"Is this a fight?" Lu Yuan walked out of the training room and onto the street, looking at the horizon in the distance. Even at a distance, he could still hear the movement. There were quite a few people involved in the fight, and the movement could not be concealed. The pedestrians on the street were in a hurry, and there were teams of police officers patrolling. "It seems that the alliance has counterattacked, and I don't know what will happen this time." Lu Yuan thought, and came to the store, and found that Sakaiji and Zongwen were in the office. Sakaiji held his mobile phone, not knowing what he was looking at, while Zongwen sat in front of the computer, tapping the keyboard with both hands. "Boss, you are here, do we need to go to support?" Seeing Lu Yuan coming, Sakaiji put down his mobile phone and asked. "No news yet, I don't know for the time being, and I can't contact the captain and the others."

Lu Yuan replied, sitting in the boss chair.

"I hope it's not necessary. We can hear the noise here, and I don't know how many people will die this time. The alliance is serious this time."

Fear flashed across Sakaiji's face. In a battle of this scale, if you are unlucky enough to encounter elite-level or gym-level ones, you will be killed directly without even the power to fight back.

Although there are masters on our side, they will also intercept when the opponent's masters attack, but this is a margin of error.

The margin of error is that the opponent's masters appear on the scene, near you, and kill you in seconds. This convenient time is the margin of error, and many unlucky people fall at this step.

When he ambushed the alliance transport members last time, Sakaiji saw several unlucky people die in front of him like this.

"Well, it's a real fight. I hope fewer people die, otherwise the post-war work will be more for us."

Lu Yuan also hoped so.

He didn't know whether the facts would develop as he thought.

The commotion outside Yuhong City lasted for a long time before it slowly subsided.

Lu Yuan didn't know who won and who lost in this battle, and what the specific situation was.

The contact with the branch was also temporarily interrupted. Maybe they also went to participate in the battle.

"Today, under the leadership of Chief Mizuno, our city swept the Rocket Team base in Yuhong City and achieved complete success. We have cleared multiple bases and dealt a strong blow to the dark forces. In this operation..........................."

In the evening, the TV was broadcasting this news. In the picture, Mizuno was injured and spoke generously to the camera, announcing the victory of the battle. From this moment on, the alert status of Yuhong City was lifted, and trainers and residents could move freely.

The screen also showed more than a dozen people tied up, who were the captured members of Team Rocket.

"Is it true? Lost? Is this old guy so fierce?"

After watching the news, Ji Sakai was a little unconvinced.

"It should be lost, but the degree of defeat is hard to say. Look, they arrested people."

Lu Yuan pointed at the people on TV and said.

Ji Sakai and the other two looked at it and said they didn't know them.

"These two are team leaders. I don't know the others either. Not knowing them also means that the important people above us have not been arrested." Lu Yuan pointed at two of them and explained for them.

"Oh, I see. In that case, the old guy's words are a bit boastful."

"That's right. Many people like to exaggerate their merits."

There was no movement in the game city, so it was probably fine. Among the people arrested, there were no important people. Lu Yuan judged that the Yuhong City branch would be affected, but not severely damaged.

Late that night, Lu Yuan contacted his superior Qing Yan, who confirmed his guess.

In the following days, good news came from other cities, such as how many bases of the Rocket Team were successfully eliminated, how many people were arrested, how many people were killed, etc.

The situation was thriving, and many good news also saved a lot of face for the Alliance, increased its credibility, and demonstrated the strength of the Alliance.

In the past few days, Lu Yuan and his three companions continued their task of collecting intelligence as usual.

Lu Yuan occasionally sat in the store, but most of the time he stayed in the training room, accompanying the elves in training.

One day, a police car stopped outside the store, and Uchiyama Hide and others got out of the car and walked into the store.

In the house, only Sakai Ji was left. Seeing a few people coming, Sakai Ji stepped forward to greet them with a smile.

"Is the boss not here?"

"No, do the officers have any instructions?"

Sakai Ji replied respectfully.


It's like this. Tomorrow afternoon, we have a safety event that needs your participation. During the event, there are some things to announce to you. The event is quite important, so remember to attend. "

The secretary-like person came out to speak.

"Okay, okay."

"If the boss doesn't come, you have to find someone who can represent your company, but it's better to come. This matter is still very important to you. It may be your chance."

Sakai Ji smiled at the side.

After speaking, the few people did not stay and got in the car and left, perhaps to inform other companies.

After the few people left, Sakai Ji informed Lu Yuan and the others and told them about their visit.

"Tomorrow afternoon? Fatty, have you heard any news?"

In the store, Lu Yuan and the other two sat in the office and discussed.

"It should be about the counterattack this time. There is nothing else besides this." Sakai Ji touched his chin, thought for a while, and said.

"I'll go ask." "

Ji Sakai continued, picking up his phone and gesturing.


Lu Yuan nodded. Ji Sakai's fighting ability was not good, but his communication skills were good. He was also in charge of many businesses and was more informed.

In the evening, when the three of them were having dinner, Ji Sakai found out.

"This event was hosted by this team leader Uchiyama Hide. The purpose was to raise compensation funds for the aftermath of this battle and for the sacrificed people."

During the meal, Ji Sakai told his discovery.

"If he hosted it, it seems that there will be bleeding again."

When Lu Yuan heard it, he also knew what was going on. This gentleman really knows how to make trouble. He made a wave before the battle and came again after the battle.

"Damn, he came again. No one will deal with this kind of people?"

Zong Wen cursed beside him, still brooding over the fact that he was extorted 500,000 by Uchiyama Hide and his group last time.

"Then tomorrow, I'll go and see what's so important about this so-called safety event."

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