The newcomers said that they would not die in the next three months of trials.

"Rookies, I hope you can survive the next three months of trials, but don't die, hahaha."

On a large plane, a tall man with a rough face and a military cap with the letter R said to the young boys and girls sitting in the plane.

He is the chief instructor of the Rocket Team, nicknamed Bloody Hand, and is also a powerful trainer.

Following his words, most of the trial participants in the plane clenched their fists, and the atmosphere in the air was filled with a tense mood.

Lu Yuan was in the crowd, his face was normal, and he was not affected by the environment. Instead, he closed his eyes and rested.

It has been half a year since I traveled to this Pokémon world, but the life after traveling is not as beautiful as in the anime in my previous life. Instead, it is very dark and cruel. Especially for orphans like them who have no background and no strength, they are often bullied and extorted by hooligans. The original owner has suffered from them many times and I don’t know how many times he has been extorted and beaten.

The original owner also lost his life in a beating, and it was at that time that he traveled through time.

But after traveling through time, his situation has not changed. The wages he earned from working part-time were robbed, and when he was unlucky, he would also be beaten. Because his money was robbed, he often had to starve.

Lu Yuan also had the heart to resist, but when he saw the Poké Ball in the other party’s hand, that heart was gone. Besides, before traveling through time, he was not a special soldier, but just an ordinary college student, and his combat effectiveness was really not high.

There is no condition to cultivate elves. In that environment, people can’t eat enough, so how can we cultivate elves?

As for calling the police, it is useless. Ordinary police officers will only be vague and fool around because they don't want to get into trouble. Who doesn't have a background these days? It is rumored that there are many umbrellas behind those gangster gangs.

And the righteous Junsha will not care about such trivial matters. As for other ways, there is no need to think about it.

That huge alliance has also decayed, and the aristocratic families control everything. Perhaps the life in the anime belongs only to them, and people like him have nothing.

At first, Lu Yuan was still excited about being able to travel to the Pokémon world. As a Pokémon fan, he often thought about how good it would be to travel to the Pokémon world one day, and to encounter the mythical beast world like the protagonist Xiaozhi. But after being beaten and blackmailed several times, he gave up his beautiful imagination of the Pokémon world, and all that was left was the desire for strength! Only with strength can he grasp his own destiny.

If you don't die in silence, you will explode in silence. In order not to repeat the same mistakes, your life will be handed over to others, and for a so-called opportunity, after careful consideration, on a dark and windy night, Lu Yuan made a bold decision to join the Rocket Team!

He joined the Rocket Team, an evil organization recognized by the alliance, and became a new recruit of the Rocket Team.

At least, there will be an opportunity here, an opportunity that he needs to fight with his life.

When the light no longer comes, darkness will be the only choice.

Today is also the last real-life trial for a group of new recruits after three months of training.

More than 200 people were sent to the Trial Island for a month-long cruel trial. The rules on the island are that there are no rules. You can do anything, and the means are unlimited, as long as you can survive.

As long as you can survive, you can become a member of the Rocket Team.

If you want to get more training and want to climb up to an important position, you must achieve excellent results in the assessment.

There are many assessment items on the island, and points are given according to the value of the items, which will be settled together at the final settlement.

"Are you scared? Kneel down now and shout "Dad" three times, and I will consider letting you go, otherwise...tsk tsk."

An inappropriate word interrupted Lu Yuan's rest. He opened his eyes and saw the boy standing opposite him with a defiant face and gloomy eyes.

Beside him, there were five or six people who looked like younger brothers serving him. They listened to the boy's words and echoed him.

"Hahaha, hurry up, why are you putting on airs."

"Yes, Boss Yuanye is also kind and willing to give you a chance. What else can you do? Hurry up."

"Hurry up, hahaha."

Lu Yuan opened his eyes and looked at the people in front of him expressionlessly, his lips moving slightly.


Even though he was threatened by several people, Lu Yuan's face remained normal, looking at them as if he was looking at a group of jumping clowns.

"Okay, okay!"

Seeing this, Yuan Ye in the middle of the group sneered.

"I hope you can still be as calm as you are now. I'll see if your Magikarp can protect you."

"You don't have to worry about that."

"Hehe, don't die first. If you die first, it will be boring."

The movements of the few people were also seen by the Blood Hands above, but they did not stop them. Instead, they watched the scene with a little interest.

"Hey, that kid is probably going to die. His spirit is just a Magikarp, and Yuan Ye opposite him, with his brother's care, is probably a lot of trump cards. This Lu Yuan's performance is still very good. He has won the first place many times. He is a good seedling. It's a pity."

A tall man next to the Blood Hand said, he is one of the coaches of this year's recruits, and he has some impression of Lu Yuan, who usually performs well.

"As long as you don't violate the discipline on the plane, it's none of our business."

Blood Hand said coldly, looking at his watch, calculating the time in his mind.

"Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes."

Lu Yuan sighed in his heart. Naturally, there would be no harmony in the Rockets. The people in it were naturally not good people, and there would naturally be cliques.

The conflict between him and Yuan Ye in front of him originated from the fact that he answered the instructor's question first during the three months of training. Perhaps he lost his face, and he remembered it since then. Later, he refused to become his younger brother, and won the first place many times in the subsequent training, so he was also hated. Inexplicably, it developed into the current mortal enemy, and the opponents wanted to kill him.

At this point, he would not beg for mercy, and he would not let the opponents go. If there is a chance, he will kill them!

In the environment of the Rockets, he has to fight. He needs resources to develop!

He also has to live.

Fortunately, there are various restrictions in the Rocket Team base, so even Yuan Ye, who has some background, dares not act recklessly, and the two sides are at peace.

It's just that now, this trial that is about to begin has no restrictions, so Yuan Ye said this.

"I'm not a soft persimmon, and it's still unknown who will win."

Lu Yuan said in his heart, his face was not showing. In front of him, there was a system panel display, which only he could see, and no one around him could see it.

Host: Lu Yuan

Gender: Male

Height and weight: 180cm/75kg

Possessing elves: Magikarp

Battle points: 220

Possessing skills: Primary psychic, primary breeder, fighting, cooking, driving............

What was displayed in front of Lu Yuan was the system he had after crossing, and the golden finger that was activated when he obtained the initial elf Magikarp.

After more than three months of exploration, Lu Yuan also roughly knew the purpose of this system.

The battle points can be exchanged for the required goods in the system store. In addition to life forms, the system store has a wide variety of goods.

The battle points come from fighting with elves.

In addition, the system has two types of tasks. Completing the tasks will also get rewards, and the rewards are uncertain according to the completion situation.

System defeat task: Defeat 1 elf (completed)

Defeat 10 elves (completed)

Defeat 100 elves (uncompleted)


System achievement task: Become a novice trainer (completed)

Become a junior trainer (completed)

Become an intermediate trainer (uncompleted)


During these three months, Lu Yuan completed several system tasks while completing the training of the new members of the Rocket Team.

His superpowers and junior breeders are all obtained by completing two system tasks. The other two tasks reward a Magikarp breeding secret book and a magic candy.

In addition to the system, his Magikarp is about to evolve, and he can bring them a "surprise" at that time.

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