Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 29: : Your Excellency, please stay

The bright red "R" mark is another mandatory instruction.

Message content: "Tomorrow at 7pm, the Rockets tavern will gather."

"It seems that this watch has a tracker installed in it. Not long after I came here, this mandatory order came. Well, I also want to know the real purpose of this death competition." Ryuzaki Zhen Er looked at the information displayed on the watch and thought to himself, then raised his head to look at the people and elves coming and going on the street, his face under the mask was extremely solemn.

Just from the few waves of people passing by him, Ryuzaki Shinji has already noticed several people with the strength of fighters, and even his mental power investigation was easily detected by a fat monk with a charem. , but the other party just kissed him kindly and didn't react too much.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon! This is Ryuzaki Shinji's first impression of this port city.

This time, the Death Contest is too weird, not to mention the location of the Stormwind Sea from the limited information, the risks and difficulties experienced just from the vast sea to this island are not an ordinary rocket at all. Team minions can do it.

If it was as Ryuzaki Shinji thought, the last shipwreck crisis was a trial prepared by the Rockets in advance, and the timing of the appearance of the Blood Axe Pirates was too coincidental, so many ships did not plunder, but they were going to bite the alliance. Smelly and hard boulders? The result is that both sides suffer, and the gains outweigh the losses.

And in that sea battle and the following elf attack, if they were buried in the sea without a certain strength, how many Rockets powerhouses could successfully **** the ships and come here? There are absolutely no one in a hundred, and each one is a real powerhouse.

So the question arises again, what is the purpose of the Rockets gathering so many elite-level Rockets players? These Rockets members who can cross the vast sea to Haibaogang are already the backbone of the Rockets. Among them, there are many talents trained by the faction bosses. So many people are gathered in this Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. What to do in a mixed port city? Here, these Rocket Team powerhouses are nothing more than that. If they really want to do bad things, they will definitely be crushed by other forces.

The source of all these doubts points directly to the mysterious island in the stormy sea area. There must have been some major changes in it that made the Rockets pay so much attention to losing such a backbone to fight for it. In fact, this is the case. This port The city has now gathered the elite forces of the major forces, the Rockets, the Alliance, and other families and dark forces.

"Hmph, pity I've always been kept in the dark and came here in a confused way. If I don't expect it, I'll eventually become a more advanced cannon fodder, to be a bull for the direct descendants of those faction bosses. It's really unpleasant to be a horse." Thinking of this, Ryuzaki Shinji's thought of betraying the Rockets became even stronger.

Although the big tree is good to enjoy the shade, but this big tree will crush you to death if you are not careful, it is better to leave early.

"Ow~" Dairubi's feeble howl interrupted Ryuzaki Shinji's thoughts. At this time, Dairubi was on all fours, looking at him pitifully with his small watery eyes. Her pink belly was shriveled, apparently starving.

"Hahaha, you glutton, you only had milk not long ago, and you're hungry again." Seeing Dairubi acting cute and coquettish to him again, Ryuzaki Shinji let out a hearty laugh, and the haze in his heart It was also swept away temporarily. If anyone can let Ryuzaki Shinji treat him sincerely, then this little black dog in front of him can be regarded as one.

This little Dairubi is very qualified and has a strong sense of responsibility. Although he usually sleeps soundly during the day, at night, he will patrol the deck and follow the instinct of a canine elf. Very faithfully by Ryuzaki Shinji's side.

In the past few days, Ryuzaki Shinji has consciously started to train this little guy who was just born. He asked Goda duck to use his mind to catch some weak water elves from the sea to fight against the little guy. This little guy is very good He is bellicose, even in the face of the vicious black carp dragon, and he has excellent fighting talent. After many victories and defeats, he has been very proficient in using his inherited moves.

However, there is one thing that gives Ryuzaki Shinji a headache. This little guy can eat too much, and he doesn't know how strong his stomach's digestion ability is. According to the elf manual, the newborn Dairubi consumes a bottle of big milk a day. A can of milk and a piece of meat with bones (about 0.3 pounds) is enough, and this little guy needs to eat at least three meals of this amount. This is still in his infancy. Once he reaches the growth period, it is not surprising that this little guy's meal will be turned over. several times.

Ryuzaki Shinji squatted down and picked up the dusty Derby (about the size of an ordinary dog), patted the dust off his body, and placed him on his broad shoulders.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuufully all the happiness." The black short tail swayed constantly. After Ryuzaki Shinji put him on his shoulders, he immediately rubbed the dragon with his small head. Saki Shinji's head was very happy.

"Okay, okay, don't rub it, the mask will fall off if you rub it against me again, I'll take you to find something to eat." Gently touched Dai Ruby's little head with his hand, Ryuzaki Zhen The two said with a smile.

Hearing this, Dairubi obediently stopped his dawdling movements, and quietly lay on Ryuzaki Shinji's shoulders, opening his small mouth to reveal his pink and tender tongue, his small eyes sparkling, and he looked like a foodie. .

Ignoring the strange look in the eyes of the people around and the elf, Shinji Ryuzaki strode forward.

As the largest building in the port city, the elf center in the center of the port is unusually conspicuous, and Ryuzaki Shinji is heading there.

The specifications of this elf center are not inferior to those of the elf centers in big cities. Since this is a neutral place, the elf center will treat the wounded equally, provided that you do not belong to Miss Joy. one on the list.

The security force of the Elf Center is very strong. Two teams of allied troops, fully armed and armed with live ammunition, are stationed on the two sides of the Elf Center. More than a dozen catty dogs are constantly wandering around the Elf Center. In the eyes of these conscientious Union personnel, in the event of an emergency, a machine gun fire is absolutely indispensable.

Ryuzaki Shinji was mixed in the crowd and stepped into the center of the elf without haste. Although the smell of blood on his body was quite strong, it did not attract too much attention from the Union Army and Katie because the elf went in and out. At least seven or eight of the ten people in the center are like Ryusaki Shinji. These alliance troops stationed in Haibao Port all year round have long been surprised. As long as Ryuzaki Shinji and the others are not at the Pixie Center If they stir up trouble within the scope, they will not pay attention to it.

However, Ryuzaki Shinji didn't attract the attention of the catty dog, but the little guy on his shoulder quickly attracted the attention of a petite catty dog.

"Wow~" Katie quickly came to Ryuzaki Shinji's side, and then barked at the Dairubi dog on his shoulder with a displeased expression.

The strangeness of this catty dog ​​also quickly attracted the attention of the Union Army and other catty dogs, but when they saw that the object of this catty dog's barking was Darubi on Ryuzaki Shinji's shoulder, they decided to Decisively and automatically ignored it, and continued to concentrate on monitoring the suspicious violent elements in the crowd.

"It seems that he is also a newly born little guy, be good, ignore him." Ryuzaki Shinji touched Dairubi with his hand and comforted him.

The petite catty dog ​​in front of him, Ryuzaki Shinji immediately realized from his short canine teeth that this is also a newly born elf. The other party should have found that Darubi was just born like him, and felt that it would be easier to bully. Come here to provoke and invite battle, canine elves are more belligerent, especially fire elves~www.readwn.com~ After all, the two canine elves, Katie and Dalby, are considered to be in a certain sense. archenemy.

One is the guardian dog, the other is the hellhound, a elf that is usually used by the guardians of justice and people to chase down enemies, and a scout elf that is usually the favorite to search for prey by the villains. With the use and endowment of humans The meaning of each of them runs counter to each other, and they go further and further.

"Ow~" Facing the challenge of his old enemy, Dai Ruby was also eager to try, and couldn't help but let out a loud howl at the Katee, with no concealed fighting intent in his eyes.

Just when Ryuzaki Shinji wanted to stop the battle and took Dairubi to the center of the elf, Junsha, dressed in a western cowboy dress, rode a majestic wind speed dog from the street to the elf. Moving quickly in the center direction, the wind speed dog made a powerful jump and flew directly over the large crowd.

With the speed of the wind and the movements like flowing water, the heroic Junsha jumped directly from the wind speed dog in mid-air, rotated 360 degrees, and finally landed safely with a beautiful backflip, followed by a swift side step straight Blocked Ryuzaki Shinji's way.

"Your Excellency, please stay, can I have a pixie battle between my Katee and Your Excellency's Dairubi?" Junsha in jeans said, staring at Ryuzaki Shinji with piercing eyes. The sudden outburst of mental coercion was extremely powerful.

The mental power seemed to have hit a solid wall, Ryuzaki Shinji's mental prying was completely ineffective, and the rebounding mental power also gave him a mental sting.

"Master!" Ryuzaki Shinji thought with a solemn expression, this Junsha's terrifying physical fitness and rock-solid willpower made him look like a formidable enemy.

To be continued......................

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