Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 27: : go to

In the vast sea, the weather is constantly changing. One moment, there was no cloud and the scorching sun was in the sky, and the next moment was lightning, thunder, and strong winds.

During the storm, a small ship was struggling to enter. With the cooperation of the violent storm, the sea was roaring, and the huge waves were constantly rolling up and falling.

However, in the face of the supreme weather force of nature, the boat is not powerless to resist. Even if the wind is howling and the huge waves are coming, the boat is safe and sound. An invisible force dissolves into the invisible.

On the bow of the boat, Ryuzaki Shinji was still wearing a black-clothed skin mask. He hovered cross-legged one centimeter above the deck, and a deep purple awn was revealed in the gap of the mask. The whole person was covered by a purple superpower shield. The deep purple streamer kept flowing in the super power shield, which was extremely mysterious.

And in front of him is a Gotha duck that also crossed his knees. Gotha Duck is dressed in the same clothes as Ryuzaki Shinji, with the same cloak mask, the whole body is protected by a blue superpower shield, and the one eye exudes a deep Blue light, the red gem between the eyebrows flashed brightly.

Between Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck, a violet-blue light ball is suspended in mid-air, and two slender spiritual rays of light, one purple and one blue, extend from various foreheads, connecting with the purple blue light in the middle. ball.

In the purple-blue light sphere, blue sometimes overpowers purple, and purple sometimes overpowers blue, but most of the time, blue and purple are in harmony, each accounting for half of the light sphere, trying to maintain the purple-blue light Balance in the ball.

"Ow~" Little Dairubi lay on Ryuzaki Shinji's lap boredly. Although there was a terrifying appearance of violent storms, lightning, and thunder outside, he didn't seem to be worried at all, stretched his waist, and changed After taking a posture, and then letting out a lazy bark, he continued to lie quietly on his master's lap and doze off.

"The master is the best. There is nothing that the master can't do. Even nature has succumbed in front of the master." Darubi raised his head and thought disdainfully at the violent storm blowing in front of him.

It is very strange that in the storm, there is not even a trace of wind and raindrops on the boat. The strong wind and heavy rain seem to have consciously turned a corner and ignored the boat, but in fact, if someone can watch the boat from the sky , you will find that the whole ship is actually shrouded in a layer of almost transparent purple-blue light curtain. After all the strong winds and rainstorms come into contact with the light curtain, they will be dissipated by an invisible force, and cannot cause the slightest impact on the boat. .

It has been four days since Ryuzaki Shinji passed out of coma, and now there are only Ryuzaki Shinji, Chixing, Hague and Sea Wolf left on the whole ship, and the rest of the pirates have been buried on the bottom of the sea to feed the fish.

It was the next day when Ryuzaki Shinji woke up. Because the first mental fusion was relatively unfamiliar and the maintenance time was too long, Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Duck released a strong mental fusion immediately after they were released. side effect.

The price is to fall into a coma forcibly. During this period, Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha duck are completely unconscious, that is to say, during this period of time, anyone who comes can easily kill them. , and even after regaining consciousness, they would fall into a state of disengagement for at least a day, and it took Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha duck three days to recover.

The deep sense of powerlessness during this period deeply reminded Ryuzaki Shinji, rashly using the power beyond his control would have to pay a huge price, if not for the double-bomb gas and Abo monsters during this period. The loyal protection of the elf has unimaginable consequences.

Therefore, Ryuzaki Shinji listed this newly created move as a forbidden move, swearing that it would never be used unless he faced a life-and-death crisis. At the same time, he also named this move: Spiritual Fusion.

But Ryuzaki Shinji, who has already tasted the sweetness, is very enthusiastic about the spiritual fusion. The feeling of manipulating the power of the elf to do whatever he wants makes him unable to stop.

Both Ryuzaki Shinji and Gota Ya understand that this move will cause such serious sequelae because their super power cultivation base is not strong enough to fully withstand this powerful force, so in the After he recovered, he quickly started a super power cultivation journey with Goda Duck.

Self-meditation, this is the main way for superpowers and super elves to improve their spiritual power.

Ryuzaki Shinji discovered on the way to practice that his super power fluctuations and Godard Duck's super power fluctuations will merge with each other when they come into contact with each other.

So, Ryuzaki Shinji suddenly wanted to connect spiritually with Goda Duck, and then meditate to exercise his superpowers. As a result, he succeeded by accident, and the efficiency of such exercise is stronger than that of a single person. several times.

The fact that the boat is not affected by the storm today is actually the result of the spiritual connection between Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha duck.

The characteristic of Godard Duck is that there is no weather. To put it bluntly, this feature is to decompose the same kind of energy gathered in a part of the area. For example, when the energy of the water system in an area begins to converge and merge, it will evolve into rainfall, and Goda Duck It is to use the no-weather feature to interrupt the process of converging and merging the energy of the water system in this area, so that rainy weather cannot be produced.

The purple-blue light curtain that wraps the boat is actually the spiritual power of Gotha Duck and Ryuzaki Shinji to exert its weather-free characteristics to the extreme result that can be achieved so far. Within the scope of this light curtain, all attribute energy cannot be free. The rain and wind did not disappear, but were decomposed into countless water-type energy particles and countless flight-type energy particles. (It is said that the legendary elf Rikongza has the powerful power to destroy the natural weather, and he relies on the no-weather feature that he has developed to the extreme.)

Under the protection of Godard Duck's weatherless characteristics, the boat finally sailed out of the range of the storm without any risk, and the blue sky and the hot sun reappeared overhead.

"I've finally seen the sun again, so it's not too far from the sea of ​​​​storms." Ryuzaki Shinji lifted the hours of meditation, opened his closed eyes and looked at the blue ocean ahead.

Among the pirates who survived this time, Sea Wolf was the only one who had been to the outskirts of the Stormwind Sea. This shrewd old pirate was not lost in the greed in his heart. When all the pirates wanted to besiege Ryuzaki Shinji and take it away, He chose to help Ryuzaki Shinji, so both he and Chixing Hague survived, and he was rewarded with a Tyrannosaurus Dragon by Ryuzaki Shinji.

With this old pirate guiding the way, Ryuzaki Shinji has been directing the three of them to drive in the direction of the stormy sea after waking up.

Ryusaki Shinji's thoughts flashed in his heart, and the next second, the sea wolf ran from the cabin to Ryuzaki Shinji's side, and then respectfully bowed his head to Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Sea Wolf, how far is it from the free trade port you mentioned?" Ryuzaki Shinji asked. At this time, a purple light appeared in his one eye.

"Sir report, according to my sailing experience, as long as you continue to follow this direction, you should be able to reach Haibao Harbor by tomorrow morning. As long as you reach Haibao Harbor, you will be only a few kilometers away from the sea area of ​​​​storms. things." Sea Wolf replied respectfully immediately after hearing the words.

After experiencing the storm carp dragon attacking the ship and leading them through several times of marine weather, the old pirate was convinced of the ruthless young man in front of him from the bottom of his heart, and the other party gave advice to the three of them along the way. And after giving them the elf for free, Sea Wolf decided to stick with Ryuzaki Shinji.

"I see, you go down." Ryuzaki Shinji closed his eyes again and responded to Sea Wolf's orders with telepathy.

"Yes, my lord, the little one retire." Sea Wolf lowered his head and said, and then left cautiously.

"Do you have to arrive in the early hours of the morning? It's too long. There are only two days left until the time stipulated in the mission. You must hurry up. Come out, Tyrannosaurus, use your strength to cooperate with the Gotha duck to make the boat go faster. ." Ryuzaki Shinji closed his eyes and thought for a while, then took out the Poké Ball with the black tyrannosaurus from his arms, and released him.

Through spiritual prying, Ryuzaki Shinji knew that what the sea wolf said was true, but because the elf in his hand stayed at sea for a long time, except for Gotha Duck and Tyrannosaurus, the rest of the elf's mental state was not very good. Well, for example, the little guy on his lap is listless all day, so ~www.readwn.com~ he must reach the free trade port near the stormy sea as soon as possible for some repairs.

With a "roar", a black evil dragon appeared on the sea. The black tyrannical carp dragon was like a biochemical weapon. As soon as he appeared, the various water elves wandering around the boat instantly disappeared without a trace.

The vitality of this black tyrannical carp dragon is very tenacious. His self-regeneration ability is not inferior to the Abo monster, and even surpasses the Abo monster. In that battle, the scales and armor of his body were damaged, and he even appeared. Several protruding mouths pierced through the body, and if it was replaced by an ordinary Tyrannosaurus carp dragon suffering such serious injuries, it was almost certain to die.

However, when the black tyrannosaur appeared in front of him again a few days after Ryuzaki Shinji let him out on his own, the injury on his body had already healed.

In the face of Ryuzaki Shinji's order, the black carp dragon didn't seem to hear it. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Ryuzaki Shinji fiercely, the hatred in his eyes was undisguised.

"Hehe~, do you want to resist me? But this time you have to be mentally prepared, I promise you will never want to come out of it." Ryuzaki Shinji sneered at this, and then raised his Poke Ball in his hand. The black tyrannical carp dragon swayed in front of him, and the opponent had already been subdued by him, so he had 10,000 ways to torture the disobedient black tyrannical carp dragon.

In the end, the tyrannical carp dragon didn't make a move. The ball in the opponent's hand was beating him all the time, making him unable to resist the human in front of him.

"Disobedient garbage, if you are not obedient at a critical moment, see how I will kill you." Looking at the black tyrannosaur who was finally reluctant to swim to the boat and cooperate with Goda duck to speed up the flow of sea water, Ryuzaki Shinji thought coldly, with deep murderous intent hidden in his eyes.

To be continued ................................

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