The time is almost up, the rookies are ready.

"Okay, it's almost time, rookies, get ready."

Head coach Bloody Hand stood up and announced loudly.

"Line up in order, jump down in pairs."


As the plane door opened, the strong wind outside whistled in, making everyone unable to open their eyes.

Lu Yuan grabbed his backpack and followed.

At this moment, the large plane carrying everyone had flown to an extremely wide island. Looking down from above, most of the island was green, densely covered with jungle, and filled with hazy fog.




In the mist, roars were heard, as if telling the story of the law of the jungle in the mist.


Two people had already jumped down in front of the team and fell down, and the two behind them also took over and continued to jump down.

"You, go to the back."

While queuing, the bloody finger pointed at Lu Yuan and said.

"What! This is inappropriate, head coach."

Seeing Lu Yuan being transferred to the back, Yuan Ye immediately objected.

They were in a group and had surrounded Lu Yuan, waiting to jump down from the plane, and then they could start to fight. Now they said that he was arranged to the back of the team, and he was naturally unwilling.

"How can this be, they are all lined up."

The little brothers beside Yuan Ye also echoed.

"Not suitable? Are you negotiating with me?"

Blood Hand said calmly, looking at the few people fiercely, with a face covered with scars, which was intimidating without anger.

Instantly, the few people felt under great pressure.

"No, no."

Yuan Ye said immediately, wiping the cold sweat on his forehead.

"Thank you, head coach."

Lu Yuan did not refuse, and stood behind the team.

Blood Hand did not say anything, and walked away. His behavior just now was also casual. He usually had a good impression of this newcomer who often won the first place.

But that was all.

"Kid, you are lucky, just pray that you will not run into me, otherwise you will suffer."

After seeing Blood Hand walk away, a younger brother beside Yuan Ye shouted.

"More than suffering, I want him to die!"

Yuan Ye said fiercely, looking at Lu Yuan with resentment.

Just now, because of him, he was severely humiliated again and was scolded by the head coach, which was absolutely unacceptable to him.

Lu Yuan did not speak, but only made a gesture of wiping his neck to respond to several people.

Time passed by, and there were fewer people on the plane.

"Lu Yuan, you have to be careful. I heard that Yuan Ye has a background and should have several powerful elves on hand."

Seeing Yuan Ye and others jump off the plane, a young man with glasses in the front line said.

"Well, I know, Zong Wen, you should be careful too."

Lu Yuan replied.

The man in front of him was called Zong Wen, tall and thin, with a simple face and a pair of thick glasses. He was also a new recruit of the Rockets this year. During training, he had several exchanges with him.

"I hope we can all pass the test. See you."

After saying that, he jumped off the plane.

"It's a pity that this trial is mainly about fighting, not about using your computer skills."

The impression this person gave him was that he was very good at computers. During training, he performed very well in this field, but his elf strength was not strong, just a level 14 Wanli.

On the plane, Lu Yuan walked to the cabin door and jumped out of the plane without hesitation. During training, he had naturally trained in parachuting from the air.


The whistling wind blew his facial features out of shape. Lu Yuan's heart moved, and he condensed a superpower barrier around his body to block the wind. He felt much more comfortable instantly.


When falling, screams came from afar.

It was a few people who fell earlier, and they were entangled by a group of Spearows.

In the sky, humans with parachutes are generally not opponents of flying Spearows.

Soon, the blood of those people splattered in the sky and was drowned in the flock of Spearows. Those screams were also the last sounds they left in this cruel world.

They were unfortunate. They died in the mouths of Spearows before landing on the island. They trained hard for three months, but died in such a sloppy way. The dream they longed for and pursued was also gone with the wind.

The trial started when they jumped off the plane. Perhaps the first level was to survive the mouths of Spearows and other flying elves.

Taking advantage of this gap, Lu Yuan quickly fell to the ground.

Compared to the life and death of others, he cares more about his own life.

When he steps into the gate of Team Rocket and wants to gain a chance, death may be the price.


When he is close to the ground, Lu Yuan opens the parachute and floats down.


During the landing, two Spearows flew from a distance and approached him quickly. White light flashed on their beaks. It was a flying pecking attack.

Facing the two Spearows flying at high speed, Lu Yuan was not in a hurry. His eyes flashed blue light. The next moment, Lu Yuan and his parachute disappeared from the spot, leaving the two Spearows empty.

This is a psychic skill called teleportation.

As a psychic, Lu Yuan can also teleport, which is also a life-saving skill.

Lu Yuan's figure appeared in another position, and then teleported a few times, gliding to the ground. With the cover of dense trees, the two Spearows above did not notice it.

Following the momentum of gliding, Lu Yuan ran a few steps on the ground and stopped.

"The landing was successful."

Lu Yuan chuckled. With the help of super powers, this landing was very smooth.

Just as he was about to pack up the rope, there was a rustling sound from the bushes not far away, and then three purple and one yellow rushed out from the bushes and ran towards him.

"It's Little Rada and Rada."

Lu Yuan immediately recognized the four elves rushing over. There was no panic on his face, but a smile rose instead.

If ordinary people were not protected by elves, they would be bloody on the spot when facing the attack of these four elves. Unfortunately, he met him today.

Lu Yuan quickly grabbed behind him and took out an iron rod from the space backpack. His eyes flashed blue light, and he disappeared from the spot the next moment.


Rada was running at full speed, unaware of the little Rada following behind him. He was controlled by a blue light. He only felt the figure in front of him flash and disappear. He was wondering where the prey had gone.


Rada only reacted when the little Rada called from behind.

"For you three, gently wake up the sleeping soul."

Lu Yuan teleported behind the three little Radas and took advantage of the super power to control them. He swung the iron rod in his hand three times in a row, hitting the rat's head accurately.

"Bang bang bang~"

The iron rod touched the Rada's head, and the three little Radas' heads were short-circuited instantly. They fell to the ground in a daze.

Lu Yuan's iron rod attack was very effective, and the little Radas were almost unable to fight.

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