

"You, human, what do you want to do?" As soon as Gotha duck came out, a powerful mental force began to invade his mind. He originally wanted to resist the first time, but Ryuzaki Shinji let him through telepathy hesitated.

"Let go of your resistance, Gotha, and integrate with my spiritual power." Ryuzaki Shinji immediately ordered Gotha by telepathy when Gotha wanted to resist.

"..." Gotha duck was silent, although he didn't know why Ryuzaki Shinji suddenly had the powerful mental power he has now, but he finally gave up resistance and let Ryuzaki Shinji's spirit Force is combined with him.

Surprisingly, the two have a very high degree of spiritual fit, almost perfectly integrated.

At the moment when the two spiritual powers were combined, the closed one eye of Gotha Duck suddenly opened, and a dazzling purple awn burst out in his eyes, and the blue superpower on his body also turned purple at this time, a surging purple superpower. It began to emerge from his body, and black patterns began to appear strangely on his body. A purple superpower mark appeared on the back of his hands, hands and feet, and the ruby ​​between his eyebrows turned purple~www.readwn.com~ one piece A highly condensed black water cloak appeared on his shoulders, as if it were essentially windless and automatic, and his face was also covered by a highly condensed black water mask, revealing only the single eye and the purple gem between the eyebrows, followed by , a purple superpower shield slowly opened from him.

"Is this the power of the elf? What a wonderful power, it's amazing! Hahaha~" Gotha duck clenched the fist in his hand and said Ryuzaki Shinji's unique voice and tone. Today's Ryuzaki Shinji's mental power and Gotha Duck's mental force are combined, but Gotha Duck's current body is dominated by him.

"A bunch of rubbish, don't even try to escape!" Godard duck looked at the agate jellyfish and megalodon sharks around him who were slowly retreating because of his terrifying power. The face under the black water mask showed a hideous color, There was a flash of purple light in his eyes, and the purple superpower mark between his hands was full of purple light.

Godard Duck swirled with his left hand, and the sea water with a radius of 100 meters was suddenly stirred up by a powerful superpower, and huge vortices appeared one after another, and the whirlpool of thought force started, and all the agate jellyfish and giant tooth sharks who wanted to escape were caught. The powerful pulling force of the vortex was caught, and all of them could not escape.

"Die! All are buried in the sea!" The purple gem in the center of Gotha's eyebrows suddenly shot out a series of slender purple rays. Although the purple rays were small, they were all destructive rays of terrifying power, but destructive rays mixed with spiritual power. Countless tiny purple rays of destruction hit all creatures in the vortex without fail.

"Bang bang bang bang~" Gota duck clenched his right hand tightly, all the vortices exploded instantly, huge waves burst out, a piece of corpse fell in the sky, and a piece of Yin Hong covered the sea water.

To be continued ................................

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