The battle was over, and the battle was over.

I thought Shimada had some tricks up his sleeve, but that was it.

At this time, Gengar was being stopped by the Leave King, and Tyrannosaurus was being held down by Gyarados, unable to break free. It was only a matter of time before he lost. The Pterosaur in the sky also had the upper hand, and Tyrannosaurus and Tyrannosaurus also cleaned up the remaining Pokémon.

He felt a fatal sense of crisis about the sudden appearance of Lu Yuan, and his face showed the same horror as Long Cheng before.

Then his face turned fierce, and with a determined look, he threw a Poké Ball.

"Woo woo woo~"

A crying sound sounded, accompanied by the appearance of a dark figure, and an extremely powerful cold breath burst out. As soon as it appeared, it broke the power magnetic field of Lu Yuan, and a layer of ghost energy appeared in the entire venue.

A red light stared at Lu Yuan. At that moment, Lu Yuan felt a chill on his back and a sense of oppression.

King of Heaven!!

This elf that suddenly appeared was definitely a king of heaven!!

Only a king of heaven level would make him feel oppressed.

Lu Yuan also recognized this elf from the appearance. It was a ghost-type night demon spirit!!

Its whole body was basically black, with a ghost-like tail but no feet, a gray head, and a yellow disc-shaped antenna on the top of its head.

Its forehead had a yellow band, and below it was a staring eye with a yellow iris and a red pupil. The part connecting its head and torso had a structure similar to a collar, and there were six petal-like structures surrounding its head.

There are two sturdy arms, with two yellow bands on the black wrists, a black ring at the connection between the hands and wrists, and the palms are gray.

This time, it was Lu Yuan's turn to be shocked. How could Shimada have a king-level elf? When did he cultivate a king-level elf? ?

This is impossible. It is more difficult for a gym to break through the king than for an elite to break through the gym.

Could it be that I have made a mistake? Shimada is really hiding his talents? But if there is a king-level elf, why didn't he take action just now, and watch his elf being beaten by the two-headed Tyrannosaurus?

But the next moment, the Night Demon Spirit showed something strange. It seemed that its body was broken, cracks appeared one after another, and its life breath was also weak.

Its pupils became redder and more bloodthirsty, and its next behavior made Lu Yuan unable to understand.

The Night Demon Spirit raised one hand and grabbed Shimada beside him.

The essence of life was absorbed by the Night Demon Spirit.

"Hehe, you forced me to do this. Even if I die, I will take you with me!"

Shimada said resentfully, his eyes full of hatred, allowing the Night Demon to absorb his life force.

Even if he didn't use this trick, he would die, and then we'd all be done for!


Geng Gui also got rid of the entanglement of the King of Leave and came to Shimada. Seeing it like this, Geng Gui showed a sad look on his face, and then he bloomed his life force and let the Night Demon absorb it.

When in Manjin City, Shimada told it that when he was absorbed by the Night Demon, it was the most dangerous time. At that time, it would follow and contribute its own life energy, allowing the Night Demon to exert the power of the king and send the opponent away together.

This Night Demon was a failure, and it was at the end of its life, but it was also a powerful means. It was a king-level combat force that he had spent a lot of money to get. He had thought that he could subdue it and then provide it with life energy to make it heal. In this way, he could get a king-level elf.

After many attempts, he found that it was not possible. This Night Demon only had the instinct of bloodthirsty and absorbing life energy, and did not have the intelligence of ordinary elves. He had no way to change it.

Shimada's face became more and more old. He took out something that looked like a remote control and shouted at it.

"Kill this man, you must kill this man, haha."


An arc appeared on the head of the Night Demon, and the red color of the pupil flashed, as if it had a reaction, and absorbed faster.

Absorbing the life energy of a man and an elf, the cracks on the body of the Night Demon were repaired.

Raising his hand, he bounced Lu Yuan's power away and hit back. Lu Yuan had to avoid it and teleported away.

"Haha, let's die together!! Haha."

Shimada's old face was full of madness, and then he looked at Gengar beside him and eased a little.

"I'm sorry, old friend."


Genggui shook his head.

It didn't regret it.

No matter how bad Shimada was, he was still its trainer and had raised it from childhood. For Gengar, Shimada was its world.

In contrast, Gengar didn't regret it and took the initiative to release his life essence, allowing the energy to be absorbed by the Darkling.

"What a lunatic."

Lu Yuan cursed, and Gyarados and the others swarmed up.

The Crow Head in the sky had been defeated by the Fossil Pterosaur and the Two-Headed Tyrannosaurus, and the Tyrannosaurus couldn't stand the stranglehold of Gyarados.

The opponents had been cleared, leaving only Gengar and the Darkling.


The terrifying aura stood there, giving people a great sense of compulsion. It was the pressure of the King-level Pokémon.

Under this pressure, ordinary Pokémon of low level, let alone counterattack, were directly scared to lose their combat effectiveness under this oppression.

"Let's go."

Lu Yuan quickly took out the Poké Ball, took back Gyarados and the others, and wanted to leave the place.

The figure flashed, and used the maximum power of instant movement, trying to leave here.


A huge dark demon shadow appeared, grabbed fiercely, and the space was unstable, and Lu Yuan was forced out.

Disturbed by the stronger force, Lu Yuan's instant movement failed and was forced out.

It was already night, and the surroundings were dim, with many ghosts, and the hazy moonlight was also isolated. This area was full of ghost power.

The red pupil was staring at Lu Yuan. In the mind of the Night Demon, there was a voice shouting to kill him.

Instinctively, it was also attracted by the strong life energy on Lu Yuan's body. The pure power was definitely an excellent resource. If it absorbed it, it could get a lot of benefits, and its body would not be hurt.

"Still can't escape."

Lu Yuan said lightly, and then his eyes were fierce. If so, if you want to fight, then fight!

At the moment of life and death, only by going all out can there be a glimmer of hope.


Gyarados, King of Leave and the others all came out of the Poké Ball and stood in front of Lu Yuan. There was no fear on their faces. Instead, Gyarados and King of Leave looked ready to fight.

"Guys, we are in the most dangerous situation! Next, we will fight together."

Lu Yuan stood in front without fear. The power of the high-level psychic in his body bloomed, green light emerged, and the power of Changpan was also activated. He held the key stone in his hand.

At this moment, he did not hold back.

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