Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 28: : Sea Storm Harbor

There is a small island a few kilometers southwest of Stormwind Sea.

From the sky, the shape of the entire island resembles a crescent moon, with a long and narrow coastline, and surrounded by deep water areas, so the island is a natural harbor.

Since the legend circulating in the Stormwind Sea was published, this small island that once had no one to care about has quickly become hot with bare hands. Various forces and the local elf forces have had fierce conflicts to compete for it. Alliances, aristocratic families, The dark forces have gathered here to fight for hegemony, but because of the checks and balances between the various forces, there is no specific victory or defeat, and eventually this has evolved into a neutral area.

With the increasing popularity of Stormwind Sea Area, more and more people come here, and this small island as the closest island to Stormwind Sea Area has also begun to be known to the world. After the construction of major forces, this small island is It has become a neutral free trade port and the last supply station across the storm waters.

At the end of every autumn, the natural moat in the stormy sea area will attenuate to the lowest level, and at this time, the island will become very lively, with solitary powerhouses from all over the world, elite powerhouses from various forces, and a large number of elites. All elves will appear here. These are trainers and elves who are stuck at the peak of the elite and unable to step into the heavenly king level. In order to pursue further powerful power, they will all choose to come here to make a last-ditch effort.

As always, the sky of the island was covered by a black cloud, and countless thunder snakes were roaming in the clouds. It seemed that a large-scale storm was about to come, but the rain would not come down no matter what. It has been so many years, and the sky for a few kilometers outside the stormy sea area has been like this. Only in the stormy sea area will there be storms all year round.

This strange phenomenon has been studied by famous scientists in the world for a long time, but due to the strong magnetic field in the stormy sea, all kinds of high-tech equipment used for research will become a pile of scrap iron when they come to the stormy sea. , so scientists and famous elf scholars can only make it difficult for a woman to cook without rice, and they cannot draw a reasonable conclusion at all. In the end, they can only blame all doubts on the existence of unknown elves in the stormy sea, because some people have witnessed the stormy sea. A huge elf figure appeared in the sky above.

The small island shrouded in the night, the harbour is still brightly lit at this time, and a large number of large and small ships are docked on the pier, which can be described as a thousand sails.

A large number of simple buildings are built on the dock, among which the number of taverns and elf item stores is the largest, but the most popular building is still the elf center. Yes, this chaotic neutral place naturally also has alliances. The territory of great power.

At this time, there are people walking on the pier in a hurry. People of all colors can be seen everywhere here. Almost everyone has a pokeball on their body, and their breath is quite powerful. What is more interesting is that the wild walking here The elves are not a small number. They are not afraid of the humans on the dock at all. They walk in the dock as if nothing happened, but these elves are unusually united. Once humans want to capture and conquer, they will attack them in groups.

Since this is a neutral place and a place of no concern, there is no legal order at all, and a fierce elf battle may break out at any time, but even so, there are still unwritten rules here, all destroying the wharf at will The building people and the elf are dead.

In the dark sea, a small boat is slowly sailing into the pier under the guidance of the lighthouse. The arrival of the small boat is as unpredictable as a drop of water melts into the sea. The Pirate Skull Mark just took one more look.

"Is this the Haibao Port? It's still a really good place." Ryuzaki Shinji, who was standing on the bow of the boat, said indifferently, looking at the port that was getting closer and closer in front of him.

"Yes, Lord Shinji, this is Haibaogang. Although there are no explicit rules here, please do not cause trouble. There are many unwritten rules here. It was the Blood Axe Pirates. I don't dare to be presumptuous here, I can only supply supplies here in a proper manner..." Sea Wolf, who was standing behind Ryuzaki Shinji, said respectfully.

Sea Wolf was afraid that Ryuzaki Shinji would cause trouble here, so he specially reported to Ryuzaki Shinji his information on Haibao Port. He knew that the master he just followed was an extremely restless master. Saki Shinji may not be afraid of the danger here, but if these weak chickens act unruly here, they will definitely be cleaned up. He is very afraid that Ryuzaki Shinji will implicate him.

"Hehe~, don't worry, I understand all of this, so you don't need to say more. After you land, Sea Wolf, bring Hague and Chixing to find someone to repair the boat, and then go buy enough supplies. Come back, remember, you need to buy more fuel, this is a Poké Ball of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, you should have enough money to sell them." Ryusaki Shinji interrupted after seeing Sea Wolf's true thoughts. Sea Wolf spoke incessantly, and then took out three Poké Balls from his body and handed them to Sea Wolf.

"Yes, my lord." Sea Wolf and Chi Xing immediately said in unison after hearing this.

The boat entered the pier and stopped at a remote location. As soon as the boat stopped, several big men in sailor suits and blue skull scarves came over immediately.

"Listen to the newcomers, this is the dock area controlled by our water fleet. According to the rules, every ship docked here has to pay a fee of 10,000 Alliance Coins every day." The leading man in a blue jacket faced Ryuzaki Shinji said.

Dahan's name is North, and he is a team leader of Fangyuan's powerful dark organization Water Fleet.

"Water Fleet? Sea Wolf, when do you need to pay rent here? Didn't you say that you can park casually? You dare to lie to me?" Sea Wolf asked.

"My lord, I don't know much about this. The last time I came here was more than ten years ago. At that time, there was no such rule. It must be a newly established rule." Sea Wolf quickly lowered his head when he heard this. Dare to look straight at Ryuzaki Shinji, and then said in a panic.

"Hmph, the rules from more than ten years ago, are you a pig? It's long gone. This is a new rule. If you want to avoid trouble, you can honestly hand over the money. Our water fleet will hold your boat at all. No." Before Ryuzaki Shinji could speak, North on the pier immediately interjected, showing impatience on his face.

North winked at the people around him, and several of the water fleet soldiers around him released a few lobster soldiers, all of whom looked at Ryuzaki Shinji and the others with bad looks.

"Do you provide boat repair services here? My boat needs to be repaired. It's better to make it stronger." After glancing at the sea wolf, Ryuzaki Shinji took out a piece of Poké Ball from his body. , then turned to look at North and his party.

All the soldiers and elves of the water fleet who had looked at Ryuzaki Shinji lowered their heads and dared not continue to look directly at Ryuzaki Shinji. Only North, a low-level elite trainer, continued to face Ryuzaki Shinji with a solemn expression. The two looked at each other.

Faced with the mental pressure that Ryuzaki Shinji deliberately exuded, North was almost unable to hold on, his face flushed red and blue veins burst out~www.readwn.com~ Bean drops of sweat kept dripping from his face.

"Yes, this lord, it's not that we boast. Our water fleet has the best ship repairing skills here, but the cost is a bit expensive. The small ones can make the decision and give the adults a 20% discount." Feeling Ryuzaki With the powerful power that the second body uploaded, Norston knew that he had encountered a strong man, and immediately put away his arrogance and respectfully answered Ryuzaki Shinji's question.

"Okay, you can talk to my subordinate about the repair of the ship. This is a Poké Ball with a tyrannical carp dragon, so just use this as the cost. If it's not enough, tell me later. ." Ryuzaki Shinji withdrew his mental pressure, and then the purple light flashed in the mask, and he came to North in an instant.

Ryuzaki Shinji's action immediately caused panic among the water fleet and others, and they all stared at Ryuzaki Shinji as if they were facing an enemy.

"Enough, my lord, the market price of the tyrannical carp dragon here is 2 million alliance coins, which is enough to pay for the repair of the ship." Looking at the purple eyes that were close at hand, a feeling of being seen through appeared in his heart, and North exclaimed deeply. With a sigh, he suppressed the panic in his heart and forced his composure, then lowered his head and carefully took the Poké Ball that Ryuzaki Shinji handed over and said.

"You are very good." Ryuzaki Shinji closed his eyes and said plainly, and then disappeared again strangely under the incredible gaze of the water fleet and others.

After a few minutes.

In a shadow not far from the berth, a masked man in a black cloak slowly walked out of the shadow.

The man in black mask looked at the cloudy sky above his head, and the purple light flickered in the cracks of the mask, not knowing what he was thinking.

To be continued......................

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