The battle was over, and the battle was over.

"Gyarados, super evolution!"


The glare lit up, Gyarados super completed, Super Gyarados appeared on the scene, roaring at the Night Slayer, extremely fierce.

At this moment, Lu Yuan attached the power of Changpan on his body to Gyarados and the King of Leave, adding a little combat power to them.

The main force this time is the two of them plus himself.

Gyarados flew away and took the initiative to meet the Night Slayer. He was not afraid of the power of the king of the night. It might be useful for ordinary elves, but it was useless for Gyarados and others.

"Gyarados, evil fluctuation."

"King of Leave is waiting for the opportunity to move."

"Twin-Headed Tyrannosaurus, you guys have to take care of yourselves, we'll go."

Lu Yuan also flew forward, and as his power surged, several giant fists condensed and fell straight down.


Like a ghost crying, the Night Demon moved, feeling the threat, emitting a strange light, breaking Lu Yuan's giant fist, and then colliding with Gyarados's evil fluctuations, and finally being intercepted by King of Leave.

A dark shadow emerged on the ground, and the Night Demon descended and rushed into the team.

It has no intelligence, but it still has the instinct to fight.

He stomped the ground suddenly, stepped on the ground with one blow, and the ground suddenly churned non-stop, and then a burst of phosphorous fire emerged, which was very hot.

Lu Yuan dodged to the side, extinguished the phosphorous fire in front of him, and then teleported the Strong Chicken and the Twin-Headed Tyrannosaurus in the phosphorous fire away.

The sight of the Night Devil was also projected, but was interrupted by Gyarados.

"Hua La La ~"

Layers of water appeared in the field, covering the Night Devil. In the water waves, Gyarados was like a dragon, baring its fangs and claws, trapping the Night Devil in it, and attacking it with all its moves.

The King of Leave also appeared in it at the right time. As soon as he appeared, the Shadow Fist hit him head-on, but the King of Leave was not afraid. He went up alone and collided with it, taking the Shadow Fist.

The King of Leave staggered back a few steps and stopped his figure. He was not injured. The attack of Mega Gyarados also arrived, interrupting the pursuit of the Night Devil.

A destructive death ray cut through the air and descended, covering the Night Devil.

But this fierce destructive death ray was blocked by the Night Devil.

At this time, Lu Yuan's figure reappeared, and he clapped his hands continuously, and a stream of power condensed out and slapped them all.

The King of Leave teleported in front of him, raised his fist, and blasted it suddenly.


The Night Demon roared, and his momentum changed. A layer of black ghost power burst out, and the three of them were deflected from the joint attack.

A giant shadow ball appeared and hit him head-on, and it also made a harsh sound of friction with the air.

The King of Leave appeared in front of Lu Yuan, his muscles bulged, and he rushed to meet the attack, but was dragged back. Lu Yuan moved forward and exerted all his strength. The two worked together to take the attack.

Under the impact of the rampaging ghost power, Gyarados's vortex was also broken, and then with a shadow fist, he blasted back the fossil pterosaur falling from the sky, and put his hands horizontally in front of him, slapping away the dragon wave of the two-headed Tyrannosaurus.

Then the shadow ball broke through the flames of the Strong Chicken and fell to the ground.


This attack was extraordinary, and a big hole was blasted directly on the ground. However, the Strong Chicken was fine, and was teleported to another place by Lu Yuan.

The pupils of the Night Demon flickered, as if it was thinking.

At this time, Lu Yuan shouted: "Attack, interrupt it."

Lu Yuan knew that this was the reaction of the Night Demon. If it was given time, it would respond.

This Night Demon's intelligence was lower than that of ordinary Night Demons, and without the command of the trainer, it would take a long time to react, so Lu Yuan seized this point and interrupted it directly.

Although this Night Demon has the strength of the King of Heaven, it also has defects. It is not only slow in consciousness, but also has physical problems.

Lu Yuan dispatched and supported at any time, and also used teleportation to transfer the Pokémon in dangerous situations, while the King of Leave and Mega Gyarados were in the front, and the Fossil Pteranodon and Diplodocus harassed from the side.

The Night Demon will only fight according to instinct, and will not have targeted behavior.

Suddenly, Lu Yuan and the elves were in a stalemate with the Night Demon.

If this happened outside, it would be incredible. A group of gyms fighting against a king-level elf would only happen under this special environment.

"It's down, its aura has dropped."

Lu Yuan reminded that after fighting for a while, the Night Demon's aura began to drop. It was only level 61 now, just entering the King level.

At other levels, the body also showed thin cracks without the replenishment of life energy.


The Mega Gyarados was grabbed by the tail and slammed on the ground. A shadow punch landed on the ground with a loud bang. The Mega Gyarados was teleported away again, and its attack failed again.

This made the Night Demon particularly angry. Many times it was almost solved, but it was almost transferred away. Its red eyes were staring at Lu Yuan, the source of power.

In anger, it seemed to have thought of a way to deal with this kind of move. A black shadow shot out from its eye socket and went straight to Lu Yuan.

It was a black gaze. The effect in the game was to stare at the opponent motionlessly with a black gaze that seemed to be seductive, so that it could not escape from the battle, but in reality, it was a powerful skill that restricted the enemy's movement, not being able to escape, and also restricted the enemy's teleportation and returning to the Poké Ball.

The duration of the skill depends on the strength of the caster and the strength of the caster.

And this move also has a tracking effect.

If hit, Lu Yuan's instant movement will be invalid, and his mobility will be weakened. It will take a while to get rid of this state, but in battle, every second is important.

However, Lu Yuan also has a way to deal with this move. When the move falls, he lets the strong chicken take over.

The role of the strong chicken is highlighted here. Let the strong chicken block in front and take on this black gaze to preserve Lu Yuan's combat power.

With the advanced strength of the strong chicken, to be honest, it can't participate. It's just right to use it here.

Even if the strong chicken loses its mobility, the impact is not great.

And when the Night Demon wants to use it on other elves, Lu Yuan does the same.

With his combat power that has reached the peak of the gym, he can just do this, interfere with the tracking of the move, and attach it to the strong chicken.

In this way, the elves were guaranteed to be safe to a certain extent, and they were not taken advantage of by the Night Sorcerer. With Mega Gyarados and King of Leaves to hold them back, Lu Yuan was in the middle to coordinate, and in an instant, the battle situation fell into a stalemate.

Because the attacks of Mega Gyarados and others could not cause much damage to the Night Sorcerer.

The power of the King-level existence is no longer comparable to that of the gym-level elves in terms of "quality" and "quantity".

Lu Yuan and his team were able to fight against a King-level elf, which was also due to luck, and also because Lu Yuan himself was a top gym fighter.

After a series of battles, Lu Yuan's superpowers were consumed very quickly, not only him, but also the elves, especially Gyarados and King of Leaves who were in the front.

But he could only grit his teeth and persist, and the effect of his usual training would also be revealed at this time.

He had also trained hard for a protracted battle, and it came in handy today.

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